This repository contains multiple Telegram bots:
- EchoBot - A simple bot that echoes back any message you send to it.
- NameBot - A bot that provides information about a given name, including its likely gender, average age, and nationality.
- WatermarkBot - A Telegram bot designed to add watermarks to images. Users can specify the text and choose from a selection of colors.
- Java JDK (preferably JDK 8 or above)
- Maven or Gradle for dependency management
- Set up your
as environment variables or replace them in the code directly.
To run any of the bots, navigate to their respective main functions and execute the application.
- Echoes back any message sent to it.
- Responds with gender, average age, and most probable nationality for a provided name.
- Uses external APIs like
for fetching name data.
- User Interaction: The bot interacts with the user through a series of prompts.
- Custom Watermark: Users can specify their own text for the watermark.
- Color Selection: Users can choose from a predefined set of colors for the watermark text.
- Image Processing: The bot processes the image and sends back the watermarked image.
- TelegramBots - Java library to create bots using the Telegram Bots API.
- Ktor - Kotlin asynchronous framework for creating microservices, web applications, and more.
- Kotlinx Serialization - Kotlin library for JSON serialization.
- Java's AWT and ImageIO: Used for image processing in the WatermarkBot.
A special shoutout and thanks to the TelegramBots library by rubenlagus. This project wouldn't have been possible without it!
If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome.
This project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the license provided.
Remember, always keep your tokens and sensitive information secret. Never expose them in your code or version control.