Identification of the Glottal Closure and Opening Instants is done from speech signals.
This was a project done from Jan-May 2021 as a mini project in the course 'Speech and Audio Processing'.
Glottal Closure Instants (GCIs) and Glottal Opening Instants (GOIs) represent the instants in time when the vocal folds close and open respectively while producing voiced signals. The Electroglottographic like (EGG-like) signal is synthesized from speech signal using Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). To identify the Glottal Closure and Opening Instants, we first compute the derivative of the EGG-like signal, which is essentially a difference EGG-like signal. The database (CMU Arctic) consists of simultaneous recordings of speech and EGG signal, respectively. To evaluate the results, the locations obtained from synthesized EGG-like signal are compared with the reference difference EGG signal.
Project Members:
Roshan Rangarajan
Rohan Jijju
Harish Bachu
Bhairavi Giridharan