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Tidy up Definition module
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dc-mak committed Dec 10, 2024
1 parent 5bab89a commit ee706ef
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Showing 21 changed files with 172 additions and 137 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -714,8 +714,8 @@ let c_fun_to_it id_loc glob_context (id : Sym.t) fsym def (fn : 'bty Mu.fun_map_
let upd_def (loc, sym, def_tm) =
let open Definition.Function in
let@ def = get_logical_function_def loc sym in
match def.definition with
| Uninterp -> add_logical_function sym { def with definition = Def def_tm }
match def.body with
| Uninterp -> add_logical_function sym { def with body = Def def_tm }
| _ ->
{ loc;
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2230,7 +2230,7 @@ let record_and_check_logical_functions funs =
let@ () =
(fun (name, def) ->
let@ simple_def = WellTyped.WLFD.welltyped { def with definition = Uninterp } in
let@ simple_def = WellTyped.WLFD.welltyped { def with body = Uninterp } in
add_logical_function name simple_def)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2932,7 +2932,7 @@ let rec generate_record_opt pred_sym = function

(* TODO: Finish with rest of function - maybe header file with A.Decl_function (cn.h?) *)
let cn_to_ail_function_internal
(fn_sym, (lf_def : Definition.Function.definition))
(fn_sym, (lf_def : Definition.Function.t))
(cn_datatypes : A.sigma_cn_datatype list)
(cn_functions : A.sigma_cn_function list)
: ((Locations.t * A.sigma_declaration)
Expand All @@ -2942,7 +2942,7 @@ let cn_to_ail_function_internal
let ret_type = bt_to_ail_ctype ~pred_sym:(Some fn_sym) lf_def.return_bt in
(* let ret_type = mk_ctype C.(Pointer (empty_qualifiers, ret_type)) in *)
let bs, ail_func_body_opt =
match lf_def.definition with
match lf_def.body with
| Def it | Rec_Def it ->
let bs, ss =
cn_to_ail_expr_internal_with_pred_name (Some fn_sym) cn_datatypes [] it Return
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion backend/cn/lib/cn_internal_to_ail.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ val cn_to_ail_records
A.sigma_tag_definition list

val cn_to_ail_function_internal
: Sym.t * Definition.Function.definition ->
: Sym.t * Definition.Function.t ->
A.sigma_cn_datatype list ->
A.sigma_cn_function list ->
((Locations.t * A.sigma_declaration)
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ let translate_cn_function env (def : cn_function) =
let@ definition =
let@ body =
match def.cn_func_body with
| Some body ->
let@ body = translate_cn_func_body env' body in
Expand All @@ -1232,7 +1232,7 @@ let translate_cn_function env (def : cn_function) =
args = List.map_snd SBT.proj args;
return_bt = SBT.proj return_bt;
emit_coq = not coq_unfold;
return (def.cn_func_name, def2)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1380,7 +1380,7 @@ let translate_cn_clauses env clauses =
Pure.handle "Predicate guards" (ET.translate_cn_expr Sym.Set.empty env e_)
let@ cl = translate_cn_clause env cl_ in
self (Def.{ loc; guard = IT.Surface.proj e; packing_ft = cl } :: acc) clauses'
self ({ loc; guard = IT.Surface.proj e; packing_ft = cl } :: acc) clauses'
let@ xs = self [] clauses in
return (List.rev xs)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ let not_given_to_solver ctxt =
let preds =
(fun _ v -> not (Definition.given_to_solver v))
(fun _ v -> not (Definition.Predicate.given_to_solver v))
(constraints, funs, preds)
156 changes: 62 additions & 94 deletions backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,33 +3,33 @@ module AT = ArgumentTypes
module LAT = LogicalArgumentTypes

module Function = struct
type def_or_uninterp =
type body =
| Def of IT.t
| Rec_Def of IT.t
| Uninterp

let subst_def_or_uninterp subst = function
let subst_body subst = function
| Def it -> Def (IT.subst subst it)
| Rec_Def it -> Rec_Def (IT.subst subst it)
| Uninterp -> Uninterp

type definition =
type t =
{ loc : Locations.t;
args : (Sym.t * BaseTypes.t) list;
(* If the predicate is supposed to get used in a quantified form, one of the arguments
has to be the index/quantified variable. For now at least. *)
return_bt : BaseTypes.t;
emit_coq : bool;
definition : def_or_uninterp
body : body

let is_recursive def =
match def.definition with Rec_Def _ -> true | Def _ -> false | Uninterp -> false
match def.body with Rec_Def _ -> true | Def _ -> false | Uninterp -> false

let given_to_solver def =
match def.definition with Rec_Def _ -> false | Def _ -> true | Uninterp -> false
match def.body with Rec_Def _ -> false | Def _ -> true | Uninterp -> false

let pp_args xs =
Expand All @@ -39,71 +39,39 @@ module Function = struct

let pp_def nm def =
let pp nm def =
let open Pp in
^^ colon
^^^ pp_args def.args
^^ colon
match def.definition with
match def.body with
| Uninterp -> !^"uninterpreted"
| Def t -> IT.pp t
| Rec_Def t -> !^"rec:" ^^^ IT.pp t

let open_fun def_args def_body args =
let open_ def_args def_body args =
let su = IT.make_subst (List.map2 (fun (s, _) arg -> (s, arg)) def_args args) in
IT.subst su def_body

let unroll_once def args =
match def.definition with
| Def body | Rec_Def body -> Some (open_fun def.args body args)
match def.body with
| Def body | Rec_Def body -> Some (open_ def.args body args)
| Uninterp -> None

let try_open_fun def args =
match def.definition with
| Def body -> Some (open_fun def.args body args)
let try_open def args =
match def.body with
| Def body -> Some (open_ def.args body args)
| Rec_Def _ -> None
| Uninterp -> None

(* let try_open_fun_to_term def name args = (fun body -> Body.to_term
def.return_bt body ) (try_open_fun def name args) *)

(* let add_unfolds_to_terms preds terms = let rec f acc t = match IT.term t with |
IT.Apply (name, ts) -> let def = Sym.Map.find name preds in begin match
try_open_fun_to_term def name ts with | None -> acc | Some t2 -> f (t2 :: acc) t2 end |
_ -> acc in IT.fold_list (fun _ acc t -> f acc t) [] terms terms *)

(* (\* Check for cycles in the logical predicate graph, which would cause *)
(* the system to loop trying to unfold them. Predicates whose definition *)
(* are marked with Rec_Def aren't checked, as cycles there are expected. *\) *)
(* let cycle_check (defs : definition Sym.Map.t) = *)
(* let def_preds nm = *)
(* let def = Sym.Map.find nm defs in *)
(* begin match def.definition with *)
(* | Def t -> Sym.Set.elements (IT.preds_of (Body.to_term def.return_bt t)) *)
(* | _ -> [] *)
(* end *)
(* in *)
(* let rec search known_ok = function *)
(* | [] -> None *)
(* | (nm, Some path) :: q -> if Sym.Set.mem nm known_ok *)
(* then search known_ok q *)
(* else if List.exists (Sym.equal nm) path *)
(* then Some (List.rev path @ [nm]) *)
(* else *)
(* let deps = (fun p -> (p, Some (nm :: path))) (def_preds nm) in *)
(* search known_ok (deps @ [(nm, None)] @ q) *)
(* | (nm, None) :: q -> search (Sym.Set.add nm known_ok) q *)
(* in search Sym.Set.empty ( (fun (p, _) -> (p, Some [])) (Sym.Map.bindings
defs)) *)

(*Extensibility hook. For now, all functions are displayed as "interesting" in error reporting*)
let is_interesting : definition -> bool = fun _ -> true
let is_interesting : t -> bool = fun _ -> true

module Clause = struct
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,6 +128,53 @@ module Predicate = struct
(match def.clauses with
| Some clauses -> Pp.list Clause.pp clauses
| None -> !^"(uninterpreted)")

let instantiate (def : t) ptr_arg iargs =
match def.clauses with
| Some clauses ->
let subst =
((def.pointer, ptr_arg)
:: List.map2 (fun (def_ia, _) ia -> (def_ia, ia)) def.iargs iargs)
Some ( (Clause.subst subst) clauses)
| None -> None

let identify_right_clause provable (def : t) pointer iargs =
match instantiate def pointer iargs with
| None ->
(* "uninterpreted" predicates cannot be un/packed *)
| Some clauses ->
let rec try_clauses : Clause.t list -> _ = function
| [] -> None
| clause :: clauses ->
(match provable (LogicalConstraints.T clause.guard) with
| `True -> Some clause
| `False ->
let loc = Locations.other __FUNCTION__ in
(match provable (LogicalConstraints.T (IT.not_ clause.guard loc)) with
| `True -> try_clauses clauses
| `False ->
(Pp.item "cannot prove or disprove clause guard" (IT.pp clause.guard)));
try_clauses clauses

(* determines if a resource predicate will be given to the solver
* TODO: right now this is an overapproximation *)
let given_to_solver (def : t) =
match def.clauses with
| None -> false
| Some [] -> true
| Some [ _ ] -> true
| _ -> false

let alloc =
Expand All @@ -172,52 +187,5 @@ let alloc =

let instantiate_clauses (def : Predicate.t) ptr_arg iargs =
match def.clauses with
| Some clauses ->
let subst =
((def.pointer, ptr_arg)
:: List.map2 (fun (def_ia, _) ia -> (def_ia, ia)) def.iargs iargs)
Some ( (Clause.subst subst) clauses)
| None -> None

let identify_right_clause provable (def : Predicate.t) pointer iargs =
match instantiate_clauses def pointer iargs with
| None ->
(* "uninterpreted" predicates cannot be un/packed *)
| Some clauses ->
let rec try_clauses : Clause.t list -> _ = function
| [] -> None
| clause :: clauses ->
(match provable (LogicalConstraints.T clause.guard) with
| `True -> Some clause
| `False ->
let loc = Locations.other __FUNCTION__ in
(match provable (LogicalConstraints.T (IT.not_ clause.guard loc)) with
| `True -> try_clauses clauses
| `False ->
(Pp.item "cannot prove or disprove clause guard" (IT.pp clause.guard)));
try_clauses clauses

(* determines if a resource predicate will be given to the solver
TODO: right now this is an overapproximation *)
let given_to_solver (def : Predicate.t) =
match def.clauses with
| None -> false
| Some [] -> true
| Some [ _ ] -> true
| _ -> false

(*Extensibility hook. For now, all predicates are displayed as "interesting" in error reporting*)
let is_interesting : Predicate.t -> bool = fun _ -> true
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions backend/cn/lib/definition.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
module Function : sig
type body =
| Def of IndexTerms.t
| Rec_Def of IndexTerms.t
| Uninterp

val subst_body : [ `Rename of Sym.t | `Term of IndexTerms.t ] Subst.t -> body -> body

type t =
{ loc : Locations.t;
args : (Sym.t * BaseTypes.t) list;
return_bt : BaseTypes.t;
emit_coq : bool;
body : body

val is_recursive : t -> bool

val given_to_solver : t -> bool

val pp_args : (Cerb_frontend.Symbol.sym * unit BaseTypes.t_gen) list -> Pp.document

val pp : Pp.document -> t -> Pp.document

val open_ : (Sym.t * 'a) list -> IndexTerms.t -> IndexTerms.t list -> IndexTerms.t

val unroll_once : t -> IndexTerms.t list -> IndexTerms.t option

val try_open : t -> IndexTerms.t list -> IndexTerms.t option

val is_interesting : t -> bool

module Clause : sig
type t =
{ loc : Locations.t;
guard : IndexTerms.t;
packing_ft : LogicalArgumentTypes.packing_ft

val pp : t -> Pp.document

val subst : [ `Rename of Sym.t | `Term of IndexTerms.t ] Subst.t -> t -> t

val lrt : IndexTerms.t -> IndexTerms.t LogicalArgumentTypes.t -> LogicalReturnTypes.t

module Predicate : sig
type t =
{ loc : Locations.t;
pointer : Sym.t;
iargs : (Sym.t * BaseTypes.t) list;
oarg_bt : BaseTypes.t;
clauses : Clause.t list option

val pp : t -> Pp.document

val instantiate : t -> IndexTerms.t -> IndexTerms.t list -> Clause.t list option

val identify_right_clause
: (LogicalConstraints.logical_constraint -> [< `False | `True ]) ->
t ->
IndexTerms.t ->
IndexTerms.t list ->
Clause.t option

val given_to_solver : t -> bool

val alloc : Predicate.t

val is_interesting : Predicate.t -> bool

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