make sure to checkout my latest project
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The server supports battles, for those a patched client is neccessary.
- .NET Core SDK 3.1
- MySql Database (on Debian i suggest LAMP with PhpMyAdmin)
for Ubuntu use these commands to set it up:
mkdir ClashRoyale
git clone && cd ClashRoyale/src/ClashRoyale
dotnet publish "ClashRoyale.csproj" -c Release -o app
mkdir ClashRoyaleBattles
git clone ClashRoyaleBattles && cd ClashRoyaleBattles/src/ClashRoyale.Battles
dotnet publish "ClashRoyale.Battles.csproj" -c Release -o app
To configurate your server, such as the database you have to edit the config.json
dotnet app/ClashRoyale.dll
dotnet app/ClashRoyale.Battles.dll
git pull && dotnet publish "ClashRoyale.csproj" -c Release -o app && dotnet app/ClashRoyale.dll
git pull && dotnet publish "ClashRoyale.Battles.csproj" -c Release -o app && dotnet app/ClashRoyale.Battles.dll
Contact me on Discord (Incredible#2109) or open an issue.