I first started coding PHP in 1997 (which is approximately 100 years ago in internet years 😜) and I never looked back. Up until about 2015, I mostly worked on WordPress sites for various organizations around the globe. Since then I have mostly been building SaaS webapps using various technologies and frameworks such as Vue.js, Ruby on Rails, Python Flask, Node.js and PHP.
- 🔭 Most recently I have been working on highly available SaaS webapps with Relevize
- 🌱 I have been learning: Python, Flask, Authentication with Auth0, Sqlalchemy, Playwright (for E2E testing), Storybook (a frontend workshop for building UI components and pages in isolation), and Vuetify
- 💬 Ask me about high-volume SaaS applications
- 📫 How to reach me: rodney@rodneyblevins.dev
- 🔗 My resume can be downloaded here.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am married to a Dutch lady and we lived in Europe for 16 years. I've lived in 5 different countries and I've visited more than 14 countries spread across 5 different continents. We have two beautiful daughters.
- 🌐 Check out more about me including some of my work on my personal portfolio site: rodneyblevins.dev
NOTE: Most of my recent development work has been in private repositories 🔒, reflecting a focus on proprietary projects and collaborations that are not publicly visible. While my public activity might seem limited, I'm deeply engaged in software development, working extensively on high-impact projects. For inquiries about my experience or to discuss potential collaborations, please feel free to reach out.