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This project contains the Polkadot app ( for Ledger Nano S and X.
- Ledger Nano S/X BOLOS app
- Specs / Documentation
- C++ unit tests
- Zemu tests
For more information: How to build
- Do not use in production
- Do not use a Ledger device with funds for development purposes.
- Have a separate and marked device that is used ONLY for development and testing
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Fill block | ✔️ | ✔️ | Perbill ratio |
Remark | ✔️ | ✔️ | Vecu8 remark |
Set heap pages | ✔️ | ✔️ | u64 pages |
Set code | ✔️ | ✔️ | Vecu8 code |
Set code without checks | ✔️ | ✔️ | Vecu8 code |
Set storage | VecKeyValue items |
Kill storage | VecKey keys |
Kill prefix | Key prefix u32 subkeys |
Remark with event | ✔️ | ✔️ | Vecu8 remark |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Schedule | BlockNumber when OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic schedulePriority priority BoxCallOrHashOfT call |
Cancel | BlockNumber when u32 index |
Schedule named | Vecu8 id BlockNumber when OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic schedulePriority priority BoxCallOrHashOfT call |
Cancel named | Vecu8 id |
Schedule after | BlockNumber after OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic schedulePriority priority BoxCallOrHashOfT call |
Schedule named after | Vecu8 id BlockNumber after OptionschedulePeriodBlockNumber maybe_periodic schedulePriority priority BoxCallOrHashOfT call |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Note preimage | ✔️ | Vecu8 bytes |
Unnote preimage | ✔️ | Hash hash |
Request preimage | ✔️ | Hash hash |
Unrequest preimage | ✔️ | Hash hash |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Report equivocation | BoxEquivocationProofHeader equivocation_proof KeyOwnerProof key_owner_proof |
Report equivocation unsigned | BoxEquivocationProofHeader equivocation_proof KeyOwnerProof key_owner_proof |
Plan config change | NextConfigDescriptor config |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set | ✔️ | Compactu64 now |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Claim | ✔️ | AccountIndex index |
Transfer | AccountId new_ AccountIndex index |
Free | ✔️ | AccountIndex index |
Force transfer | ✔️ | AccountId new_ AccountIndex index bool freeze |
Freeze | ✔️ | AccountIndex index |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Transfer | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource dest CompactBalance amount |
Set balance | ✔️ | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource who CompactBalance new_free CompactBalance new_reserved |
Force transfer | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource source LookupasStaticLookupSource dest CompactBalance amount |
Transfer keep alive | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource dest CompactBalance amount |
Transfer all | ✔️ | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource dest bool keep_alive |
Force unreserve | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource who Balance amount |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set uncles | VecHeader new_uncles |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Bond | ✔️ | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource controller CompactBalance amount RewardDestination payee |
Bond extra | ✔️ | ✔️ | CompactBalance amount |
Unbond | ✔️ | ✔️ | CompactBalance amount |
Withdraw Unbonded | ✔️ | ✔️ | u32 num_slashing_spans |
Validate | ✔️ | ✔️ | ValidatorPrefs prefs |
Nominate | ✔️ | ✔️ | VecLookupasStaticLookupSource targets |
Chill | ✔️ | ✔️ | ||
Set payee | ✔️ | ✔️ | RewardDestination payee |
Set controller | ✔️ | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource controller |
Set validator count | ✔️ | Compactu32 new_ |
Increase validator count | ✔️ | Compactu32 additional |
Scale validator count | Percent factor |
Force no eras | ✔️ | |||
Force new era | ✔️ | |||
Set invulnerables | VecAccountId invulnerables |
Force unstake | ✔️ | AccountId stash u32 num_slashing_spans |
Force new era always | ✔️ | |||
Cancel deferred slash | EraIndex era Bytes slash_indices |
Payout stakers | ✔️ | ✔️ | AccountId validator_stash EraIndex era |
Rebond | ✔️ | ✔️ | CompactBalance amount |
Set history depth | ✔️ | Compactu32 new_history_depth Compactu32 era_items_deleted |
Reap stash | ✔️ | AccountId stash u32 num_slashing_spans |
Kick | ✔️ | VecLookupasStaticLookupSource who |
Set staking configs | Balance min_nominator_bond Balance min_validator_bond Optionu32 max_nominator_count Optionu32 max_validator_count OptionPercent chill_threshold Perbill min_commission |
Chill other | ✔️ | AccountId controller |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set keys | ✔️ | ✔️ | Keys keys Bytes proof |
Purge keys | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Report equivocation | BoxEquivocationProofHashBlockNumber equivocation_proof KeyOwnerProof key_owner_proof |
Report equivocation unsigned | BoxEquivocationProofHashBlockNumber equivocation_proof KeyOwnerProof key_owner_proof |
Note stalled | ✔️ | BlockNumber delay BlockNumber best_finalized_block_number |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Heartbeat | HeartbeatBlockNumber heartbeat AuthorityIdasRuntimeAppPublicSignature signature |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Propose | Hash proposal_hash Compactu128 amount |
Second | ✔️ | Compactu32 proposal Compactu32 seconds_upper_bound |
Vote | Compactu32 ref_index AccountVoteBalanceOf vote |
Emergency cancel | ✔️ | ReferendumIndex ref_index |
External propose | ✔️ | Hash proposal_hash |
External propose majority | ✔️ | Hash proposal_hash |
External propose default | ✔️ | Hash proposal_hash |
Fast track | ✔️ | Hash proposal_hash BlockNumber voting_period BlockNumber delay |
Veto external | ✔️ | Hash proposal_hash |
Cancel referendum | ✔️ | Compactu32 ref_index |
Cancel queued | ✔️ | ReferendumIndex which |
Delegate | ✔️ | AccountId to Conviction conviction Balance balance |
Undelegate | ✔️ | |||
Clear public proposals | ✔️ | |||
Note preimage | ✔️ | Bytes encoded_proposal |
Note preimage operational | ✔️ | Bytes encoded_proposal |
Note imminent preimage | ✔️ | Bytes encoded_proposal |
Note imminent preimage operational | ✔️ | Bytes encoded_proposal |
Reap preimage | ✔️ | Hash proposal_hash Compactu32 proposal_len_upper_bound |
Unlock | ✔️ | AccountId target |
Remove vote | ✔️ | ReferendumIndex index |
Remove other vote | ✔️ | AccountId target ReferendumIndex index |
Enact proposal | ✔️ | Hash proposal_hash ReferendumIndex index |
Blacklist | Hash proposal_hash OptionReferendumIndex maybe_ref_index |
Cancel proposal | ✔️ | Compactu32 prop_index |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set members | VecAccountId new_members OptionAccountId prime MemberCount old_count |
Execute | BoxTasConfigIProposal proposal Compactu32 length_bound |
Propose | Compactu32 threshold BoxTasConfigIProposal proposal Compactu32 length_bound |
Vote | ✔️ | Hash proposal Compactu32 index bool approve |
Close | ✔️ | Hash proposal_hash Compactu32 index Compactu64 proposal_weight_bound Compactu32 length_bound |
Disapprove proposal | ✔️ | Hash proposal_hash |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set members | VecAccountId new_members OptionAccountId prime MemberCount old_count |
Execute | BoxTasConfigIProposal proposal Compactu32 length_bound |
Propose | Compactu32 threshold BoxTasConfigIProposal proposal Compactu32 length_bound |
Vote | ✔️ | Hash proposal Compactu32 index bool approve |
Close | ✔️ | Hash proposal_hash Compactu32 index Compactu64 proposal_weight_bound Compactu32 length_bound |
Disapprove proposal | ✔️ | Hash proposal_hash |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Vote | VecAccountId votes Compactu128 amount |
Remove voter | ✔️ | |||
Submit candidacy | ✔️ | Compactu32 candidate_count |
Renounce candidacy | Renouncing renouncing |
Remove member | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource who bool has_replacement |
Clean defunct voters | ✔️ | u32 num_voters u32 num_defunct |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Add member | ✔️ | AccountId who |
Remove member | ✔️ | AccountId who |
Swap member | ✔️ | AccountId remove AccountId add |
Reset members | ✔️ | VecAccountId members |
Change key | ✔️ | AccountId new_ |
Set prime | ✔️ | AccountId who |
Clear prime | ✔️ |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Propose spend | ✔️ | CompactBalance amount LookupasStaticLookupSource beneficiary |
Reject proposal | ✔️ | Compactu32 proposal_id |
Approve proposal | ✔️ | Compactu32 proposal_id |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Claim | ✔️ | AccountId dest EcdsaSignature ethereum_signature |
Mint claim | EthereumAddress who Balance amount OptionTupleBalanceOfTBalanceOfTBlockNumber vesting_schedule OptionStatementKind statement |
Claim attest | ✔️ | AccountId dest EcdsaSignature ethereum_signature Bytes statement |
Attest | ✔️ | Bytes statement |
Move claim | ✔️ | EthereumAddress old EthereumAddress new_ OptionAccountId maybe_preclaim |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Vest | ✔️ | |||
Vest other | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource target |
Vested transfer | LookupasStaticLookupSource target VestingInfoBalanceOfTBlockNumber schedule |
Force vested transfer | LookupasStaticLookupSource source LookupasStaticLookupSource target VestingInfoBalanceOfTBlockNumber schedule |
Merge schedules | ✔️ | u32 schedule1_index u32 schedule2_index |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Batch | ✔️ | ✔️ | VecCall calls |
As derivative | u16 index Call call |
Batch all | ✔️ | ✔️ | VecCall calls |
Dispatch as | BoxPalletsOrigin as_origin Call call |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Add registrar | ✔️ | AccountId account |
Set identity | BoxIdentityInfoMaxAdditionalFields info |
Set subs | VecTupleAccountIdData subs |
Clear identity | ✔️ | |||
Request judgement | ✔️ | Compactu32 reg_index Compactu128 max_fee |
Cancel request | ✔️ | RegistrarIndex reg_index |
Set fee | ✔️ | Compactu32 index Compactu128 fee |
Set account id | ✔️ | Compactu32 index AccountId new_ |
Set fields | Compactu32 index IdentityFields fields |
Provide judgement | Compactu32 reg_index LookupasStaticLookupSource target JudgementBalanceOfT judgement |
Kill identity | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource target |
Add sub | LookupasStaticLookupSource sub Data data |
Rename sub | LookupasStaticLookupSource sub Data data |
Remove sub | ✔️ | LookupasStaticLookupSource sub |
Quit sub | ✔️ |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Proxy | ✔️ | ✔️ | AccountId real OptionProxyType force_proxy_type Call call |
Add proxy | ✔️ | AccountId delegate ProxyType proxy_type BlockNumber delay |
Remove proxy | ✔️ | AccountId delegate ProxyType proxy_type BlockNumber delay |
Remove proxies | ✔️ | |||
Anonymous | ✔️ | ProxyType proxy_type BlockNumber delay u16 index |
Kill anonymous | ✔️ | AccountId spawner ProxyType proxy_type u16 index Compactu32 height Compactu32 ext_index |
Announce | AccountId real CallHashOf call_hash |
Remove announcement | AccountId real CallHashOf call_hash |
Reject announcement | AccountId delegate CallHashOf call_hash |
Proxy announced | ✔️ | AccountId delegate AccountId real OptionProxyType force_proxy_type Call call |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
As multi threshold 1 | VecAccountId other_signatories Call call |
As multi | ✔️ | ✔️ | u16 threshold VecAccountId other_signatories OptionTimepoint maybe_timepoint OpaqueCall call bool store_call Weight max_weight |
Approve as multi | ✔️ | ✔️ | u16 threshold VecAccountId other_signatories OptionTimepoint maybe_timepoint H256 call_hash Weight max_weight |
Cancel as multi | ✔️ | ✔️ | u16 threshold VecAccountId other_signatories Timepoint timepoint H256 call_hash |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Propose bounty | ✔️ | CompactBalance amount Bytes description |
Approve bounty | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id |
Propose curator | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id LookupasStaticLookupSource curator CompactBalance fee |
Unassign curator | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id |
Accept curator | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id |
Award bounty | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id LookupasStaticLookupSource beneficiary |
Claim bounty | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id |
Close bounty | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id |
Extend bounty expiry | ✔️ | Compactu32 bounty_id Bytes remark |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Report awesome | ✔️ | Bytes reason AccountId who |
Retract tip | ✔️ | Hash hash |
Tip new | ✔️ | Bytes reason AccountId who Compactu128 tip_value |
Tip | ✔️ | Hash hash Compactu128 tip_value |
Close tip | ✔️ | Hash hash |
Slash tip | ✔️ | Hash hash |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Submit unsigned | BoxRawSolutionSolutionOfT raw_solution SolutionOrSnapshotSize witness |
Set minimum untrusted score | OptionElectionScore maybe_next_score |
Set emergency election result | SupportsAccountId supports |
Submit | BoxRawSolutionSolutionOfT raw_solution u32 num_signed_submissions |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Rebag | ✔️ | AccountId dislocated |
Put in front of | ✔️ | AccountId lighter |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Set validation upgrade cooldown | ✔️ | BlockNumber new_ |
Set validation upgrade delay | ✔️ | BlockNumber new_ |
Set code retention period | ✔️ | BlockNumber new_ |
Set max code size | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set max pov size | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set max head data size | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set parathread cores | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set parathread retries | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set group rotation frequency | ✔️ | BlockNumber new_ |
Set chain availability period | ✔️ | BlockNumber new_ |
Set thread availability period | ✔️ | BlockNumber new_ |
Set scheduling lookahead | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set max validators per core | ✔️ | Optionu32 new_ |
Set max validators | ✔️ | Optionu32 new_ |
Set dispute period | SessionIndex new_ |
Set dispute post conclusion acceptance period | ✔️ | BlockNumber new_ |
Set dispute max spam slots | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set dispute conclusion by time out period | ✔️ | BlockNumber new_ |
Set no show slots | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set n delay tranches | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set zeroth delay tranche width | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set needed approvals | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set relay vrf modulo samples | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set max upward queue count | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set max upward queue size | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set max downward message size | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set ump service total weight | ✔️ | Weight new_ |
Set max upward message size | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set max upward message num per candidate | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set hrmp open request ttl | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set hrmp sender deposit | ✔️ | Balance new_ |
Set hrmp recipient deposit | ✔️ | Balance new_ |
Set hrmp channel max capacity | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set hrmp channel max total size | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set hrmp max parachain inbound channels | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set hrmp max parathread inbound channels | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set hrmp channel max message size | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set hrmp max parachain outbound channels | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set hrmp max parathread outbound channels | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set hrmp max message num per candidate | ✔️ | u32 new_ |
Set ump max individual weight | ✔️ | Weight new_ |
Set pvf checking enabled | ✔️ | bool new_ |
Set pvf voting ttl | ✔️ | SessionIndex new_ |
Set minimum validation upgrade delay | ✔️ | BlockNumber new_ |
Set bypass consistency check | ✔️ | bool new_ |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Enter | ParachainsInherentDataHeader data |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Force set current code | ParaId para ValidationCode new_code |
Force set current head | ParaId para HeadData new_head |
Force schedule code upgrade | ParaId para ValidationCode new_code BlockNumber relay_parent_number |
Force note new head | ParaId para HeadData new_head |
Force queue action | ParaId para |
Add trusted validation code | ValidationCode validation_code |
Poke unused validation code | ValidationCodeHash validation_code_hash |
Include pvf check statement | PvfCheckStatement stmt ValidatorSignature signature |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Force approve | ✔️ | BlockNumber up_to |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Service overweight | OverweightIndex index Weight weight_limit |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Hrmp init open channel | ParaId recipient u32 proposed_max_capacity u32 proposed_max_message_size |
Hrmp accept open channel | ParaId sender |
Hrmp close channel | HrmpChannelId channel_id |
Force clean hrmp | ParaId para |
Force process hrmp open | ✔️ | |||
Force process hrmp close | ✔️ | |||
Hrmp cancel open request | HrmpChannelId channel_id |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Register | ParaId id HeadData genesis_head ValidationCode validation_code |
Force register | AccountId who Balance deposit ParaId id HeadData genesis_head ValidationCode validation_code |
Deregister | ParaId id |
Swap | ParaId id ParaId other |
Force remove lock | ParaId para |
Reserve | ✔️ |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Force lease | ParaId para AccountId leaser Balance amount LeasePeriodOfT period_begin LeasePeriodOfT period_count |
Clear all leases | ParaId para |
Trigger onboard | ParaId para |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
New auction | ✔️ | Compactu32 duration Compactu32 lease_period_index |
Bid | ✔️ | Compactu32 para Compactu32 auction_index Compactu32 first_slot Compactu32 last_slot CompactBalance amount |
Cancel auction | ✔️ |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Create | Compactu32 index Compactu128 cap Compactu32 first_period Compactu32 last_period Compactu32 end OptionMultiSigner verifier |
Contribute | Compactu32 index Compactu128 amount OptionMultiSignature signature |
Withdraw | AccountId who Compactu32 index |
Refund | Compactu32 index |
Dissolve | Compactu32 index |
Edit | Compactu32 index Compactu128 cap Compactu32 first_period Compactu32 last_period Compactu32 end OptionMultiSigner verifier |
Add memo | ParaId index Vecu8 memo |
Poke | ParaId index |
Contribute all | Compactu32 index OptionMultiSignature signature |
Name | Light | XL | Nesting | Arguments |
Send | BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest BoxVersionedXcmTuple message |
Teleport assets | BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest BoxVersionedMultiLocation beneficiary BoxVersionedMultiAssets assets u32 fee_asset_item |
Reserve transfer assets | BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest BoxVersionedMultiLocation beneficiary BoxVersionedMultiAssets assets u32 fee_asset_item |
Execute | BoxVersionedXcmTasSysConfigCall message Weight max_weight |
Force xcm version | BoxMultiLocation location XcmVersion xcm_version |
Force default xcm version | OptionXcmVersion maybe_xcm_version |
Force subscribe version notify | BoxVersionedMultiLocation location |
Force unsubscribe version notify | BoxVersionedMultiLocation location |
Limited reserve transfer assets | BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest BoxVersionedMultiLocation beneficiary BoxVersionedMultiAssets assets u32 fee_asset_item WeightLimit weight_limit |
Limited teleport assets | BoxVersionedMultiLocation dest BoxVersionedMultiLocation beneficiary BoxVersionedMultiAssets assets u32 fee_asset_item WeightLimit weight_limit |