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RPL Final Assignment FIUBA

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This service has three components, the producer backend, the consumer backend and the message broker. You can also add a MySQL server to persist data. If not, an H2 in-memory database is used (so as soon as you close the JVM, all data is lost)


A swagger.json is generated every time functional tests are run. To see them in a nice UI you can copy the file to Swagger Editor.

You can also parse the swagger.json to a swagger.yaml by using api-spec-converter

npm install -g api-spec-converter
api-spec-converter --from=swagger_2 --to=swagger_2 --syntax=yaml swagger.json > swagger.yaml  

Also, should update itself every time swagger.yaml changes on branch master.


When you make a GET to /health, the service responds with a "plain/text" "pong".


When you make a POST to /submit with a body with the following structure:

  "quantity": 100

The producer send a "quantity" ammount of messages to the broker, which are then received by the consumer.




  • Download and install Docker
  • If using IntelliJ: copy ./RplApplication_Consumer.xml and ./RplApplication_Producer.xml to your ./.idea/runConfigurations/ folder. This will create two running configuration, one for running the producer and other for running the consumer.

Unit and Functional Tests

./gradlew clean && ./gradlew check

Running the service

  • Start rabbitmq with:
docker run -p 9999:15672 -p 5672:5672 deadtrickster/rabbitmq_prometheus:latest
  • Run Gradle build.
  • Start producer with the RplApplication Producer configuration.
  • Start consumer with the RplApplication Consumer configuration.
  • Optional: you can view the data of the broker in http://localhost:9999/.

Local with minikube


Both the consumer and the producer use the alepox/rpl-2.0:latest Docker image (see kubernetes/deployment/consumer.yaml and kubernetes/deployment/producer.yaml). If the image was not pushed yet you should use the following commands:

docker commit -m "First commit" -a "alepox" <CONTAINER_ID>
docker tag rpl-backend alepox/rpl-2.0:latest
docker push alepox/rpl-2.0:latest

With the following credentials:

user: alepox
password: ?_@vn2w!@CZjVZh

Running the service

  • Start a kubernetes cluster in Minikube with:
minikube start \
  --memory 8096 \
  --extra-config=controller-manager.horizontal-pod-autoscaler-upscale-delay=1m \
  --extra-config=controller-manager.horizontal-pod-autoscaler-downscale-delay=2m \
  • Create the message broker deployment and service:
kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/deployments/queue.yaml
kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/services/queue.yaml
  • Create the producer deployments and services:
kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/deployments/producer.yaml
kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/services/producer.yaml
  • Create the consumer deployments and services:
kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/deployments/consumer.yaml
kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/services/consumer.yaml
  • Get the ip address of the cluster:
minikube ip
  • Get ports of each service:
kubectl get services


NAME         TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                                         AGE
consumer     NodePort   <none>        8888:31000/TCP                                                  6s
kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP                                                         27m
producer     NodePort   <none>        80:32000/TCP                                                    29s
queue        NodePort    <none>        15671:30000/TCP,15672:31157/TCP,5671:31353/TCP,5672:32440/TCP   27m
  • Optional: you can view the data of the broker in http://<cluster_ip>:31157/.


run the MySQL server as a POD


Note: the db will have 10GB of storage and in case you destroy your minikube cluster you will also destroy the DB with all its data.

  • [Only for production tests] Create the mysql server deployment and service
kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/mysql/persistent_volume_deployment.yaml.yaml
kubectl create -f ./kubernetes/mysql/mysql_deployment.yaml.yaml
  • [Only for production tests] Create the database rplStage (replase POD mysql-- with YOUR pod)
kubectl exec -it mysql-7d7fdd478f-hxcx9 -- /usr/bin/mysql -ppassword -e "create database rplStage"
  • [Only for production tests] Run migrations getting the host and port (31111) of the mysql server service in the kubernetes cluster
minikube ip -->
bash flyway/ jdbc:mysql:// root password
  • [Only for production tests] Change SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE env variable in kubernetes/deployment/producer.yaml to hello-world,producer,prod

  • [Only for production tests] If you already deployed the producer, run kubectl apply -f kubernetes/service/producer.yaml

  • [Only for production tests] This will create a stateful application where one POD will contain the DB. Otherwise, an H2 DB will be created and provisioned when the springboot app starts
