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Reef Chain RPC API

Example of json rpc call: curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":1, "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "rpc_methods"}'


hasKey(publicKey: Bytes, keyType: Text): bool

  • jsonrpc: author_hasKey
  • summary: Returns true if the keystore has private keys for the given public key and key type.

hasSessionKeys(sessionKeys: Bytes): bool

  • jsonrpc: author_hasSessionKeys
  • summary: Returns true if the keystore has private keys for the given session public keys.

insertKey(keyType: Text, suri: Text, publicKey: Bytes): Bytes

  • jsonrpc: author_insertKey
  • summary: Insert a key into the keystore.

pendingExtrinsics(): Vec<Extrinsic>

  • jsonrpc: author_pendingExtrinsics
  • summary: Returns all pending extrinsics, potentially grouped by sender

removeExtrinsic(bytesOrHash: Vec<ExtrinsicOrHash>): Vec<Hash>

  • jsonrpc: author_removeExtrinsic
  • summary: Remove given extrinsic from the pool and temporarily ban it to prevent reimporting

submitAndWatchExtrinsic(extrinsic: Extrinsic): ExtrinsicStatus

  • jsonrpc: author_submitAndWatchExtrinsic
  • summary: Submit and subscribe to watch an extrinsic until unsubscribed

submitExtrinsic(extrinsic: Extrinsic): Hash

  • jsonrpc: author_submitExtrinsic
  • summary: Submit a fully formatted extrinsic for block inclusion

unwatchExtrinsic(id: SubscriptionId): bool

  • jsonrpc: author_unwatchExtrinsic
  • summary: Unsubscribe from extrinsic watching


getHead(blockNumber?: BlockNumber): BlockHash

  • jsonrpc: chain_getHead/chain_getBlockHash
  • summary: Get the block hash for a specific block

getBlock(hash?: BlockHash): SignedBlock

  • jsonrpc: chain_getBlock
  • summary: Get header and body of a relay chain block

getFinalizedHead(): BlockHash

  • jsonrpc: chain_getFinalizedHead/chain_getFinalisedHead
  • summary: Get hash of the last finalized block in the canon chain

getHeader(hash?: BlockHash): Header

  • jsonrpc: chain_getHeader
  • summary: Retrieves the header for a specific block

getRuntimeVersion(at?: BlockHash): RuntimeVersion

  • jsonrpc: chain_getRuntimeVersion
  • summary: Get the runtime version

subscribeAllHeads(): Header

  • jsonrpc: chain_subscribeAllHeads
  • summary: Retrieves the newest header via subscription

subscribeFinalizedHeads(): Header

  • jsonrpc: chain_subscribeFinalizedHeads/chain_subscribeFinalisedHeads
  • summary: Retrieves the best finalized header via subscription

subscribeNewHead(): Header

  • jsonrpc: chain_subscribeNewHeads/chain_subscribeNewHead/subscribe_newHead
  • summary: Retrieves the best header via subscription

subscribeRuntimeVersion(): RuntimeVersion

  • jsonrpc: chain_subscribeRuntimeVersion
  • summary: Retrieves the runtime version via subscription

unsubscribeAllHeads(id: SubscriptionId): bool

  • jsonrpc: chain_unsubscribeAllHeads
  • summary: Unsubscribe all heads

unsubscribeFinalizedHeads(id: SubscriptionId): bool

  • jsonrpc: chain_unsubscribeFinalizedHeads/chain_unsubscribeFinalisedHeads
  • summary: Unsubscribe finalized heads

unsubscribeNewHeads(id: SubscriptionId): bool

  • jsonrpc: chain_unsubscribeNewHead/chain_unsubscribeNewHeads/unsubscribe_newHead
  • summary: Unsubscribe new heads

unsubscribeRuntimeVersion(id: SubscriptionId): bool

  • jsonrpc: chain_unsubscribeRuntimeVersion
  • summary: Unsubscribe runtime version


getKeys(childKey: PrefixedStorageKey, prefix: StorageKey, at?: Hash): Vec<StorageKey>

  • jsonrpc: childstate_getKeys
  • summary: Returns the keys with prefix from a child storage, leave empty to get all the keys

getKeysPaged(childKey: PrefixedStorageKey, prefix: StorageKey, count: u32, startKey?: StorageKey, at?: Hash): Vec<StorageKey>

  • jsonrpc: childstate_getKeysPaged/childstate_getKeysPagedAt
  • summary: Returns the keys with prefix from a child storage with pagination support

getStorage(childKey: PrefixedStorageKey, key: StorageKey, at?: Hash): Option<StorageData>

  • jsonrpc: childstate_getStorage
  • summary: Returns a child storage entry at a specific block state

getStorageHash(childKey: PrefixedStorageKey, key: StorageKey, at?: Hash): Option<Hash>

  • jsonrpc: childstate_getStorageHash
  • summary: Returns the hash of a child storage entry at a block state

getStorageSize(childKey: PrefixedStorageKey, key: StorageKey, at?: Hash): Option<u64>

  • jsonrpc: childstate_getStorageSize
  • summary: Returns the size of a child storage entry at a block state


call(data: CallRequest, at?: BlockHash): Bytes

  • jsonrpc: evm_call
  • summary: Call contract, returning the output data.

estimateGas(data: CallRequest, at?: BlockHash): U128

  • jsonrpc: evm_estimateGas
  • summary: Estimate gas needed for execution of given contract.

estimateResources(from: H160, unsignedExtrinsic: Bytes, at?: BlockHash): EstimateResourcesResponse

  • jsonrpc: evm_estimateResources
  • summary: Estimate resources needed for execution of given contract.


proveFinality(blockNumber: BlockNumber): Option<EncodedFinalityProofs>

  • jsonrpc: grandpa_proveFinality
  • summary: Prove finality for the given block number, returning the Justification for the last block in the set.

roundState(): ReportedRoundStates

  • jsonrpc: grandpa_roundState
  • summary: Returns the state of the current best round state as well as the ongoing background rounds

subscribeJustifications(): JustificationNotification

  • jsonrpc: grandpa_subscribeJustifications
  • summary: Subscribes to grandpa justifications

unsubscribeJustifications(id: SubscriptionId): bool

  • jsonrpc: grandpa_unsubscribeJustifications
  • summary: Unsubscribe to grandpa justifications


localStorageGet(kind: StorageKind, key: Bytes): Option<Bytes>

  • jsonrpc: offchain_localStorageGet
  • summary: Get offchain local storage under given key and prefix

localStorageSet(kind: StorageKind, key: Bytes, value: Bytes): Null

  • jsonrpc: offchain_localStorageSet
  • summary: Set offchain local storage under given key and prefix


queryFeeDetails(extrinsic: Bytes, at?: BlockHash): FeeDetails

  • jsonrpc: payment_queryFeeDetails
  • summary: Query the detailed fee of a given encoded extrinsic

queryInfo(extrinsic: Bytes, at?: BlockHash): RuntimeDispatchInfoV1

  • jsonrpc: payment_queryInfo
  • summary: Retrieves the fee information for an encoded extrinsic


methods(): RpcMethods

  • jsonrpc: rpc_methods
  • summary: Retrieves the list of RPC methods that are exposed by the node


call(method: Text, data: Bytes, at?: BlockHash): Bytes

  • jsonrpc: state_call/state_callAt
  • summary: Perform a call to a builtin on the chain

getChildReadProof(childStorageKey: PrefixedStorageKey, keys: Vec<StorageKey>, at?: BlockHash): ReadProof

  • jsonrpc: state_getChildReadProof
  • summary: Returns proof of storage for child key entries at a specific block state.

getKeys(key: StorageKey, at?: BlockHash): Vec<StorageKey>

  • jsonrpc: state_getKeys
  • summary: Retrieves the keys with a certain prefix

getKeysPaged(key: StorageKey, count: u32, startKey?: StorageKey, at?: BlockHash): Vec<StorageKey>

  • jsonrpc: state_getKeysPaged/state_getKeysPagedAt
  • summary: Returns the keys with prefix with pagination support.

getMetadata(at?: BlockHash): Metadata

  • jsonrpc: state_getMetadata
  • summary: Returns the runtime metadata

getPairs(prefix: StorageKey, at?: BlockHash): Vec<KeyValue>

  • jsonrpc: state_getPairs
  • summary: Returns the keys with prefix, leave empty to get all the keys (deprecated: Use getKeysPaged)

getReadProof(keys: Vec<StorageKey>, at?: BlockHash): ReadProof

  • jsonrpc: state_getReadProof
  • summary: Returns proof of storage entries at a specific block state

getRuntimeVersion(at?: BlockHash): RuntimeVersion

  • jsonrpc: state_getRuntimeVersion
  • summary: Get the runtime version

getStorage(key: StorageKey, at?: BlockHash): StorageData

  • jsonrpc: state_getStorage/state_getStorageAt
  • summary: Retrieves the storage for a key

getStorageHash(key: StorageKey, at?: BlockHash): Hash

  • jsonrpc: state_getStorageHash/state_getStorageHashAt
  • summary: Retrieves the storage hash

getStorageSize(key: StorageKey, at?: BlockHash): u64

  • jsonrpc: state_getStorageSize/state_getStorageSizeAt
  • summary: Retrieves the storage size

queryStorage(keys: Vec<StorageKey>, fromBlock: Hash, toBlock?: BlockHash): Vec<StorageChangeSet>

  • jsonrpc: state_queryStorage
  • summary: Query historical storage entries (by key) starting from a start block

queryStorageAt(keys: Vec<StorageKey>, at?: BlockHash): Vec<StorageChangeSet>

  • jsonrpc: state_queryStorageAt
  • summary: Query storage entries (by key) starting at block hash given as the second parameter

subscribeRuntimeVersion(): RuntimeVersion

  • jsonrpc: state_subscribeRuntimeVersion
  • summary: Retrieves the runtime version via subscription

subscribeStorage(keys?: Vec<StorageKey>): StorageChangeSet

  • jsonrpc: state_subscribeStorage
  • summary: Subscribes to storage changes for the provided keys

traceBlock(block: Hash, targets: Option<Text>, storageKeys: Option<Text>, methods: Option<Text>): TraceBlockResponse

  • jsonrpc: state_traceBlock
  • summary: Provides a way to trace the re-execution of a single block

unsubscribeRuntimeVersion(id: SubscriptionId): bool

  • jsonrpc: state_unsubscribeRuntimeVersion
  • summary: Unsubscribe runtime version

unsubscribeStorage(id: SubscriptionId): bool

  • jsonrpc: state_unsubscribeStorage
  • summary: Unsubscribe state storage changes


accountNextIndex(accountId: AccountId): Index

  • jsonrpc: system_accountNextIndex/account_nextIndex
  • summary: Retrieves the next accountIndex as available on the node

addLogFilter(directives: Text): Null

  • jsonrpc: system_addLogFilter
  • summary: Adds the supplied directives to the current log filter

addReservedPeer(peer: Text): Text

  • jsonrpc: system_addReservedPeer
  • summary: Adds a reserved peer

chain(): Text

  • jsonrpc: system_chain
  • summary: Retrieves the chain

chainType(): ChainType

  • jsonrpc: system_chainType
  • summary: Retrieves the chain type

dryRun(extrinsic: Bytes, at?: BlockHash): ApplyExtrinsicResult

  • jsonrpc: system_dryRun/system_dryRunAt
  • summary: Dry run an extrinsic at a given block

health(): Health

  • jsonrpc: system_health
  • summary: Return health status of the node

localListenAddresses(): Vec<Text>

  • jsonrpc: system_localListenAddresses
  • summary: The addresses include a trailing /p2p/ with the local PeerId, and are thus suitable to be passed to addReservedPeer or as a bootnode address for example

localPeerId(): Text

  • jsonrpc: system_localPeerId
  • summary: Returns the base58-encoded PeerId of the node

name(): Text

  • jsonrpc: system_name
  • summary: Retrieves the node name

nodeRoles(): Vec<NodeRole>

  • jsonrpc: system_nodeRoles
  • summary: Returns the roles the node is running as

properties(): ChainProperties

  • jsonrpc: system_properties
  • summary: Get a custom set of properties as a JSON object, defined in the chain spec

removeReservedPeer(peerId: Text): Text

  • jsonrpc: system_removeReservedPeer
  • summary: Remove a reserved peer

reservedPeers(): Vec<Text>

  • jsonrpc: system_reservedPeers
  • summary: Returns the list of reserved peers

syncState(): SyncState

  • jsonrpc: system_syncState
  • summary: Returns the state of the syncing of the node

version(): Text

  • jsonrpc: system_version
  • summary: Retrieves the version of the node


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