A userscript or two.
Removes First Reads giveaway offerings with a low number of books. The higher the count, the not-as-bad chances of winning a review copy.
Navigate the giveaway pages with left and right arrow keys instead of having to click the pagination links.
Hide fields from Bulk Edit screen that are not usually bulk edited (including a whole bunch of custom fields). Also pre-selects the "Edit Issues" option on the Step 2 of 4 page before Operation Details.
Uncheck the "Send mail for this update" on the Jira Bulk Edit screen.
Workflow transitioner shortcuts
Add shortcut keys of
to trigger first two options in workflow transition.
Reset fields more typical of plain month-long fixed-priced items.
Lock out options not necessarily used like Subtitle, Gallery
Projector Redirect back into timesheet
Redirect to timesheet page after being logged out or on the dashboard. That pesky screen about not being authorised is a nuisance asking to be bounced away from.