This program can be used WITHOUT evil-mode!
A Nerd Commenter emulation, help you comment code efficiently. For example, you can press “99,ci” to comment out 99 lines.
I recommend using it with Evil though Evil is optional.
Tested on Emacs 26, 27, 28
The old way to comment out 9 lines is C-space M-9 C-n M-;
(“M-;” is the default key binding of comment-dwim
With this package’s help, you can press “M-9 M-;” or “,,9j” or “9,ci” instead. It’s much faster because you donot need mark any text first!
Long-term support is provided for ANY programming language. Here is an example to fix a bug in autoconf.el.
The code snippet embedded in org file is automatically detected and correct comment syntax will be used!
This package is already uploaded to The best way to install is Emacs package manager.
Please note NO key bindings are setup automatically. You need use following ways to setup key bindings.
Please note v3.2.1 is the last version supporting Emacs 24.3.
Insert (evilnc-default-hotkeys)
into ~/.emacs
to use key bindings preset for both evil and non-evil mode. This is recommended way.
Use (evilnc-default-hotkeys t)
to use key binding only for non-evil mode if you want to define key bindings in evil-mode by yourself.
Use (evilnc-default-hotkeys nil t)
to use key binding only for evil mode if you want to define key bindings in Emacs mode by yourself.
You can also use third party package general.el instead of calling evilnc-default-hotkeys
Manual setup is necessary for certain major modes (matlab-mode, for example)
Here is the minimum setup,
(defun matlab-mode-hook-config ()
(local-set-key (kbd "M-;") 'evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-lines))
(add-hook 'matlab-mode-hook 'matlab-mode-hook-config)
Here are available commands which are NOT dependent on evil-mode:
Comment/uncomment lines. This command supports negative arguments.
The hotkey is “,cl” in evil-mode and “M-;” in all modes. “M” means ALT key.
If a region selected, the region is expand to make sure the region contain whole lines. Then we comment/uncomment the expanded region. NUM is ignored.
If the region is inside of ONE line, we comment/uncomment that region. In this case, CORRECT comment syntax will be used for C++/Java/Javascript.
This may be the only command you need to learn!
comment/uncomment from current line to the user-specified line. You can input the rightest digit(s) to specify the line number if you want to type less.
For example, say current line number is 497. C-u 3 M-x evilnc-quick-comment-or-uncomment-to-the-line
will comment to the line 503 because the rightest digit of “503” is 3.
The hotkey is “,cl” or “,ll” in evil-mode and C-c l
(C means Ctrl key) in emacs normal mode.
comment/uncomment paragraphs which is separated by empty lines.
Copy and paste lines, then comment out original lines. This command supports negative arguments.
The hotkey is “,cc” in evil-mode and C-c c
in emacs normal mode.
Comment lines and insert original lines into kill-ring
Comment to the specified line.
Comment or uncomment current html tag or selected region.
It supports html and jsx without any set up. It’s not dependent on any third party package.
Please note you don’t need force the whole line selection (pressing V
) in evil-mode
. This command is smart to select whole lines if needed.
Comment or uncomment html tag(s).
If no region is selected, current tag under focus is automatically selected. In this case, only one tag is selected.
If user manually selects region, the region could cross multiple sibling tags and automatically expands to include complete tags. So user only need press v
key in evil-mode
to select multiple tags.
Or you can use evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-html-paragraphs
to comment/uncomment paragraphs containing html tags.
Paragraph is text separated by empty lines.
Sample to combine evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-html-paragraphs
and evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-paragraphs
(defun my-current-line-html-p (paragraph-region)
(let* ((line (buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position)
(re (format "^[ \t]*\\(%s\\)?[ \t]*</?[a-zA-Z]+"
(regexp-quote (evilnc-html-comment-start)))))
;; current paragraph does contain html tag
(if (and (>= (point) (car paragraph-region))
(string-match-p re line))
(defun my-evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-paragraphs (&optional num)
"Comment or uncomment NUM paragraphs which might contain html tags."
(interactive "p")
(unless (featurep 'evil-nerd-commenter) (require 'evil-nerd-commenter))
(let* ((paragraph-region (evilnc--get-one-paragraph-region))
(html-p (or (save-excursion
(sgml-skip-tag-backward 1)
(my-current-line-html-p paragraph-region))
(sgml-skip-tag-forward 1)
(my-current-line-html-p paragraph-region)))))
(if html-p (evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-html-paragraphs num)
(evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-paragraphs num))))
Toggle the flag to comment/uncomment empty lines.
The hotkey is “,cv” in evil-mode.
Copy from the current line to the user-specified line.
It’s for non-evil user only.
You need assign hotkey for it.
For example:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-t C-l") 'evilnc-copy-to-line)
Toggle flag evilnc-invert-comment-line-by-line
When the flag is true, the command evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-lines
, evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-to-the-line
, and evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-paragraphs
will be influenced. They will invert each line’s comment status instead comment the whole thing.
Please note this command may NOT work on complex evil text object.
Kill from the current line to the user-specified line.
It’s for non-evil user only.
You need assign hotkey for it.
For example:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-t C-l") 'evilnc-kill-to-line)
If a line is snippet wrapped HTML tags in HTML template, only the HTML syntax is used to comment out the line by default.
But if you (setq evilnc-comment-both-snippet-html t)
, snippet will be commented out with its own syntax at first. Then the wrapped html tag will be comment out using HTML syntax. This flag has effect on all above commands. Web-mode should be enabled to use this flag.
Comment out N lines, putting it inside a box. N could be negative. If N is nil, comment out current paragraph. This command uses builtin API comment-box
The hotkey is “,cs” in evil-mode
Please setup `imenu-create-index-function’ to `evilnc-imenu-create-index-function’.
Setup on using counsel-imenu
to list comments in current buffer,
(defun counsel-imenu-comments ()
(let* ((imenu-create-index-function 'evilnc-imenu-create-index-function))
(unless (featurep 'counsel) (require 'counsel))
C-u NUM M-x evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-lines
, comment/uncomment next NUM lines.
Select a region and M-x evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-lines
. The region will be automatically expanded to contain whole lines. Then we comment/uncomment the region.
C-u 56 M-x evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-to-the-line
, comment/uncomment from current line to line 56.
C-u 2 M-x evilnc-copy-and-comment-lines
, copy 2 lines and paste them below the original line. Then comment out original lines. The focus will be moved to the new lines.
C-u 2 M-x evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-paragraphs
, comment out two paragraphs. This is useful if you have large hunk of data to be commented out as below:
var myJson={
Say there are two lines of javascript code,
if(flag==true){ doSomething(); }
//if(flag==false){ doSomething(); }
The first line is production code. The second line is your debug code. You want to invert the comment status of these two lines (for example, comment out first line and uncomment the second line) for debug purpose.
All you need to is M-x evilnc-toggle-invert-comment-line-by-line
then C-u 2 evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-lines
. The first command turn on some flag, so the behavior of (un)commenting is different.
If you use Evil, you can use text objects and motions. But if you only deals with lines, I suggest using evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-lines
We defined commenter text object “c” which can have multi-lines.
Press vac
to select outer object (comment with limiters).
Press vic
to select inner object (comment without limiter).
The comment text object is created automatically in evilnc-default-hotkeys
You can assign other key instead of “c” to the text object by changing evilnc-comment-text-object
(setq evilnc-comment-text-object "c")
You can also manually created the comment text object using below code,
(setq evilnc-comment-text-object "a")
(define-key evil-inner-text-objects-map evilnc-comment-text-object 'evilnc-inner-commenter)
(define-key evil-outer-text-objects-map evilnc-comment-text-object 'evilnc-outer-commenter)
acts much like the delete/change operator. Takes a motion or text object and comments it out, yanking its content in the process.
Example 1: “,,,” to comment out the current line.
Example 2: “,,9j” to comment out the next 9 lines.
Example 3: “,,99G” to comment from the current line to line 99.
Example 4: “,,a(” to comment out the current s-expression, or “,,i(” to only comment out the s-expression’s content. Similarly for blocks “,,a{“, etc.
Example 5: “,,ao” to comment out the current symbol, or “,,aW” to comment out the current WORD. Could be useful when commenting out function parameters, for instance.
Example 6: “,,w” comment to the beginning of the next word, “,,e” to the end of the next word, “,,b” to the beginning of the previous word.
Example 7: “,,it”, comment the region inside html tags (all html major modes are supported , including web-mode)
is another evil-mode operator. Instead of commenting out the text in the operator-range, it inserts an copy of the text in the range and comments out that copy. Its hot key is “,.”. For example, “,.,” to comment out the current line.
Operator to comment or uncomment the text and yank the original text at the same time.
You can yank to line 99 using hotkey y99G
or y99gg
. That’s the feature from evil-mode.
Please read vim manual on “text objects and motions”.
For example, if you prefer double slashes //
instead of slash-stars /* ... */
in c-mode
, insert below code into your ~/.emacs
(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook
(lambda ()
;; Preferred comment style
(setq comment-start "// "
comment-end "")))
Thanks for Andrew Pennebaker (aka mcandre) providing this tip.
Please install evil-matchit. You can press vi=%
to select a region between tags and press M-;
to comment the region.
Most popular programming languages are supported.
- Make sure Evil installed
- Press “,,a(”
You can set up evilnc-original-above-comment-when-copy-and-comment
to decide which style to use when evilnc-copy-and-comment-lines
or evilnc-copy-and-comment-operator
- Place the commented out text above original text
- Or place the original text above commented out text
Most commands call evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-region-function
You can modify this variable to customize the comment style.
(with-eval-after-load 'evil-nerd-commenter
(defun my-comment-or-uncomment-region (beg end)
(let* ((comment-start "aaa")
(comment-end "bbb"))
(evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-region-internal beg end)))
(setq evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-region-function
- Lally Oppenheimer (AKA lalopmak) added the support for text-object in Evil
- Tom Willemse (AKA ryuslash) provided the fix to make Emacs 24.4 work
- Eivind Fonn (AKA TheBB) fixed the web-mode issue #45
- Dickby provided
Report bug at
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.