An info dashboard Flutter app, meant to be run on a display tied to a Raspberry (Zero 2W). It displays the Dutch Rainfall radar from Buienradar and real time train schedule from the Nationale Spoorwegen for a specific station of your choosing.
I.e. the dashboard tells you when to leave for the train and whether to bring a raincoat or not. It does this while being color tuned to your own living room, with over 20 color modes.
- Flutter
- Flutter-pi
- A Display - I use a basic HDMI model, but should work with any other no problem.
- A Raspberry in kiosk mode with the Lite OS. I use the Zero 2w myself.
- r_dash displays in portrait mode.
- r_dash works native only. Flutter web is unable to work due to CORS errors for the HTTP requests we do.