An implementation in Unity of:
A simple model of ocean waves. Alain Fournier and William T. Reeves. 1986.
In Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques (SIGGRAPH '86), David C. Evans and Russell J. Athay (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 75-84.
- Complete Section 3 "Basic Model".
- Add changes in Section 4 "Special Effects".
- Particle system for foam and spray.
- Procedural texturing for surface foam.
- Investigate terrain modelling:
- Unity's "Terrain Tools" preview
- Digital Terrain and Elevation Data usage (DTED)
- Procedural skybox and atmospheric effects
- Surface and terrain lighting, e.g. caustics.
- Camera boat/surfer with parametric surface collision.
- In Package Manager turn on - Advanced -> Show preview packages
- Install via Package Manager - "Terrain Tools" (preview 2.0.2+)
- Import from Asset Store - "Terrain Tools Sample Asset Pack"
- Import from Asset Store - "Yughues Free Nature Materials"
- Jasper Flick's Catlike Coding Unity C# scripts
Terrain tips & tricks | Unity 2019 - Tutorial