Scrapes categories/genres/user tags from the Steam shop API/store pages and adds them as categories in the Steam client.
Please exit steam before running.
usage: steam-scraper
-c don't add categories
-f <file> absolute path to sharedconfig.vdf to use
-g don't add genres
-h,--help show this help and print paths
-i <file> whitelist for tags to include (one tag per line)
-I remove all existing tags not in specified
-p print all available tags (respects -c, -g and
-r,--remove <category> remove categories
-R <file> file containing replacements (one replacement
per line, in the format original=replacement)
-t <arg> number of threads
-u add user tags
-v verbose output
-w directly overwrite sharedconfig.vdf (quit steam
before running!
Remove silly tags and overwrite sharedconfig.vdf directly (might want to quit steam first)
steam-scraper --remove "Steam Achievements" "Steam Trading Cards" "Steam Cloud" "Steam Leaderboards" "Valve Anti-Cheat enabled" "Steam Workshop" "Includes Source SDK" "Commentary available" "Captions available" "Stats" -w
Build whitelist:
steam-scraper -u -p > whitelist.txt
Will write a file which contains all available tags. Now edit the whitelist.txt with your sacred editor of choice, remove the tags you do not want and run:
steam-scraper -u -i whitelist.txt -w
Or, if you want to also get rid of existing categories in your sharedconfig which are not in the whitelist:
steam-scraper -u -i whitelist.txt -I -w
Replacement file example:
1990's = 1990s
Rogue-lite = Rogue-like
Single-player = Singleplayer
A configuration based on the CLI parameters will be created if none exists yet. The configuration file is located in ~/.config/steam-scraper/steam-scraper.conf
# paths to sharedconfig.vdf files, seperated by ':'
# tag types to scrape
# whitelist file path
# replacements file
# whether to remove all tags, including existing, which are not in whitelist. WARNING: will also remove favorite tags if not in whitelist!
# number of threads to use for downloading/parsing, defaults to #CPUs+1
# number of days before cached store pages expire, defaults to 7
- sh
- maven 3
- openjdk 8
Binary called steam-scraper
will be in the project directory.
BTC address: 172B8DJvbEJito89MjRQA7vwGhfqgm6Q6s