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Ledger Polkadot app

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This project contains the Polkadot app ( for Ledger Nano S and X.

  • Ledger Nano S/X BOLOS app
  • Specs / Documentation
  • C++ unit tests
  • Zemu tests

For more information: How to build



  • Do not use in production
  • Do not use a Ledger device with funds for development purposes.
  • Have a separate and marked device that is used ONLY for development and testing

Polkadot 10.9160.x


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Fill block ✔️ ✔️ Perbill ratio
Remark ✔️ ✔️ Vecu8 remark
Set heap pages ✔️ ✔️ u64 pages
Set code ✔️ ✔️ Vecu8 code
Set code without checks ✔️ ✔️ Vecu8 code
Set storage VecKeyValue items
Kill storage VecKey keys
Kill prefix Key prefix
u32 subkeys
Remark with event ✔️ ✔️ Vecu8 remark


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Schedule BlockNumber when
OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic
schedulePriority priority
BoxCallOrHashOfT call
Cancel BlockNumber when
u32 index
Schedule named Vecu8 id
BlockNumber when
OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic
schedulePriority priority
BoxCallOrHashOfT call
Cancel named Vecu8 id
Schedule after BlockNumber after
OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic
schedulePriority priority
BoxCallOrHashOfT call
Schedule named after Vecu8 id
BlockNumber after
OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic
schedulePriority priority
BoxCallOrHashOfT call


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Note preimage ✔️ Vecu8 bytes
Unnote preimage ✔️ Hash hash
Request preimage ✔️ Hash hash
Unrequest preimage ✔️ Hash hash


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Report equivocation BoxEquivocationProofHeader equivocation_proof
KeyOwnerProof key_owner_proof
Report equivocation unsigned BoxEquivocationProofHeader equivocation_proof
KeyOwnerProof key_owner_proof
Plan config change NextConfigDescriptor config


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Set ✔️ Compactu64 now


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Claim ✔️ AccountIndex index
Transfer AccountId new_
AccountIndex index
Free ✔️ AccountIndex index
Force transfer ✔️ AccountId new_
AccountIndex index
bool freeze
Freeze ✔️ AccountIndex index


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Transfer ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ LookupasStaticLookupSource dest
CompactBalance amount
Set balance ✔️ ✔️ LookupasStaticLookupSource who
CompactBalance new_free
CompactBalance new_reserved
Force transfer ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ LookupasStaticLookupSource source
LookupasStaticLookupSource dest
CompactBalance amount
Transfer keep alive ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ LookupasStaticLookupSource dest
CompactBalance amount
Transfer all ✔️ ✔️ LookupasStaticLookupSource dest
bool keep_alive
Force unreserve ✔️ LookupasStaticLookupSource who
Balance amount


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Set uncles VecHeader new_uncles


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Bond ✔️ ✔️ LookupasStaticLookupSource controller
CompactBalance amount
RewardDestination payee
Bond extra ✔️ ✔️ CompactBalance amount
Unbond ✔️ ✔️ CompactBalance amount
Withdraw Unbonded ✔️ ✔️ u32 num_slashing_spans
Validate ✔️ ✔️ ValidatorPrefs prefs
Nominate ✔️ ✔️ VecLookupasStaticLookupSource targets
Chill ✔️ ✔️
Set payee ✔️ ✔️ RewardDestination payee
Set controller ✔️ ✔️ LookupasStaticLookupSource controller
Set validator count ✔️ Compactu32 new_
Increase validator count ✔️ Compactu32 additional
Scale validator count Percent factor
Force no eras ✔️
Force new era ✔️
Set invulnerables VecAccountId invulnerables
Force unstake ✔️ AccountId stash
u32 num_slashing_spans
Force new era always ✔️
Cancel deferred slash EraIndex era
Bytes slash_indices
Payout stakers ✔️ ✔️ AccountId validator_stash
EraIndex era
Rebond ✔️ ✔️ CompactBalance amount
Set history depth ✔️ Compactu32 new_history_depth
Compactu32 era_items_deleted
Reap stash ✔️ AccountId stash
u32 num_slashing_spans
Kick ✔️ VecLookupasStaticLookupSource who
Set staking configs Balance min_nominator_bond
Balance min_validator_bond
Optionu32 max_nominator_count
Optionu32 max_validator_count
OptionPercent chill_threshold
Perbill min_commission
Chill other ✔️ AccountId controller


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Set keys ✔️ ✔️ Keys keys
Bytes proof
Purge keys ✔️ ✔️


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Report equivocation BoxEquivocationProofHashBlockNumber equivocation_proof
KeyOwnerProof key_owner_proof
Report equivocation unsigned BoxEquivocationProofHashBlockNumber equivocation_proof
KeyOwnerProof key_owner_proof
Note stalled ✔️ BlockNumber delay
BlockNumber best_finalized_block_number


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Heartbeat HeartbeatBlockNumber heartbeat
AuthorityIdasRuntimeAppPublicSignature signature


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Propose Hash proposal_hash
Compactu128 amount
Second ✔️ Compactu32 proposal
Compactu32 seconds_upper_bound
Vote Compactu32 ref_index
AccountVoteBalanceOf vote
Emergency cancel ✔️ ReferendumIndex ref_index
External propose ✔️ Hash proposal_hash
External propose majority ✔️ Hash proposal_hash
External propose default ✔️ Hash proposal_hash
Fast track ✔️ Hash proposal_hash
BlockNumber voting_period
BlockNumber delay
Veto external ✔️ Hash proposal_hash
Cancel referendum ✔️ Compactu32 ref_index
Cancel queued ✔️ ReferendumIndex which
Delegate ✔️ AccountId to
Conviction conviction
Balance balance
Undelegate ✔️
Clear public proposals ✔️
Note preimage ✔️ Bytes encoded_proposal
Note preimage operational ✔️ Bytes encoded_proposal
Note imminent preimage ✔️ Bytes encoded_proposal
Note imminent preimage operational ✔️ Bytes encoded_proposal
Reap preimage ✔️ Hash proposal_hash
Compactu32 proposal_len_upper_bound
Unlock ✔️ AccountId target
Remove vote ✔️ ReferendumIndex index
Remove other vote ✔️ AccountId target
ReferendumIndex index
Enact proposal ✔️ Hash proposal_hash
ReferendumIndex index
Blacklist Hash proposal_hash
OptionReferendumIndex maybe_ref_index
Cancel proposal ✔️ Compactu32 prop_index


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Set members VecAccountId new_members
OptionAccountId prime
MemberCount old_count
Execute BoxTasConfigIProposal proposal
Compactu32 length_bound
Propose Compactu32 threshold
BoxTasConfigIProposal proposal
Compactu32 length_bound
Vote ✔️ Hash proposal
Compactu32 index
bool approve
Close ✔️ Hash proposal_hash
Compactu32 index
Compactu64 proposal_weight_bound
Compactu32 length_bound
Disapprove proposal ✔️ Hash proposal_hash


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Set members VecAccountId new_members
OptionAccountId prime
MemberCount old_count
Execute BoxTasConfigIProposal proposal
Compactu32 length_bound
Propose Compactu32 threshold
BoxTasConfigIProposal proposal
Compactu32 length_bound
Vote ✔️ Hash proposal
Compactu32 index
bool approve
Close ✔️ Hash proposal_hash
Compactu32 index
Compactu64 proposal_weight_bound
Compactu32 length_bound
Disapprove proposal ✔️ Hash proposal_hash


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Vote VecAccountId votes
Compactu128 amount
Remove voter ✔️
Submit candidacy ✔️ Compactu32 candidate_count
Renounce candidacy Renouncing renouncing
Remove member ✔️ LookupasStaticLookupSource who
bool has_replacement
Clean defunct voters ✔️ u32 num_voters
u32 num_defunct


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Add member ✔️ AccountId who
Remove member ✔️ AccountId who
Swap member ✔️ AccountId remove
AccountId add
Reset members ✔️ VecAccountId members
Change key ✔️ AccountId new_
Set prime ✔️ AccountId who
Clear prime ✔️


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Propose spend ✔️ CompactBalance amount
LookupasStaticLookupSource beneficiary
Reject proposal ✔️ Compactu32 proposal_id
Approve proposal ✔️ Compactu32 proposal_id


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Claim ✔️ AccountId dest
EcdsaSignature ethereum_signature
Mint claim EthereumAddress who
Balance amount
OptionTupleBalanceOfTBalanceOfTBlockNumber vesting_schedule
OptionStatementKind statement
Claim attest ✔️ AccountId dest
EcdsaSignature ethereum_signature
Bytes statement
Attest ✔️ Bytes statement
Move claim ✔️ EthereumAddress old
EthereumAddress new_
OptionAccountId maybe_preclaim


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Vest ✔️
Vest other ✔️ LookupasStaticLookupSource target
Vested transfer LookupasStaticLookupSource target
VestingInfoBalanceOfTBlockNumber schedule
Force vested transfer LookupasStaticLookupSource source
LookupasStaticLookupSource target
VestingInfoBalanceOfTBlockNumber schedule
Merge schedules ✔️ u32 schedule1_index
u32 schedule2_index


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Batch ✔️ ✔️ VecCall calls
As derivative u16 index
Call call
Batch all ✔️ ✔️ VecCall calls
Dispatch as BoxPalletsOrigin as_origin
Call call


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Add registrar ✔️ AccountId account
Set identity BoxIdentityInfoMaxAdditionalFields info
Set subs VecTupleAccountIdData subs
Clear identity ✔️
Request judgement ✔️ Compactu32 reg_index
Compactu128 max_fee
Cancel request ✔️ RegistrarIndex reg_index
Set fee ✔️ Compactu32 index
Compactu128 fee
Set account id ✔️ Compactu32 index
AccountId new_
Set fields Compactu32 index
IdentityFields fields
Provide judgement Compactu32 reg_index
LookupasStaticLookupSource target
JudgementBalanceOfT judgement
Kill identity ✔️ LookupasStaticLookupSource target
Add sub LookupasStaticLookupSource sub
Data data
Rename sub LookupasStaticLookupSource sub
Data data
Remove sub ✔️ LookupasStaticLookupSource sub
Quit sub ✔️


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Proxy ✔️ ✔️ AccountId real
OptionProxyType force_proxy_type
Call call
Add proxy ✔️ AccountId delegate
ProxyType proxy_type
BlockNumber delay
Remove proxy ✔️ AccountId delegate
ProxyType proxy_type
BlockNumber delay
Remove proxies ✔️
Anonymous ✔️ ProxyType proxy_type
BlockNumber delay
u16 index
Kill anonymous ✔️ AccountId spawner
ProxyType proxy_type
u16 index
Compactu32 height
Compactu32 ext_index
Announce AccountId real
CallHashOf call_hash
Remove announcement AccountId real
CallHashOf call_hash
Reject announcement AccountId delegate
CallHashOf call_hash
Proxy announced ✔️ AccountId delegate
AccountId real
OptionProxyType force_proxy_type
Call call


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
As multi threshold 1 VecAccountId other_signatories
Call call
As multi ✔️ ✔️ u16 threshold
VecAccountId other_signatories
OptionTimepoint maybe_timepoint
OpaqueCall call
bool store_call
Weight max_weight
Approve as multi ✔️ ✔️ u16 threshold
VecAccountId other_signatories
OptionTimepoint maybe_timepoint
H256 call_hash
Weight max_weight
Cancel as multi ✔️ ✔️ u16 threshold
VecAccountId other_signatories
Timepoint timepoint
H256 call_hash


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Propose bounty ✔️ CompactBalance amount
Bytes description
Approve bounty ✔️ Compactu32 bounty_id
Propose curator ✔️ Compactu32 bounty_id
LookupasStaticLookupSource curator
CompactBalance fee
Unassign curator ✔️ Compactu32 bounty_id
Accept curator ✔️ Compactu32 bounty_id
Award bounty ✔️ Compactu32 bounty_id
LookupasStaticLookupSource beneficiary
Claim bounty ✔️ Compactu32 bounty_id
Close bounty ✔️ Compactu32 bounty_id
Extend bounty expiry ✔️ Compactu32 bounty_id
Bytes remark


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Report awesome ✔️ Bytes reason
AccountId who
Retract tip ✔️ Hash hash
Tip new ✔️ Bytes reason
AccountId who
Compactu128 tip_value
Tip ✔️ Hash hash
Compactu128 tip_value
Close tip ✔️ Hash hash
Slash tip ✔️ Hash hash


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Submit unsigned BoxRawSolutionSolutionOfT raw_solution
SolutionOrSnapshotSize witness
Set minimum untrusted score OptionElectionScore maybe_next_score
Set emergency election result SupportsAccountId supports
Submit BoxRawSolutionSolutionOfT raw_solution
u32 num_signed_submissions


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Rebag ✔️ AccountId dislocated
Put in front of ✔️ AccountId lighter


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Set validation upgrade cooldown ✔️ BlockNumber new_
Set validation upgrade delay ✔️ BlockNumber new_
Set code retention period ✔️ BlockNumber new_
Set max code size ✔️ u32 new_
Set max pov size ✔️ u32 new_
Set max head data size ✔️ u32 new_
Set parathread cores ✔️ u32 new_
Set parathread retries ✔️ u32 new_
Set group rotation frequency ✔️ BlockNumber new_
Set chain availability period ✔️ BlockNumber new_
Set thread availability period ✔️ BlockNumber new_
Set scheduling lookahead ✔️ u32 new_
Set max validators per core ✔️ Optionu32 new_
Set max validators ✔️ Optionu32 new_
Set dispute period SessionIndex new_
Set dispute post conclusion acceptance period ✔️ BlockNumber new_
Set dispute max spam slots ✔️ u32 new_
Set dispute conclusion by time out period ✔️ BlockNumber new_
Set no show slots ✔️ u32 new_
Set n delay tranches ✔️ u32 new_
Set zeroth delay tranche width ✔️ u32 new_
Set needed approvals ✔️ u32 new_
Set relay vrf modulo samples ✔️ u32 new_
Set max upward queue count ✔️ u32 new_
Set max upward queue size ✔️ u32 new_
Set max downward message size ✔️ u32 new_
Set ump service total weight ✔️ Weight new_
Set max upward message size ✔️ u32 new_
Set max upward message num per candidate ✔️ u32 new_
Set hrmp open request ttl ✔️ u32 new_
Set hrmp sender deposit ✔️ Balance new_
Set hrmp recipient deposit ✔️ Balance new_
Set hrmp channel max capacity ✔️ u32 new_
Set hrmp channel max total size ✔️ u32 new_
Set hrmp max parachain inbound channels ✔️ u32 new_
Set hrmp max parathread inbound channels ✔️ u32 new_
Set hrmp channel max message size ✔️ u32 new_
Set hrmp max parachain outbound channels ✔️ u32 new_
Set hrmp max parathread outbound channels ✔️ u32 new_
Set hrmp max message num per candidate ✔️ u32 new_
Set ump max individual weight ✔️ Weight new_
Set pvf checking enabled ✔️ bool new_
Set pvf voting ttl ✔️ SessionIndex new_
Set minimum validation upgrade delay ✔️ BlockNumber new_
Set bypass consistency check ✔️ bool new_


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Enter ParachainsInherentDataHeader data


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Force set current code ParaId para
ValidationCode new_code
Force set current head ParaId para
HeadData new_head
Force schedule code upgrade ParaId para
ValidationCode new_code
BlockNumber relay_parent_number
Force note new head ParaId para
HeadData new_head
Force queue action ParaId para
Add trusted validation code ValidationCode validation_code
Poke unused validation code ValidationCodeHash validation_code_hash
Include pvf check statement PvfCheckStatement stmt
ValidatorSignature signature


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Force approve ✔️ BlockNumber up_to


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Service overweight OverweightIndex index
Weight weight_limit


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Hrmp init open channel ParaId recipient
u32 proposed_max_capacity
u32 proposed_max_message_size
Hrmp accept open channel ParaId sender
Hrmp close channel HrmpChannelId channel_id
Force clean hrmp ParaId para
Force process hrmp open ✔️
Force process hrmp close ✔️
Hrmp cancel open request HrmpChannelId channel_id


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Register ParaId id
HeadData genesis_head
ValidationCode validation_code
Force register AccountId who
Balance deposit
ParaId id
HeadData genesis_head
ValidationCode validation_code
Deregister ParaId id
Swap ParaId id
ParaId other
Force remove lock ParaId para
Reserve ✔️


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Force lease ParaId para
AccountId leaser
Balance amount
LeasePeriodOfT period_begin
LeasePeriodOfT period_count
Clear all leases ParaId para
Trigger onboard ParaId para


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
New auction ✔️ Compactu32 duration
Compactu32 lease_period_index
Bid ✔️ Compactu32 para
Compactu32 auction_index
Compactu32 first_slot
Compactu32 last_slot
CompactBalance amount
Cancel auction ✔️


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Create Compactu32 index
Compactu128 cap
Compactu32 first_period
Compactu32 last_period
Compactu32 end
OptionMultiSigner verifier
Contribute Compactu32 index
Compactu128 amount
OptionMultiSignature signature
Withdraw AccountId who
Compactu32 index
Refund Compactu32 index
Dissolve Compactu32 index
Edit Compactu32 index
Compactu128 cap
Compactu32 first_period
Compactu32 last_period
Compactu32 end
OptionMultiSigner verifier
Add memo ParaId index
Vecu8 memo
Poke ParaId index
Contribute all Compactu32 index
OptionMultiSignature signature


Name Light XL Nesting Arguments
Send BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest
BoxVersionedXcmTuple message
Teleport assets BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest
BoxVersionedMultiLocation beneficiary
BoxVersionedMultiAssets assets
u32 fee_asset_item
Reserve transfer assets BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest
BoxVersionedMultiLocation beneficiary
BoxVersionedMultiAssets assets
u32 fee_asset_item
Execute BoxVersionedXcmTasSysConfigCall message
Weight max_weight
Force xcm version BoxMultiLocation location
XcmVersion xcm_version
Force default xcm version OptionXcmVersion maybe_xcm_version
Force subscribe version notify BoxVersionedMultiLocation location
Force unsubscribe version notify BoxVersionedMultiLocation location
Limited reserve transfer assets BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest
BoxVersionedMultiLocation beneficiary
BoxVersionedMultiAssets assets
u32 fee_asset_item
WeightLimit weight_limit
Limited teleport assets BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest
BoxVersionedMultiLocation beneficiary
BoxVersionedMultiAssets assets
u32 fee_asset_item
WeightLimit weight_limit