- An experiment with 25 participants, using an Empatica E4 wristband to record their physiological signals and determine their cognitive stress levels.
- The experimental design can be found on GitHub
- e4_raw_data\preprocessing_e4.ipynb
- preprocessing raw E4 data
- pre-processed and segmented using a sliding window of the length of 30 seconds without overlap
- EDA, BVP, TEMP, HR and 3-axis ACC data from Empatica E4 is used for analysis
- Kfold (classifiers\kfold)
- Leave-One-Subject-Out (LOSO) (classifiers\loso)
- fine-tuning on LOSO (classifiers\loso)
- ResNet
- Transformers
- displays dynamic stress fluctuations by utilizing the insights gained from prediction outcomes upon user-specific data
- The application includes a stress meter, which enables users to visually understand their stress levels
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