You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
- autopayment_aut
- canvassdata_can
- config_cfg
- deposit_dep
- donateditem_di
- donationfund_fun
- egive_egv
- email_message_pending_emp
- email_recipient_pending_erp
- event_attend
- event_types
- eventcountnames_evctnm
- eventcounts_evtcnt
- events_event
- family_custom
- family_custom_master
- family_fam
- fundraiser_fr
- group_grp
- groupprop_master
- kioskassginment_kasm
- kioskdevice_kdev
- list_lst
- menuconfig_mcf
- note_nte
- person2group2role_p2g2r
- person2volunteeropp_p2vo
- person_custom
- person_custom_master
- person_per
- pledge_plg
- property_pro
- propertytype_prt
- queryparameters_qrp
- record2property_r2p
- tokens
- user_usr
- userconfig_ucfg
- version_ver
- volunteeropportunity_vol
- whycame_why
This contains information for automatic electronic donations or payments for events
this contains information about the results of canvassing families
This table contains all non-default configuration parameter names and values
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
cfg_id | Id | [PK] | INTEGER | ||
cfg_name | Name | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
cfg_value | Value | LONGVARCHAR | |||
This records deposits / payments
This contains the defined donation funds
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
fun_ID | Id | [PK] | TINYINT | 3 | |
fun_Active | Active | CHAR | |||
fun_Name | Name | VARCHAR | 30 | ||
fun_Description | Description | VARCHAR | 100 | ||
this indicates which people attended which events
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
attend_id | AttendId | [PK] | INTEGER | ||
event_id | EventId | [FK] events_event | INTEGER | ||
person_id | PersonId | [FK] person_per | INTEGER | ||
checkin_date | CheckinDate | TIMESTAMP | |||
checkin_id | CheckinId | INTEGER | |||
checkout_date | CheckoutDate | TIMESTAMP | |||
checkout_id | CheckoutId | INTEGER | |||
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
type_id | Id | [PK] | INTEGER | ||
type_name | Name | VARCHAR | 255 | ||
type_defstarttime | DefStartTime | TIME | |||
type_defrecurtype | DefRecurType | CHAR | |||
type_defrecurDOW | DefRecurDOW | CHAR | |||
type_defrecurDOM | DefRecurDOM | CHAR | 2 | ||
type_defrecurDOY | DefRecurDOY | DATE | |||
type_active | Active | INTEGER | 1 | ||
type_grpid | GroupId | [FK] group_grp | INTEGER | ||
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
evctnm_countid | Id | INTEGER | 5 | ||
evctnm_eventtypeid | TypeId | SMALLINT | 5 | ||
evctnm_countname | Name | VARCHAR | 20 | ||
evctnm_notes | Notes | VARCHAR | 20 | ||
This contains events
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
event_id | Id | [PK] | INTEGER | ||
event_type | Type | INTEGER | |||
event_title | Title | VARCHAR | 255 | ||
event_desc | Desc | VARCHAR | 255 | ||
event_text | Text | LONGVARCHAR | |||
event_start | Start | TIMESTAMP | |||
event_end | End | TIMESTAMP | |||
inactive | InActive | INTEGER | 1 | ||
event_typename | TypeName | VARCHAR | 40 | ||
event_grpid | GroupId | [FK] group_grp | INTEGER | ||
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
fam_ID | FamId | [PK] | SMALLINT | 9 | |
This contains the main family data, including family name, family addresses, and family phone numbers
This contains the name and description for each group, as well as foreign keys to the list of group roles
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
grp_ID | Id | [PK] | SMALLINT | 8 | |
grp_Type | Type | [FK] list_lst | TINYINT | The group type. This is defined in list_lst.OptionId where lst_ID=3 | |
grp_RoleListID | RoleListId | [FK] list_lst | SMALLINT | 8 | The lst_ID containing the names of the roles for this group |
grp_DefaultRole | DefaultRole | SMALLINT | 9 | The ID of the default role in this group's RoleList | |
grp_Name | Name | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
grp_Description | Description | LONGVARCHAR | |||
grp_hasSpecialProps | HasSpecialProps | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
grp_active | Active | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
grp_include_email_export | IncludeInEmailExport | BOOLEAN | 1 | Should members of this group be included in MailChimp Export | |
This contains definitions for the group-specific fields
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
kasm_ID | Id | [PK] | INTEGER | 9 | |
kasm_kdevId | KioskId | [FK] kioskdevice_kdev | INTEGER | 9 | |
kasm_AssignmentType | AssignmentType | INTEGER | 9 | The kiosk's current role. | |
kasm_EventId | EventId | [FK] events_event | INTEGER | 9 | Optional. If the current role is for event check-in, populate this value |
This contains a list of all (un)registered kiosk devices
This table stores the options for most of the drop down lists in churchCRM, including person classifications, family roles, group types, group roles, group-specific property types, and custom field value lists.
Contains all person and family notes, including the date, time, and person who entered the note
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
nte_ID | Id | [PK] | SMALLINT | 8 | |
nte_per_ID | PerId | [FK] person_per | SMALLINT | 8 | |
nte_fam_ID | FamId | [FK] family_fam | SMALLINT | 8 | |
nte_Private | Private | SMALLINT | 8 | ||
nte_Text | Text | LONGVARCHAR | |||
nte_DateEntered | DateEntered | TIMESTAMP | |||
nte_DateLastEdited | DateLastEdited | TIMESTAMP | |||
nte_EnteredBy | EnteredBy | SMALLINT | 8 | ||
nte_EditedBy | EditedBy | SMALLINT | 8 | ||
nte_Type | Type | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
This table stores the information of which people are in which groups, and what group role each person holds in that group
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
p2g2r_per_ID | PersonId | [FK] person_per | SMALLINT | 8 | |
p2g2r_grp_ID | GroupId | [FK] group_grp | SMALLINT | 8 | |
p2g2r_rle_ID | RoleId | SMALLINT | 8 | ||
This table indicates which people are tied to which volunteer opportunities
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
p2vo_ID | Id | [PK] | SMALLINT | 9 | |
p2vo_per_ID | PersonId | SMALLINT | 9 | ||
p2vo_vol_ID | VolunteerOpportunityId | SMALLINT | 9 | ||
Person custom fields
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
per_ID | PerId | [PK] | SMALLINT | 9 | |
This contains definitions for the custom person fields
This contains the main person data, including person names, person addresses, person phone numbers, and foreign keys to the family table
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
per_ID | Id | [PK] | SMALLINT | 9 | |
per_Title | Title | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
per_FirstName | FirstName | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
per_MiddleName | MiddleName | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
per_LastName | LastName | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
per_Suffix | Suffix | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
per_Address1 | Address1 | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
per_Address2 | Address2 | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
per_City | City | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
per_State | State | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
per_Zip | Zip | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
per_Country | Country | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
per_HomePhone | HomePhone | VARCHAR | 30 | ||
per_WorkPhone | WorkPhone | VARCHAR | 30 | ||
per_CellPhone | CellPhone | VARCHAR | 30 | ||
per_Email | VARCHAR | 50 | |||
per_WorkEmail | WorkEmail | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
per_BirthMonth | BirthMonth | TINYINT | 3 | ||
per_BirthDay | BirthDay | TINYINT | 3 | ||
per_BirthYear | BirthYear | INTEGER | 4 | ||
per_MembershipDate | MembershipDate | DATE | |||
per_Gender | Gender | TINYINT | 1 | ||
per_fmr_ID | FmrId | TINYINT | 3 | ||
per_cls_ID | ClsId | TINYINT | 3 | ||
per_fam_ID | FamId | [FK] family_fam | SMALLINT | 5 | |
per_Envelope | Envelope | SMALLINT | 5 | ||
per_DateLastEdited | DateLastEdited | TIMESTAMP | |||
per_DateEntered | DateEntered | TIMESTAMP | |||
per_EnteredBy | EnteredBy | SMALLINT | 5 | ||
per_EditedBy | EditedBy | SMALLINT | 5 | ||
per_FriendDate | FriendDate | DATE | |||
per_Flags | Flags | SMALLINT | 9 | ||
This contains all payment/pledge information
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
plg_plgID | Id | [PK] | SMALLINT | 9 | |
plg_FamID | FamId | [FK] family_fam | SMALLINT | 9 | |
plg_FYID | Fyid | SMALLINT | 9 | ||
plg_date | Date | DATE | |||
plg_amount | Amount | DECIMAL | 8 | ||
plg_schedule | Schedule | CHAR | |||
plg_method | Method | CHAR | |||
plg_comment | Comment | LONGVARCHAR | |||
plg_DateLastEdited | Datelastedited | DATE | |||
plg_EditedBy | Editedby | SMALLINT | 9 | ||
plg_PledgeOrPayment | Pledgeorpayment | CHAR | |||
plg_fundID | Fundid | [FK] donationfund_fun | TINYINT | 3 | |
plg_depID | Depid | [FK] deposit_dep | SMALLINT | 9 | |
plg_CheckNo | Checkno | BIGINT | 16 | ||
plg_Problem | Problem | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
plg_scanString | Scanstring | LONGVARCHAR | |||
plg_aut_ID | AutId | SMALLINT | 9 | ||
plg_aut_Cleared | AutCleared | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
plg_aut_ResultID | AutResultid | SMALLINT | 9 | ||
plg_NonDeductible | Nondeductible | DECIMAL | 8 | ||
plg_GroupKey | Groupkey | VARCHAR | 64 | ||
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
pro_ID | ProId | [PK] | SMALLINT | 8 | |
pro_Class | ProClass | VARCHAR | 10 | ||
pro_prt_ID | ProPrtId | [FK] propertytype_prt | SMALLINT | 8 | |
pro_Name | ProName | VARCHAR | 200 | ||
pro_Description | ProDescription | LONGVARCHAR | |||
pro_Prompt | ProPrompt | VARCHAR | 255 | ||
This contains all the defined property types
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
prt_ID | PrtId | [PK] | SMALLINT | 9 | |
prt_Class | PrtClass | VARCHAR | 10 | ||
prt_Name | PrtName | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
prt_Description | PrtDescription | LONGVARCHAR | |||
defines the parameters for each query
This table indicates which persons, families, or groups are assigned specific properties and what the values of those properties are.
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
r2p_pro_ID | PropertyId | [FK] property_pro | SMALLINT | 8 | |
r2p_record_ID | PersonId | [FK] person_per | SMALLINT | 8 | |
r2p_Value | PropertyValue | LONGVARCHAR | |||
This contains the login information and specific settings for each ChurchCRM user
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
usr_per_ID | PersonId | [FK] person_per | SMALLINT | 9 | |
usr_Password | Password | VARCHAR | 500 | ||
usr_NeedPasswordChange | NeedPasswordChange | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
usr_LastLogin | LastLogin | TIMESTAMP | |||
usr_LoginCount | LoginCount | SMALLINT | 5 | ||
usr_FailedLogins | FailedLogins | TINYINT | 3 | ||
usr_AddRecords | AddRecords | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
usr_EditRecords | EditRecords | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
usr_DeleteRecords | DeleteRecords | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
usr_MenuOptions | MenuOptions | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
usr_ManageGroups | ManageGroups | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
usr_Finance | Finance | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
usr_Notes | Notes | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
usr_Admin | Admin | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
usr_SearchLimit | SearchLimit | TINYINT | |||
usr_Style | Style | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
usr_showPledges | ShowPledges | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
usr_showPayments | ShowPayments | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
usr_showSince | ShowSince | DATE | |||
usr_defaultFY | DefaultFY | SMALLINT | 9 | ||
usr_currentDeposit | CurrentDeposit | SMALLINT | 9 | ||
usr_UserName | UserName | VARCHAR | 32 | ||
usr_EditSelf | EditSelf | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
usr_CalStart | CalStart | DATE | |||
usr_CalEnd | CalEnd | DATE | |||
usr_CalNoSchool1 | CalNoSchool1 | DATE | |||
usr_CalNoSchool2 | CalNoSchool2 | DATE | |||
usr_CalNoSchool3 | CalNoSchool3 | DATE | |||
usr_CalNoSchool4 | CalNoSchool4 | DATE | |||
usr_CalNoSchool5 | CalNoSchool5 | DATE | |||
usr_CalNoSchool6 | CalNoSchool6 | DATE | |||
usr_CalNoSchool7 | CalNoSchool7 | DATE | |||
usr_CalNoSchool8 | CalNoSchool8 | DATE | |||
usr_SearchFamily | Searchfamily | TINYINT | 3 | ||
usr_Canvasser | Canvasser | BOOLEAN | 1 | ||
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
ucfg_per_id | PeronId | [FK] user_usr | SMALLINT | 9 | |
ucfg_id | Id | [PK] | INTEGER | ||
ucfg_name | Name | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
ucfg_value | Value | LONGVARCHAR | |||
ucfg_type | Type | CHAR | |||
ucfg_tooltip | Tooltip | LONGVARCHAR | |||
ucfg_permission | Permission | CHAR | |||
ucfg_cat | Cat | VARCHAR | 20 | ||
History of all version upgrades applied to this database
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
ver_ID | Id | [PK] | SMALLINT | 9 | |
ver_version | Version | VARCHAR | 50 | ||
ver_update_start | UpdateStart | TIMESTAMP | |||
ver_update_end | UpdateEnd | TIMESTAMP | |||
This contains the names and descriptions of volunteer opportunities
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
vol_ID | Id | [PK] | INTEGER | 3 | |
vol_Order | Order | INTEGER | 3 | ||
vol_Active | Active | CHAR | |||
vol_Name | Name | VARCHAR | 30 | ||
vol_Description | Description | VARCHAR | 100 | ||
This contains the comments related to why people came
Column Name | PHP Name | PK/FK | Format | Length | Description |
why_ID | Id | [PK] | SMALLINT | 9 | |
why_per_ID | PerId | [FK] person_per | SMALLINT | 9 | |
why_join | Join | LONGVARCHAR | |||
why_come | Come | LONGVARCHAR | |||
why_suggest | Suggest | LONGVARCHAR | |||
why_hearOfUs | HearOfUs | LONGVARCHAR |