npm i uldb
Make a file data.json somewhere and fill {} in it (Preformatted text):
- this librarary is too much lite
- hence I had not used any checks or validation to make my code slow
- All inputs are done in string format only
- after creating a data.json file write {} inside it so that from begining only a json object will be there
- find() is used to get all the data
- get() is used to get data of required key
- set() is used to insert/update key data but it will not return output
- setMany() is used to insert/update object data but it will not return output
- setGet() much similar to set() but it will return output
- setGetAll() similar to setGet() but it will return all data of object
- unset() is used to delete key from data
- unsetGetAll() much similar to setGetAll inspite it is used to delete key from data
- No reason to unsetGet() because if key from data is deleted then no reason to see it.
const uldb = require('uldb')('./data.json');
uldb.set('name', 'roshan', () => console.log('no output')); // did not give output
uldb.setMany({ gender: 'male', country: 'INDIA' }, () =>
console.log('no output')
); // did not give output
uldb.setGet('gender', 'male', data => console.log(data)); //'male'
uldb.setGetAll('age', 23, data => console.log(data)); //{name:'roshan',gender:'male',age:23}
uldb.find(data => console.log(data)); //{name:'roshan',gender:'male',age:23}
uldb.unset('name', () => console.log('no output')); // did not give output
uldb.unsetGetAll('name', data => console.log(data));