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Reefswap is a DEX on the Reef chain.

Existing deployment

Reefswap is already deployed on the following networks:

Reef Mainnet

factory: "0x380a9033500154872813F6E1120a81ed6c0760a8"
router: "0x641e34931C03751BFED14C4087bA395303bEd1A5"

Reef Testnet (Maldives):

factory: "0xcA36bA38f2776184242d3652b17bA4A77842707e"
router: "0x0A2906130B1EcBffbE1Edb63D5417002956dFd41"


Install all dependencies with yarn.

Reefswap can be deployed in different ways:

  • scripts/ folder includes hardhat scripts
  • src/ folder includes raw TypeScript scripts, which directly use evm-provider.js

Setup accounts

Copy .env.example to .env (cp .env.example .env) and update the desired mnemonic variable to your account seed mnemonic for the corresponding network.

You can have multiple accounts by listing them in dictionary with your custom name:

seeds: {
	account1: "<MNEMONIC_SEED1>",
	account2: "<MNEMONIC_SEED2>",

In JS script you can select the account with:

const reef = await hre.reef.getSignerByName("account1");

in scripts/deploy.js, where account1 is the key of the item in the seeds dictionary.

If you get the following error:

Invalid Transaction: Inability to pay some fees , e.g. account balance too low

it is most likely because the accounts defined in the hardhat.config.js and JS script do not match.

Network selection

Define your Reef chain URL in hardhat.config.js (by default ws:// If you want to run the script on the other network, you can do so in CLI with --network {network-name} flag.

Example: yarn hardhat run scripts/sample-script.js --network reef_testnet

You can define the network configuration in hardhat.config.js. To change the default network, change the defaultNetwork variable.

If the networks URL exists (can be pinged), the system will automatically connect to it, else it will run internal reef-node and try to connect to it.


Run npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js

The script will create two ERC20 tokens, Reefswap Factory, Reefswap Router and add liquidity to them through the Reefswap router.


Change the addresses in src/trade.ts to match the ones in the deploy scripts and then run: yarn trade

Random testing trading bot

Random bot was defined for the purouse of testing swap and pool data. It consists of deploymant and swapping

How to run:

  • In the first instance user needs to provide 10k Reef to default accounts
  • yarn hardhat run scripts/botInit.js - Create tokens, facotry, router, verifie them, add liquidity and remove liquidity
  • Replace token addresses in scripts/bot.js with given output from botInit - Default accounts are swapping randomly with random amounts
  • yarn hardhat run scripts/bot.js