Red5 Pro is a real-time video streaming server plaform known for its low-latency streaming capabilities, making it ideal for interactive applications like online gaming, streaming events and video conferencing etc.
This a reusable Terraform installer module for Red5 Pro that provisions infrastucture over Google Cloud(Gcloud).
- single - Single instance with installed and configured Red5 Pro server
- cluster - Stream Manager cluster (MySQL DB + Stream Manager instance + Autoscaling Node group with Origin, Edge, Transcoder, Relay instance)
- autoscaling - Autoscaling Stream Managers (MySQL DB + Load Balancer + Autoscaling Stream Managers + Terraform Service + Autoscaling Node group with Origin, Edge, Transcoder, Relay instance)
Install terraform
- Open your web browser and visit the Terraform download page, ensuring you get version 1.0.0 or higher.
- Download the suitable version for your operating system,
- Extract the compressed file, and then copy the Terraform binary to a location within your system's path
- Configure path on Linux/macOS
Open a terminal and type the following:
$ sudo mv /path/to/terraform /usr/local/bin
- Configure path on Windows OS
- Click 'Start', search for 'Control Panel', and open it.
- Navigate to System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables.
- Under System variables, find 'PATH' and click 'Edit'.
- Click 'New' and paste the directory location where you extracted the terraform.exe file.
- Confirm changes by clicking 'OK' and close all open windows.
- Open a new terminal and verify that Terraform has been successfully installed.
- Configure path on Linux/macOS
Install Google Cloud CLI
Install jq Linux or Mac OS only -
apt install jq
orbrew install jq
(It is using in bash scripts to create/delete Stream Manager node group using API) -
Download Red5 Pro server build: (Example:
- Download Red5 Pro Terraform controller for Google Cloud: (Example: terraform-cloud-controller-0.0.0.jar)
Download Red5 Pro Terraform Service : (Example:
Get Red5 Pro License key: (Example: 1111-2222-3333-4444)
Login to Goolge Cloud CLI (To login to CLI follow the below documents or use the below mentioned command)
- Follow the documentation for CLI login -
- Google CLI login command
gcloud auth login
- Open the mentioned link in your browser:
- Copy the
authorization code
from the browser and specify in the CLI prompt. After the successful login you will see your google cloud email detail and your cuurent project information
- Copy the
- To change the current project in CLI use the below command to set the different project in CLI
- To set different project use command
gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
- To set different project use command
- Open the mentioned link in your browser:
Copy Red5 Pro server build and Terraform Cloud controller to the root folder of your project
cp ~/Downloads/ ./
cp ~/Downloads/terraform-cloud-controller-0.0.0.jar ./
cp ~/Downloads/ ./
Single Red5 Pro server deployment (single) - Example
- VPC - This Terrform module can either create a new or use your existing VPC. If you wish to create a new VPC, set
, and the script will ignore the other VPC configurations. To use your existing VPC, setvpc_create
and include your existing vpc name. - SSH Keys -This terraform module can create a new SSH keys or use the already created SSH keys.
- Firewall - This Terrform module create a new firewall in Google Cloud.
- Instance Size - Select the appropriate instance size based on the usecase from Google Cloud.
- SSL Certificates - User can install Let's encrypt SSL certificates or use Red5Pro server without SSL certificate (HTTP only).
provider "google" {
project = "example-gcp-project-name" # Google Cloud project ID (
module "red5pro_single" {
source = "red5pro/red5pro/gcp"
google_region = "us-west2" # Google region where resources will create eg: us-west2
google_project_id = "example-gcp-project-name" # Google Cloud project ID (
ubuntu_version = "22.04" # The version of ubuntu which is used to create Instance, it can either be 20.04 or 22.04
type = "single" # Deployment type: single, cluster, autoscaling
name = "red5pro-single" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
path_to_red5pro_build = "./" # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
# SSH key configuration
create_new_ssh_keys = true # true - create new SSH key, false - use existing SSH key
new_ssh_key_name = "example-ssh-key" # if `create_new_ssh_keys` = true, Name for new SSH key
existing_public_ssh_key_path = "./" # if `create_new_ssh_keys` = false, Path to existing SSH public key
existing_private_ssh_key_path = "./example-ssh-key.pem" # if `create_new_ssh_keys` = false, Path to existing SSH private key
# VPC configuration
vpc_create = true # True - Create a new VPC in Google Cloud, False - Use existing VPC
existing_vpc_network_name = "example-vpc-name" # if `vpc_create` = false, Existing VPC name used for the network configuration in Google Cloud
red5_single_ssh_connection_source_ranges = ["YOUR-PUBLIC-IP/32", ""] # List of IP address ranges to provide SSH connection with red5 server. Kindly provide your public IP to make SSH connection while running this terraform module
create_new_firewall_for_single_server = true # True - Create a new firewall for Red5 Single server, False - Use existing firewall rule using network tag
new_or_existing_network_tag_for_single_server = "example-single-server-instance" # Specify the Network Tag for Red5 Single Server instance to be used by the Virtual Network firewall. If `vpc_create = true` specify new network tag for single server, if `vpc_create = false` specify existing network tag for single server
# Single Red5 Pro server HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration
https_letsencrypt_enable = false # true - create new Let's Encrypt HTTPS/SSL certificate, false - use Red5 Pro server without HTTPS/SSL certificate
https_letsencrypt_certificate_domain_name = "" # Domain name for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
https_letsencrypt_certificate_email = "" # Email for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
https_letsencrypt_certificate_password = "examplepass" # Password for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
# Single Red5 Pro server Instance configuration
single_server_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Instance type for Red5 Pro server
single_server_boot_disk_type = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Single server. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
# Red5Pro server configuration
red5pro_license_key = "1111-2222-3333-4444" # Red5 Pro license key (
red5pro_api_enable = true # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (
red5pro_api_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro server API key (
red5pro_inspector_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server inspector, false - disable Red5 Pro server inspector (
red5pro_restreamer_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server restreamer, false - disable Red5 Pro server restreamer (
red5pro_socialpusher_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server socialpusher, false - disable Red5 Pro server socialpusher (
red5pro_suppressor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server suppressor, false - disable Red5 Pro server suppressor
red5pro_hls_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server HLS, false - disable Red5 Pro server HLS (
red5pro_round_trip_auth_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication, false - disable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication (
red5pro_round_trip_auth_host = "" # Round trip authentication server host
red5pro_round_trip_auth_port = 3000 # Round trip authentication server port
red5pro_round_trip_auth_protocol = "http" # Round trip authentication server protocol
red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_validate = "/validateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for validate
red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_invalidate = "/invalidateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for invalidate
red5pro_cloudstorage_enable = false # Red5 Pro server cloud storage enable/disable (
red5pro_google_storage_access_key = "" # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - Gogle storage account access key
red5pro_google_storage_secret_access_key = "" # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - Gogle storage account secret access key
red5pro_google_storage_bucket_name = "" # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - Gogle storage bucket name
red5pro_cloudstorage_postprocessor_enable = false # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - enable/disable Red5 Pro server postprocessor (
output "module_output" {
sensitive = true
value = module.red5pro_single
Red5 Pro Stream Manager cluster deployment (cluster) - Example
- VPC - This Terrform module can either create a new or use your existing VPC. If you wish to create a new VPC, set
, and the script will ignore the other VPC configurations. To use your existing VPC, setvpc_create
and include your existing vpc name. - SSH Keys -This terraform module can create a new SSH keys or use the already created SSH keys.
- Firewall - This Terrform module create a new firewall in Google Cloud.
- Instance Size - Select the appropriate instance size based on the usecase from Google Cloud.
- SSL Certificates - User can install Let's encrypt SSL certificates or use Red5Pro server without SSL certificate (HTTP only).
- MySQL Database - Users have flexibility to create a MySQL databse server in Google Cloud or install it locally on the Stream Manager
- Stream Manager - Instance will be created automatically for Stream Manager
- Terraform Server - Uesrs can choose to create a dedicated instance for Terraform Server or install it locally on the Stream Manager
- Origin Node Image - To create Google Cloud(Gcloud) custom image for Orgin Node type for Stream Manager node group
- Edge Node Image - To create Google Cloud(Gcloud) custom image for Edge Node type for Stream Manager node group (optional)
- Transcoder Node Image - To create Google Cloud(Gcloud) custom image for Transcoder Node type for Stream Manager node group (optional)
- Relay Node Image - To create Google Cloud(Gcloud) custom image for Relay Node type for Stream Manager node group (optional)
provider "google" {
project = "example-gcp-project-name" # Google Cloud project ID (
module "red5pro_cluster" {
source = "red5pro/red5pro/gcp"
google_region = "us-west2" # Google region where resources will create eg: us-west2
google_project_id = "example-gcp-project-name" # Google Cloud project ID (
ubuntu_version = "22.04" # The version of ubuntu which is used to create Instance, it can either be 20.04 or 22.04
type = "cluster" # Deployment type: single, cluster, autoscaling
name = "red5pro-cluster" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
path_to_red5pro_build = "./" # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
path_to_terraform_cloud_controller = "./terraform-cloud-controller-0.0.0.jar" # Absolute path or relative path to terraform cloud controller jar file
path_to_terraform_service_build = "./" # Absolute path or relative path to terraform service ZIP file
# SSH key configuration
create_new_ssh_keys = true # true - create new SSH key, false - use existing SSH key
new_ssh_key_name = "example-ssh-key" # if `create_new_ssh_keys` = true, Name for new SSH key
existing_public_ssh_key_path = "./" # if `create_new_ssh_keys` = false, Path to existing SSH public key
existing_private_ssh_key_path = "./example-ssh-key.pem" # if `create_new_ssh_keys` = false, Path to existing SSH private key
# VPC configuration
vpc_create = true # True - Create a new VPC in Google Cloud, False - Use existing VPC
existing_vpc_network_name = "example-vpc-name" # if `vpc_create` = false, Existing VPC name used for the network configuration
create_new_firewall_for_terraform_service = true # True - Create a new firewall for Terraform service in VPC, False - Use existing firewall of VPC using network tag
create_new_firewall_for_stream_manager = true # True - Create a new firewall in VPC, False - Use existing firewall of VPC using network tag
create_new_firewall_for_nodes = true # True - Create a new firewall for Red5 Node in VPC, False - Use existing firewall of VPC using network tag
new_or_existing_network_tag_for_terraform_service = "example-terraform-service-instance" # Specify the new or existing Network Tag for Terraform Service to be used by the Virtual Network firewall. If `vpc_create = true` specify new network tag, if `vpc_create = false` specify existing network tag for Terraform Service
new_or_existing_network_tag_for_stream_manager = "example-sm-instance" # Specify the new or existing Network Tag for Stream Manager to be used by the Virtual Network firewall. If `vpc_create = true` specify new network tag, if `vpc_create = false` specify existing network tag for stream manager
new_or_existing_network_tag_for_nodes = "example-node-instance" # Specify new/existing Node Network tag which will be used by Terraform service while creating Node and it will be utilized by Firewall in GCP. If `vpc_create = true` specify new network tag for red5 node, if `vpc_create = false` specify existing network tag for red5 node
# Database Configuration
mysql_database_create = false # true - create a new database false- Install locally
mysql_instance_type = "db-n1-standard-2" # New database instance type (
mysql_username = "example-user" # Username for locally install databse and dedicated database in google
mysql_password = "ExamplePassword123" # Password for locally install databse and dedicated database in google
mysql_port = 3306 # Port for locally install databse and dedicated database in google
# Red5 Pro general configuration
red5pro_license_key = "1111-2222-3333-4444" # Red5 Pro license key (
red5pro_cluster_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro cluster key
red5pro_api_enable = true # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (
red5pro_api_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro server API key (
# Red5 Pro server HTTPS/SSL certificate configuration
https_letsencrypt_enable = false # true - create new Let's Encrypt HTTPS/SSL certificate, false - use Red5 Pro server without HTTPS/SSL certificate
https_letsencrypt_certificate_domain_name = "" # Domain name for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
https_letsencrypt_certificate_email = "" # Email for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
https_letsencrypt_certificate_password = "examplepass" # Password for Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
# Terraform Service configuration
terraform_service_instance_create = false # true - Create a dedicate terraform service instance, false - install terraform service locally on the stream manager
terraform_service_api_key = "examplekey" # Terraform service api key
terraform_service_parallelism = "20" # Terraform service parallelism
terraform_service_boot_disk_type = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Terraform server. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
terraform_service_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Terraform service Instance type
terraform_service_boot_disk_type_for_nodes = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Nodes in Terraform Service. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
# Red5 Pro server Instance configuration
create_new_reserved_ip_for_stream_manager = true # True - Create a new reserved IP for stream manager, False - Use already created reserved IP address
existing_sm_reserved_ip_name = "example-reserved-ip" # If `create_new_reserved_ip_for_stream_manager` = false then specify the name of already create reserved IP for stream manager in the provided region.
stream_manager_server_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Instance type for Red5 Pro stream manager server
stream_manager_api_key = "examplekey" # Stream Manager api key
stream_manager_server_boot_disk_type = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Stream Manager server. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
stream_manager_server_disk_size = 50 # Stream Manager server boot size in GB
# Red5 Pro cluster Origin node image configuration
origin_image_create = true # Default: true for Autoscaling and Cluster, true - create new Origin node image, false - not create new Origin node image
origin_server_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Instance type for the Red5 Pro Origin server
origin_server_boot_disk_type = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Origin server. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
origin_image_red5pro_inspector_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server inspector, false - disable Red5 Pro server inspector (
origin_image_red5pro_restreamer_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server restreamer, false - disable Red5 Pro server restreamer (
origin_image_red5pro_socialpusher_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server socialpusher, false - disable Red5 Pro server socialpusher (
origin_image_red5pro_suppressor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server suppressor, false - disable Red5 Pro server suppressor
origin_image_red5pro_hls_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server HLS, false - disable Red5 Pro server HLS (
origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication, false - disable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication (
origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_host = "" # Round trip authentication server host
origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_port = 3000 # Round trip authentication server port
origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_protocol = "http" # Round trip authentication server protocol
origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_validate = "/validateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for validate
origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_invalidate = "/invalidateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for invalidate
origin_red5pro_cloudstorage_enable = false # Red5 Pro server cloud storage enable/disable (
origin_red5pro_google_storage_access_key = "" # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - Google Cloud storage access key
origin_red5pro_google_storage_secret_access_key = "" # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - Google Cloud storage secret access key
origin_red5pro_google_storage_bucket_name = "" # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - Google Cloud storage bucket name
origin_red5pro_cloudstorage_postprocessor_enable = false # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - enable/disable Red5 Pro server postprocessor (
# Red5 Pro autoscaling Node group - (Optional)
node_group_create = true # Linux or Mac OS only. true - create new Node group, false - not create new Node group
node_group_name = "example-node-group" # Node group name
# Origin node configuration
node_group_origins_min = 1 # Number of minimum Origins
node_group_origins_max = 20 # Number of maximum Origins
node_group_origins_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Origins google instance
node_group_origins_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Origins
# Edge node configuration
node_group_edges_min = 1 # Number of minimum Edges
node_group_edges_max = 40 # Number of maximum Edges
node_group_edges_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Edges google instance
node_group_edges_capacity = 200 # Connections capacity for Edges
# Transcoder node configuration
node_group_transcoders_min = 0 # Number of minimum Transcoders
node_group_transcoders_max = 20 # Number of maximum Transcoders
node_group_transcoders_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Transcoders google instance
node_group_transcoders_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Transcoders
# Relay node configuration
node_group_relays_min = 0 # Number of minimum Relays
node_group_relays_max = 20 # Number of maximum Relays
node_group_relays_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Relays google instance
node_group_relays_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Relays
output "module_output" {
sensitive = true
value = module.red5pro_cluster
Red5 Pro Stream Manager autoscale deployment (autoscaling) - Example
- VPC - This Terrform module can either create a new or use your existing VPC. If you wish to create a new VPC, set
, and the script will ignore the other VPC configurations. To use your existing VPC, setvpc_create
and include your existing vpc name. - SSH Keys -This terraform module can create a new SSH keys or use the already created SSH keys.
- Firewall - This Terrform module create a new firewall for Stream Manager and nodes in Google Cloud.
- Instance Size - Select the appropriate instance size based on the usecase from Google Cloud.
- Load Balancer - This Terrform module create a Load Balancer for Stream Manager in Google Cloud.
- SSL Certificates - This Terraform Module can create or use existing SSL certificate for Load Balancer
- MySQL Database - This Terraform Module create a MySQL databse server in Google Cloud.
- Stream Manager - Instance will be created automatically for Stream Manager
- Terraform Server - This will create a dedicated instance for Terrform Service
- Origin Node Image - To create Google Cloud(Gcloud) custom image for Orgin Node type for Stream Manager node group
- Edge Node Image - To create Google Cloud(Gcloud) custom image for Edge Node type for Stream Manager node group (optional)
- Transcoder Node Image - To create Google Cloud(Gcloud) custom image for Transcoder Node type for Stream Manager node group (optional)
- Relay Node Image - To create Google Cloud(Gcloud) custom image for Relay Node type for Stream Manager node group (optional)
provider "google" {
project = "example-gcp-project-name" # Google Cloud project ID (
module "red5pro_autoscaling" {
source = "red5pro/red5pro/gcp"
google_region = "us-west2" # Google region where resources will create eg: us-west2
google_project_id = "example-gcp-project-name" # Google Cloud project ID (
ubuntu_version = "22.04" # The version of ubuntu which is used to create Instance, it can either be 20.04 or 22.04
type = "autoscaling" # Deployment type: single, cluster, autoscaling
name = "red5pro-autoscaling" # Name to be used on all the resources as identifier
path_to_red5pro_build = "./" # Absolute path or relative path to Red5 Pro server ZIP file
path_to_terraform_cloud_controller = "./terraform-cloud-controller-0.0.0.jar" # Absolute path or relative path to terraform cloud controller jar file
path_to_terraform_service_build = "./" # Absolute path or relative path to terraform service ZIP file
# SSH key configuration
create_new_ssh_keys = true # true - create new SSH key, false - use existing SSH key
new_ssh_key_name = "example-ssh-key" # if `create_new_ssh_keys` = true, Name for new SSH key
existing_public_ssh_key_path = "./" # if `create_new_ssh_keys` = false, Path to existing SSH public key
existing_private_ssh_key_path = "./example-ssh-key.pem" # if `create_new_ssh_keys` = false, Path to existing SSH private key
# VPC configuration
vpc_create = true # True - Create a new VPC in Google Cloud, False - Use existing VPC
existing_vpc_network_name = "example-vpc-name" # if `vpc_create` = false, Existing VPC name used for the network configuration
create_new_firewall_for_terraform_service = true # True - Create a new firewall for Terraform service in VPC, False - Use existing firewall of VPC using network tag
create_new_firewall_for_stream_manager = true # True - Create a new firewall in VPC, False - Use existing firewall of VPC using network tag
create_new_firewall_for_nodes = true # True - Create a new firewall for Red5 Node in VPC, False - Use existing firewall of VPC using network tag
new_or_existing_network_tag_for_terraform_service = "example-terraform-service-instance" # Specify the new or existing Network Tag for Terraform Service to be used by the Virtual Network firewall. If `vpc_create = true` specify new network tag, if `vpc_create = false` specify existing network tag for Terraform Service
new_or_existing_network_tag_for_stream_manager = "example-sm-instance" # Specify the new or existing Network Tag for Stream Manager to be used by the Virtual Network firewall. If `vpc_create = true` specify new network tag, if `vpc_create = false` specify existing network tag for stream manager
new_or_existing_network_tag_for_nodes = "example-node-instance" # Specify new/existing Node Network tag which will be used by Terraform service while creating Node and it will be utilized by Firewall in GCP. If `vpc_create = true` specify new network tag for red5 node, if `vpc_create = false` specify existing network tag for red5 node
# Database Configuration
mysql_instance_type = "db-n1-standard-2" # New database instance type (
mysql_username = "example-user" # Username for locally install databse and dedicated database in google
mysql_password = "ExamplePassword123" # Password for locally install databse and dedicated database in google
mysql_port = 3306 # Port for locally install databse and dedicated database in google
# Red5 Pro general configuration
red5pro_license_key = "1111-2222-3333-4444" # Red5 Pro license key (
red5pro_cluster_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro cluster key
red5pro_api_enable = true # true - enable Red5 Pro server API, false - disable Red5 Pro server API (
red5pro_api_key = "examplekey" # Red5 Pro server API key (
# Red5 Pro Server Instance configuration
stream_manager_server_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Instance type for Red5 Pro stream manager server
stream_manager_api_key = "examplekey" # Stream Manager api key
stream_manager_server_boot_disk_type = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Stream Manager server. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
stream_manager_server_disk_size = 10 # Stream Manager server boot size in GB
# Terraform Service configuration
terraform_service_api_key = "examplekey" # Terraform service api key
terraform_service_parallelism = "20" # Terraform service parallelism
terraform_service_boot_disk_type = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Terraform server. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
terraform_service_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Terraform service Instance type
terraform_service_boot_disk_type_for_nodes = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Nodes in Terraform Service. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
# Load Balancer Configuration
create_new_global_reserved_ip_for_lb = true # True - Create a new reserved IP for Load Balancer, False - Use existing reserved IP for Load Balancer
existing_global_lb_reserved_ip_name = "" # If `create_new_global_reserved_ip_for_lb` - False, Use the already created Load balancer IP address name
lb_http_port_required = "5080" # The required HTTP port used by Load Balancer other than HTTPS, Default 5080
count_of_stream_managers = 1 # Amount of Stream Managers to deploy in autoscale setup
create_lb_with_ssl = true # True- Create the Load Balancer with SSL, False - Create the Load Balancer without SSL
create_new_lb_ssl_cert = true # if `create_lb_with_ssl` True - Create a new SSL certificate for the Load Balancer, False - Use existing SSL certificate for Load Balancer
new_ssl_private_key_path = "/path/to/privkey.pem" # if `create_lb_with_ssl` and `create_new_lb_ssl_cert` = true, Path to the new SSL certificate private key file
new_ssl_certificate_key_path = "/path/to/fullchain.pem" # if `create_lb_with_ssl` and `create_new_lb_ssl_cert` = true, Path to the new SSL certificate key file
existing_ssl_certificate_name = "example-certificate-name" # if `create_lb_with_ssl` - False, Create the Load balancer without any SSL But, if `create_new_lb_ssl_cert` = false and `create_lb_with_ssl` - True, Existing SSL certificate name which is already created in the Google Cloud. If creating a new project in GCP, kindly create a new SSL certificate
# Red5 Pro cluster Origin node image configuration
origin_image_create = true # Default: true for Autoscaling and Cluster, true - create new Origin node image, false - not create new Origin node image
origin_server_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Instance type for the Red5 Pro Origin server
origin_server_boot_disk_type = "pd-ssd" # Boot disk type for Origin server. Possible values are `pd-ssd`, `pd-standard`, `pd-balanced`
origin_image_red5pro_inspector_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server inspector, false - disable Red5 Pro server inspector (
origin_image_red5pro_restreamer_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server restreamer, false - disable Red5 Pro server restreamer (
origin_image_red5pro_socialpusher_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server socialpusher, false - disable Red5 Pro server socialpusher (
origin_image_red5pro_suppressor_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server suppressor, false - disable Red5 Pro server suppressor
origin_image_red5pro_hls_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server HLS, false - disable Red5 Pro server HLS (
origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_enable = false # true - enable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication, false - disable Red5 Pro server round trip authentication (
origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_host = "" # Round trip authentication server host
origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_port = 3000 # Round trip authentication server port
origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_protocol = "http" # Round trip authentication server protocol
origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_validate = "/validateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for validate
origin_image_red5pro_round_trip_auth_endpoint_invalidate = "/invalidateCredentials" # Round trip authentication server endpoint for invalidate
origin_red5pro_cloudstorage_enable = false # Red5 Pro server cloud storage enable/disable (
origin_red5pro_google_storage_access_key = "" # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - Google Cloud storage access key
origin_red5pro_google_storage_secret_access_key = "" # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - Google Cloud storage secret access key
origin_red5pro_google_storage_bucket_name = "" # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - Google Cloud storage bucket name
origin_red5pro_cloudstorage_postprocessor_enable = false # Red5 Pro server cloud storage - enable/disable Red5 Pro server postprocessor (
# Red5 Pro autoscaling Node group - (Optional)
node_group_create = true # Linux or Mac OS only. true - create new Node group, false - not create new Node group
node_group_name = "example-node-group" # Node group name
# Origin node configuration
node_group_origins_min = 1 # Number of minimum Origins
node_group_origins_max = 20 # Number of maximum Origins
node_group_origins_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Origins google instance
node_group_origins_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Origins
# Edge node configuration
node_group_edges_min = 1 # Number of minimum Edges
node_group_edges_max = 40 # Number of maximum Edges
node_group_edges_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Edges google instance
node_group_edges_capacity = 200 # Connections capacity for Edges
# Transcoder node configuration
node_group_transcoders_min = 0 # Number of minimum Transcoders
node_group_transcoders_max = 20 # Number of maximum Transcoders
node_group_transcoders_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Transcoders google instance
node_group_transcoders_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Transcoders
# Relay node configuration
node_group_relays_min = 0 # Number of minimum Relays
node_group_relays_max = 20 # Number of maximum Relays
node_group_relays_instance_type = "n2-standard-2" # Relays google instance
node_group_relays_capacity = 20 # Connections capacity for Relays
output "module_output" {
sensitive = true
value = module.red5pro_autoscaling
- To activate HTTPS/SSL you need to add DNS A record for Elastic IP (single/cluster) or CNAME record for Load Balancer DNS name (autoscaling)