- please use this development environment to play & develop with jumpscale 9
- it uses docker and the goal is to get it to work on ubuntu, windows & osx
to see an install screencast
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jumpscale/developer/master/jsinit.sh?$RANDOM > $TMPDIR/jsinstall.sh; sh $TMPDIR/jsinstall.sh
curl -L https://tinyurl.com/js82installer | bash -s <Your zerotier network id>
to see interactive output do the following in separate console
tail -f /tmp/lastcommandoutput.txt
open a new console, this should make sure the env variables are set
this will configure docker & install jumpscale9
to see interactive output do the following in separate console
tail -f /tmp/lastcommandoutput.txt
ssh root@localhost -p 2222
ssh root@zerotierNetworkId
- this will change, is just to get started
- all jumpscale code is checked out under /opt/code in development env or in ~/code/...
- use a ide like atom for development on this code, sourcetree is a good tool for git manipulation
- over ssh you can play with the code in the docker
- to push changes to a remote host (remote development) use j.tools.develop...
- prepare.sh : execute this to make sure that your local environment is up to date
- js_builder.sh : build jumpscale 8 on branch 8.2.0 inside the docker with name js
#remove all old dockers
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
#sets the initial config
python3 -c "from JumpScale import j;j.do.initEnv()"
#generates the init list
python3 -c "from JumpScale import j;j.tools.jsloader.generate()"
#get a shell now with autogenerated init
python3 -c "from JumpScale.init import j;from IPython import embed;embed()"
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jumpscale/developer/master/scripts/osx_reset_all.sh?$RANDOM > $TMPDIR/resetall.sh;bash $TMPDIR/resetall.sh