An automated package builder for lazy maintainers.
Nest build requires python3.6+. To install its dependencies, run
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Nest build uses a python file (called a build manifest) to describe how the compilation should be performed. The build manifest downloads the source code of a software, compiles it and splits it into multiple packages. All of this is done thanks to a powerful library included in nest build: the standard compilation library. This library automates all the hard tasks while still providing a great granularity of modifications regarding those automated tasks.
Examples of build manifests can be found in the nbuild-manifests repository.
The documentation of the standard compilation library is hosted here, but it can also be locally generated with the following commands:
$ pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
$ sphinx-apidoc -f --separate -o docs/source/ .
$ make -C docs html
The main page can be accessed at docs/build/html/index.html