Apple Stuff
Scripts I use on my Mac to do stuff.
It's usually crap but if it works, it works :-)
This is the stuff that's in this repo.
- music/ - Small script to resize images.
- music/ - Small script to renumber the tracks on multi-CD albums.
- network/ - Small script to restart the wireless network.
The idea is that you can throw an album image at this and it will rescale it down to 1000x1000, 600x600 and 500x500 as appropriate. I found that some music players don't like large images so rather than mess around constantly scaling some images but not others I had a script do it for me.
My network music player / twonky don't handle multi-CD albums well, they'll play CD 1 track 1 then CD 2 track 1, CD 1 track 2, CD 2 track 2 and so on, this isn't good. This script renumbers the tracks so they're fully sequential which keeps the storage / player much happier.
Legacy script from the BT "Smart" Hub. When the hub restarts it overrides the IPv6 DNS servers supplied by the PiHole with it's own. It's quite frustrating. This is just a very simple command line way to jiggle the wireless adapter until I can see the correct DNS entry. (I should probably put that check in the script but as I don't need it right now it can wait.)