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A simple image service using Node.js, Express, GraphicsMagick, and OpenCV.

What's it do?

  • (Re)sizing, cropping
  • Image formatting (JPG, PNG, ...)
  • Reduce quality (for fast downloads)
  • Filters (brightness, hue, contrast, blur, ...)


  1. Install Node.js
  2. Install GraphicsMagick
  3. Install OpenCV
  4. npm install
  5. Create a config YAML file based on the config.example.yml


bin/pointr production_config.yml


Pointr uses a config file to control all options. See config.example.yml as an example and for more details.

Config Option
port Optional. Defaults to 3000. The port to run the service on.
log.json Optional. Defaults to true. Whether to use JSON for output logging.
log.colorize Optional. Defaults to false. Whether to color the log.
log.level Optional. Defaults to debug. The logging level.
log.disableAccessLogging Optional. Defaults to false. Whether to disable access logging.
tempDir Optional. Defaults to system temp dir. Where to put temporary images being processed.
validHostnames Optional. A list of valid host names the service will respond to.
instances.min Optional. Defaults to 2. The minimum number of instances to start.
instances.max Optional. Defaults to 128. The maximum number of instances to start.
requestTimeout Optional. Defaults to 5. Timeout (in seconds) when requesting images.
downloader.userAgent Optional. Defaults to pointr. A user agent header string to use when downloading images.
cache.ttlDefault Recommended. Defaults to 2592000 (30 days). Cache time if cache control is not present in image response.
cache.ttlMin Recommended. Defaults to 3600 (one hour). Minimum cache time for the Cache-Control header.
cache.ttlMax Recommended. Defaults to 2592000 (30 days). Maximum cache time for the Cache-Control header.
trustProxy Optional. The trust proxy setting fot the express server.
errors.blankImages.enabled Optional. Defaults to false. Whether to return blank images in error cases.
errors.blankImages.ttl Optional. Defaults to 30 seconds. The blank image TTL in seconds.
errors.blankImages.statusCode Optional. Defaults to 204. The status code for blank images.
ipHeader Recommended. The header to use for the end-client (browser) IP address.
rateLimiter Recommended. A rate limiter to use. See config.example.yml for an example.
clients Required. The set of clients that will be using the service. See config.example.yml for an example.

The cache configuration above can also be set per client. See the example configuration below.

Example Configuration

# Optional. Defaults to 3000. The port for the service to run on.
port: 3000

# Optional. Logging configuration
  json: true                  # Use JSON logging
  colorize: false             # Do not color the logs
  level: debug                # Log level
  disableAccessLogging: false # Whether to disable access logging

# Optional. Defaults to the system temp directory.
tempDir: /tmp

# Optional. A list of valid hostnames for the service.
# This is useful if you want to hide the origin hostname (e.g.
  - localhost

# Optional. The number of pointr instances to run.
# This will default to the number of CPUs on the system bounded by the min and max.
  min: 2
  max: 64

# Optional. Timeout (in seconds) when requesting images.
requestTimeout: 5

# Recommended. The header to use for the end-client (browser) IP address.
# This is necessary if this service is an origin,
# fronted by a CDN that provides its own header for the client IP address.
# For example, Akamai provides a "True-Client-IP" header.
ipHeader: True-Client-IP

# How long to cache images. This will set the cache control header for the CDN.
  ttlDefault: 2592000   # Default to 30 days (2592000 seconds).
  ttlMin: 3600          # Minimum 1 hour (3600 seconds).
  ttlMax: 2592000       # Maximum 30 days (2592000 seconds).

# Recommended. The rate limiter to use.
# The rate limiter should have a type (key) to a set of options.

  # Use a redis rate limiter.
    # Required. The host where the redis instance lives.
    host: localhost
    # Required. The port the redis instance is running on.
    port: 6379
    # Optional. The redis password.
    # pass: 3x@mp13

# The set of clients that will be using the service.
# Each client is a key to a set of options for that client.

  # A demo client. A unsafe, rate limited client for demo purposes.
    # Client-specific cache time settings.
      ttlDefault: 3600
      ttlMin: 3600
      ttlMax: 3600
    # Allow requests without a signature.
    unsafe: true
    # Rate limit by end-client (browser) IP; allow 10 reqs per hour.
    rateLimit: { by: ip, max: 10, perHours: 1 }

  # An example of an internal tool that has no rate limit
  # because the secret key is not exposed.
    # Use this secret key for generating signatures.
    secret: "1nt3rn@lT00l"
    # No rate limit.
    rateLimit: none

  # An example of a client that has a secret in addition to a
  # rate limit.
    # Use this secret key for generating signatures.
    secret: "M0b1l3*1m@g3*R351z1ng!"
    # Rate limit by end-client (browser) IP; allow 1000 reqs per hour.
    rateLimit: { by: ip, max: 1000, perHours: 1 }


The Pointr API takes a client key, followed by an optional security signature (depending on whether a secret was configured for the application, see the configuration example), followed by a sequence of operations, followed by the image URL to manipulate.

The format looks like the following:



To access the API through an safe client (one that uses a secret, see config above), you must generate a signature.

To generate a security signature, you generate a SHA-1 HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code) of the portion of the URL that comes after the client and signature.

Format: <operation1>/<operation2>/.../?url<url_encoded_image_url> Example: thumb:300,300/flip:h/?

If the above string of operations and image URL is message, The algorithm looks like the following:



signature = sha1_hmac_hex(clientSecret, message)
var crypto = require('crypto');
var signature = crypto.createHmac('sha1', clientSecret).update(message).digest('hex');`
$signature = hash_hmac('sha1', $message, $clientSecret);

Making Requests

Once the signature is computed, you can make requests using the client ID and signature in the URL:



Operations contain a name, followed by a colon :, followed by a comma-delimited list of parameters.

The format looks like the following:


resize, r

Resize the image to the given size.


width The width.
height The height.
options Comma-delimited options for the resize (see below).
Resize Options
force Force the resize to the width and height specified.
shrink Only resize the image if it will shrink.
grow Only resize the image if it will grow.
min Treat the width/height as minimum values instead of maximum values.
percent Treat the width/height as percentages.

thumb, t

Create a thumbnail for the given size (takes the focal point into consideration).

Thumbnails will automatically crop the image, trying to get as much in the frame as possible.
If not all of the image can fit, the focal point will be used as the center point for the crop while keeping the image within the bounds.


width The width for the thumbnail (in pixels).
height The height for the thumbnail (in pixels).

crop, c

Crop the image to the given size and offset.

The width, height, and x and y offsets are absolute pixel values based on the original image.


width The width for the crop (in pixels).
height The height for the crop (in pixels).
x The horizontal offset for the crop from the left of the image (in pixels).
y The vertical offset for the crop from the top of the image (in pixels).

flip, p

Flip the image along the given direction (h for horizontal or v for vertical).


direction The direction to perform the flip (h for horizontal or v for vertical).

focal, foc

Set the focal point for the image based on detection algorithms.

Specifying auto will use a predefined detection list. The first detection to match will be used as the focal point.
The list can contain face, eye, eyeglasses, etc. See below for the full list

If the detection returns more than one match, the center of mass of all matches will be calculated and used as the center point.


detection_list A comma-delimited list of detection algorithms to check. Uses the first one that matches.

face, eye, eyeglasses, full_body, car_side, interesting_points.

Supported Detection Algorithms
face Looks for frontal facial match(es).
eye Looks for eye match(es).
eyeglasses Looks for eyeglass match(es).
full_body Looks for full body match(es).
car_side Looks for car (automobile) side match(es).
interesting_points Looks for interesting points with good contrast.

rotate, o

Rotate the image to the given angle.


degrees The angle to use for the image rotation in degrees (0 to 360).
background The background color to use for empty space (if any). This should be a hex color, such as f00 (red) or 00ff00 (green).

format, f

Set the output format for the image.


image_format The format for the image image (see below for all supported formats).
Supported Image Formats
jpg Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format (JPEG)
png Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
gif CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)
bmp Microsoft Windows Bitmap
tiff Tagged Image File Format

quality, q

Set the quality for the image being output. Lower quality images reduce download size.

Quality can only be set if the image format is one of jpg, png, or tiff.


percent The quality percent (0 to 100).


Node + Express + GraphicsMagick + OpenCV







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