I'm Marius, a Software Developer from Germany. My skills range over the full stack of software development, with main expertise in React Native. For the Frontend, I use React. Backend wise I choose Node.JS or Rust. For Mobile it can also be Flutter.
I also write on Medium, DEV and mariusreimer.com.
- react-native-camera-hooks - Hooks library for react-native-camera
- react-native-secure-element - Secure storage library for iOS and Android
- react-native-tapjoy - Wrapper library for an ads sdk
- Space Viewer - App that displays data from the Space API V1 (deprecated)
- Space Seek - App that displays data from the Space API V2 (complete re-work)
Flutter Projects
- How Many People Are In Space Right Now - App that displays data from the Space API V1 and the amount of people in space
- Onboarding Experience - Example app onboarding screen experience
React Native Contributions
- react-native
- react-native-background-upload
- react-native-camera
- react-native-video
- react-native-masked-view
- wix/react-native-navigation
- react-native-modal/react-native-modal
- iddan/react-native-canvas
- react-native-masked-view/masked-view
- reime005/ReactNativeSearchAnimated
- o2sh/onefetch
- rslint/rslint
- booyaa/wifiscanner
- GraphQL Pokemon Wrapper - Rust GraphQL wrapper for the Pokemon API with Svelte frontend