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Getting Started

raksoras edited this page May 13, 2015 · 12 revisions
  1. Get necessary build tools. libuv, one of the Luaw dependencies uses autotools, autoconf and libtoolize in its build system. If your machine is not already setup with these, you can use following steps to get these tools.

     sudo apt-get install make
     sudo apt-get install autotools-dev
     sudo apt-get install autoconf
     sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool
  2. Clone Luaw repository

     git clone --recursive
  3. Build Luaw to use standard PUC-Rio Lua VM

     cd luaw
     make linux

    or, build Luaw to use LuaJit VM

     cd luaw
     make LUAVM=luajit linux

    While building on mac OS use target "macosx". For example

     cd luaw
     make LUAVM=luajit macosx
  4. Install Luaw binary - luaw_server - in directory of your choice. We will use ~/luawsample in all our examples going forward as a directory of choice for Luaw installation

     make INSTALL_ROOT=~/luawsample install

    To install binaries along with the sample app provided

     make INSTALL_ROOT=~/luawsample install-sample

##Luaw directory structure

In the tree diagram below ~/luawsample is a directory that you chose in the make intsall step above. It will act as a root for Luaw server's directory structure. The make install step will create following directory structure under ~/luawsample

 +--- bin              Directory that holds Luaw server binary we built
 |                     along with all necessary Lua libraries
 +--- conf             Directory for server configuration
 |   |
 │   +--- server.cfg   Sample server configuration file, to be used as a starting point
 +--- lib              Directory to install any third party or user supplied Lua
 |                     libraries that application may depend on.
 +--- logs             Directory for server logs
 +--- webapps          Directory to install Luaw webapps


Luaw uses MIT license for all parts of Luaw that are not externally maintained libraries like libuv.

Getting in touch

Please post your questions/comments on Google Group Luaw and follow @raksoras on Twitter