Rees46 React Native SDK is available through GitHub. To install it, run next command in terminal:
yarn add @rees46/react-native-sdk
yarn add
Also need added AsyncStorage plugin:
yarn add @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
and react-native-device-info
yarn add react-native-device-info
For push notification:
yarn add react-native-push-notification
yarn add @react-native-community/push-notification-ios
yarn add @react-native-firebase/app
yarn add @react-native-firebase/messaging
Open your /ios/{projectName}/AppDelegate.m
file, and add the following:
At the top of the file, import the Firebase SDK:
#import <Firebase.h>
Open a terminal window and navigate to the location of the Xcode project for your app
cd ios/
pod install
Disable auto-registration the device
// firebase.json
"react-native": {
"messaging_ios_auto_register_for_remote_messages": false
On iOS, when a message is received the device silently starts your application in a background state. To get around this problem, you can configure your application. Use this property to conditionally render null ("nothing") if your app is launched in the background:
// index.js
import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
function HeadlessCheck({ isHeadless }) {
if (isHeadless) {
// App has been launched in the background by iOS, ignore
return null;
return <App />;
function App() {
// Your application
AppRegistry.registerComponent('app', () => HeadlessCheck);
To inject a isHeadless prop into your app, please update your AppDelegate.m file as instructed below:
/ add this import statement at the top of your `AppDelegate.m` file
#import "RNFBMessagingModule.h"
// in "(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions" method
// Use `addCustomPropsToUserProps` to pass in props for initialization of your app
// Or pass in `nil` if you have none as per below example
// For `withLaunchOptions` please pass in `launchOptions` object
NSDictionary *appProperties = [RNFBMessagingModule addCustomPropsToUserProps:nil withLaunchOptions:launchOptions];
// Find the `RCTRootView` instance and update the `initialProperties` with your `appProperties` instance
RCTRootView *rootView = [[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBridge:bridge
If the iOS Background App Refresh mode is off, your handler configured in setBackgroundMessageHandler will not be triggered.
In your android/build.gradle
buildscript {
dependencies {
//Add this \/
classpath ''
In your android/app/build.gradle
apply plugin: ''
in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM"
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_EXACT_ALARM"
SDK is used for several tasks:
- Initialize SDK and user's session
- Events tracking
- Track custom event
- Track push
- Product recommendations
- Product search
- Save profile settings
- Init push
- Set push token notification
- Triggers
- Price drop
- Back in Stock
- Segments
- Add user to a segment
- Remove user from a segment
- Get user segments
Initialize SDK object and use it anywhere in your application. (!) Remember to initialize SDK only once on application launch.
import Rees46 from '@rees46/react-native-sdk';
const rnsdk = new Rees46("YOUR_SHOP_ID", "Stream");
rnsdk.isInit(); // returns true/false
Track user's behavior to collect data. There are several types of events:
// View product (simple way)
rnsdk.track("view", 37);
// View product (try to avoid it)
rnsdk.track("view", {
id: 37,
stock: true
// View product after user clicked on recommender block
rnsdk.track("view", {
recommended_by: 'dynamic',
recommended_code: 'UNIQUE_RECOMMENDER_CODE'
// View product, after user clicked on search results
rnsdk.track("view", {
recommended_by: 'full_search',
recommended_code: QUERY_STRING
// ... or instant search dropdown
rnsdk.track("view", {
recommended_by: 'instant_search',
recommended_code: QUERY_STRING
// View category
rnsdk.track("category", 100500);
// Add product to cart (simple way)
rnsdk.track("cart", id);
// Add product to cart with amount and track recommender
rnsdk.track("cart", {
recommended_by: 'dynamic',
recommended_code: 'UNIQUE_RECOMMENDER_CODE'
//Send the full current cart
rnsdk.track("cart", [
// Remove product from cart
rnsdk.track("remove_from_cart", id);
// Add product to favorities
rnsdk.track("wish", id);
// Remove product from favorities
rnsdk.track("remove_wish", id);
// Track purchase (several products)
rnsdk.track("purchase", {
products: [
{id: 37, price: 318, amount: 3},
{id: 187, price: 5000, amount: 1}
order: 'N318',
order_price: 29999
// Track user search
rnsdk.track("search", "This is a search example");
// Simple tracking
// Tracking with custom parameters
rnsdk.trackEvent('my_event', {
category: "event category",
label: "event label",
value: 100
const params = {
code: 'CODE',
type: 'TYPE'
// Track user click notification
// Track Notification received
const type = 'instant_search'; // full_search, ...
let search_query = 'your_search_text';{
type: type,
search_query: search_query,
// other params
.then((res) => {
const recommender_code = 'recommender_code';
const params = {
item: 100500,
exclude: [3, 14, 159, 26535],
search_query: "To be or not to be"
// other params
rnsdk.recommend(recommender_code, params)
.then((res) => {
const params = {
id: 100500,
email: "",
phone: "4400114527199",
first_name: "John",
last_name: "Doe",
birthday: "1990-03-11",
age: 31,
gender: "m",
location: "NY",
bought_something: true,
loyalty_id: "000001234567",
loyalty_card_location: "NY",
loyalty_status: "5% discount",
loyalty_bonuses: 1123,
loyalty_bonuses_to_next_level: 1877,
fb_id: "000000000354677",
vk_id: "vk031845",
telegram_id: "0125762968357835",
kids: [
{gender: "m", birthday: "2001-04-12"},
{gender: "f", birthday: "2015-07-28"}
auto: [
{brand: "Nissan", model: "Qashqai", vds: "TM7N243E4G0BJG978"}
.then((res) => {
//Set use Firebase messaging only. Call this method before initPush;
// Simple init
//onClick listener
// onReceivetive listener
rnsdk.initPush(false, onReceiveCallback);
// you can use different callback for notification, when app is in background.
rnsdk.initPush(false, onReceiveCallback, onBackgroundReceiveCallback);
// If onBackgroundReceiveCallback not specified, used onReceiveCallback listener.
// onClickCallback params
"data": {
"body": "MESSAGE_BODY",
"icon": "MESSAGE_ICON",
"id": "MESSAGE_ID",
"image": "MESSAGE_IMAGE",
"title": "MESSAGE_TITLE",
"type": "MESSAGE_TYPE"
"from": "MESSAGE_FROM",
"messageId": "FMC_MESSAGE_ID",
"sentTime": TIMESTAMP,
"ttl": TTL_VALUE
// onReceiveCallBack, onBackgroundReceiveCallback params
"data": {
"action_urls": "[]",
"actions": "[]",
"body": "MESSAGE_BODY",
"icon": "MESSAGE_ICON",
"id": "MESSAGE_ID",
"image": "MESSAGE_IMAGE",
"title": "MESSAGE_TITLE",
"type": "MESSAGE_TYPE"
"from": "MESSAGE_FROM",
"messageId": "FMC_MESSAGE_ID",
"sentTime": TIMESTAMP,
"ttl": TTL_VALUE
###IMPORTANT! Сall initPush method on app initialization
// Subscribing
rnsdk.triggers('subscribe_for_product_price', {email: '', item: '3323', price: 160});
// Unsubscribing from specific products
rnsdk.triggers('unsubscribe_from_product_price', {email: '', item_ids: [3323, 100500, 'ABCDEF']});
// Unsubscribing from all products
rnsdk.triggers('unsubscribe_from_product_price', {email: '', item_ids: []});
// Subscribing
rnsdk.triggers('subscribe_for_product_available', {email: '', item: '3323', properties: {fashion_size: "XL"}});
// Unsubscribing from specific products
rnsdk.triggers('unsubscribe_from_product_available', {email: '', item_ids: [3323, 100500, 'ABCDEF']});
// Unsubscribing from all products
rnsdk.triggers('unsubscribe_from_product_available', {email: '', item_ids: []});
// Subscribe user to all kids of email campaigns and SMS
rnsdk.subscriptions('manage', {
email: '',
phone: '+100000000000',
email_bulk: true,
email_chain: true,
email_transactional: true,
sms_bulk: true,
sms_chain: true,
sms_transactional: true
// Change only specific subscriptions
rnsdk.subscriptions('manage', {
email: '',
phone: '+100000000000',
email_chain: true,
sms_bulk: true,
sms_transactional: true
// Change without phone
rnsdk.subscriptions('manage', {
email: '',
email_chain: true,
sms_bulk: true,
sms_transactional: true
// Using all possible identifiers
rnsdk.segments('add', {
"email": "",
"phone": "+10000000000",
"segment_id": "SEGMENT_ID"
// With phone only
rnsdk.segments('add', {
"phone": "+10000000000",
"segment_id": "SEGMENT_ID"
// With email only
rnsdk.segments('add', {
"email": "",
"segment_id": "SEGMENT_ID"
// Without any contacts: `did` is used automatically
rnsdk.segments('add', {
"segment_id": "SEGMENT_ID"
// Using all possible identifiers
rnsdk.segments('remove', {
"email": "",
"phone": "+10000000000",
"segment_id": "SEGMENT_ID"
// With phone only
rnsdk.segments('remove', {
"phone": "+10000000000",
"segment_id": "SEGMENT_ID"
// With email only
rnsdk.segments('remove', {
"email": "",
"segment_id": "SEGMENT_ID"
// Without any contacts: `did` is used automatically
rnsdk.segments('remove', {
"segment_id": "SEGMENT_ID"
// Using all possible identifiers
rnsdk.segments('get').then(res => {
// segments (type: array of objects)
// each object has the following properties:
// "id" as Segment ID
// "type" as Segment Type ("dynamic", "static")
Rees46 React Native SDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.