This is just a simple Python Script to Push my Wodify results to a Google Spreadsheet Using Twitter.
This script was born from the fact that both me and my wife do Crossfit and we register our Wod results on the App Wodify and although we can export the results, I'm a sucker for automation.
The app allows integration with Twitter so the only thing I needed was to scrape my account or the wife's and search for the hastag #wodify. From there on it was just a case of parsing the tweet and running this on a crontab.
The script runs every night at 1am on a crontab and checks the last day's tweets, if found it will parse the tweet and insert the results in a Google Spreadsheet.
Clone this repo into a folder in your server and install the required python modules.
This is the list of Python Modules you are going to need to install:
- datetime
- tweepy
- re
- pandas
- gspread
- argparse
There's a requirements.txt file with the modules you need. Just run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
After you have these modules installed we are going to need to get both Twitter and Google Spreadsheets Credentials.
Since I'm using the module Tweepy and I've used a Digital Ocean tutorial, I'm just gonna leave the link here:
When you have the details from Twitter, just add them to the script.
We are also going to need to authenticate against Google API for the spreadsheet:
Note: On the step of creating the Spreadsheet in the gdrive, don't forget to take note of the name, you are going to need it on the next steps, also create a sheet with your First name on your Twitter name. (e.g: Joao)
After you get the .json file, just add it to the folder where you have the script or somewhere else and update the path to it.
e.g: authfile = ('/PATH TO AUTH FILE/gdrive.json')
There are some params in the script that need to be updated, besides the Twitter and the Gspread credentials, you are going to need to change:
#authfile for google drive
authfile = ('/opt/wodify/gdrive.json')
#twitter accounts to check for #wodify
listofaccounts = ["account1", "account2"]
##spreadsheet where the data will be pushed
spreadsheet = "Wodify - Crossfit"
You can run it manually or in a crontab.
[20:01:13] $ ./
Tweet: (datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 23, 7, 15, 21), u'Joao Rechena', u'#wodify Back squat: 3 x 4 @ 60 kg | Comment: 3x6 @ 55')
Columns: ['2018/04/23', u'Back squat', u' 3 x 4 ', u' 60 kg ', u' 3x6 @ 55']
Tweet: (datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 23, 20, 0, 20), u'Joao Rechena', u'#wodify Metcon: 3:55 | Comment: Kb 12 kg')
Columns: ['2018/04/23', u'Metcon', u'3:55', None, u' Kb 12 kg']
Tweet: (datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 23, 20, 0, 20), u'Joao Rechena', u'#wodify Back squat: 3 x 4 @ 37.5 kg | Comment: 3x6@35kg')
Columns: ['2018/04/23', u'Back squat', u' 3 x 4 ', u' 37.5 kg ', u' 3x6@35kg']
If all went good you should now have a spreadsheet called "Wodify - Crossfit" with a sheet named Joao and with the following entries:
['2018/04/23', u'Back squat', u' 3 x 4 ', u' 60 kg ', u' 3x6 @ 55']
['2018/04/23', u'Metcon', u'3:55', None, u' Kb 12 kg']
['2018/04/23', u'Back squat', u' 3 x 4 ', u' 37.5 kg ', u' 3x6@35kg']
How does it look on Google Spreadsheets?
If you run the script without any options it will just use the default settings you've defined, but if you want a little more control you can run -h or --help to get the options:
[10:19:44] $ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-s SPREADSHEET] [-w WORKSHEET] [-d [DAYS]] [--dryrun]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Pass the spreadsheet as a option (If the spreadsheet
has spaces in the name pass it with "" (e.g.: "this is
a test")
Pass the sheet as a option. (If the spreadsheet has
spaces in the name pass it with "" (e.g.: "this is a
-d [DAYS], --days [DAYS]
In case we want to search back more than 1 day. If you
use 0 as an argument it will search tweets for the
current date (default is 1 day)
--dryrun Run in DryRun Mode - Do not update spreadsheets
--version show program's version number and exit
e.g.: The following command will check for tweets on the current day and inject them into a Worksheet named "Joao3".
10:21:10] $ ./ -d 0 -w Joao3
[INFO] No worksheet with named Joao3 exists. Creating...
Tweet: (datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 26, 6, 30, 27), u'Joao Rechena', u'#wodify Metcon: 14:00 | Comment: Last round only 150 skips')
Columns: ['2018/04/26', u'Metcon', u'14:00', None, u' Last round only 150 skips']
Tweet: (datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 26, 6, 30, 27), u'Joao Rechena', u'#wodify Pull up practice: 3 x 8 | Comment: 5kip/8pull ups green band')
Columns: ['2018/04/26', u'Pull up practice', u' 3 x 8', None, u' 5kip/8pull ups green band']
Tweet: (datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 26, 6, 30, 26), u'Joao Rechena', u'#wodify Snatch grip deadlift: 4 x 4 @ 50 kg')
Columns: ['2018/04/26', u'Snatch grip deadlift', u' 4 x 4 ', u' 50 kg', None]
If you want to run this on a crontab style just add something like:
0 1 * * * /opt/wodify/
This will run every day at 1am and get the tweets from the previous day.
By default the scrip is setup to get the tweets from the previous day so you should run the crontab after midnight. If you want to run on the day you need to pass the option -d or --day and the number 0
0 1 * * * /opt/wodify/ -d 0
Like mentioned in the Run Manually section you can pass multiple options when running the script. See them on the Run Manually section.
- Add a conf file for the authentication
- Tidy Up...
- etc...
- Currently the date that gets inserted into the Google Spreadsheet is the date from the tweet which is not ideal so if you delay registering the wod results or the tweet only gets sent next day, kinda messes up the date of the wod :(. Not sure what to do here...