Tools and configurations for my Kali installation.
Basic installation is done with:
To get my version of .bashrc, .vimrc run make.
Configuration scripts exists for the following tools.
I've only tested the script with TP-Link TL-WN722N. It has to be hardware version 1.10. The current hardware version 2 and 3 doesn't work.
To install run:
To use it run:
./bin/ # Start to listen
./bin/ # Start web server and iceweasel
I have a wireless card from Alfa. To get it working do the following after connecting with USB 3.0 if run in Fusion:
sudo apt-get install realtek-rtl88xxau-dkms
sudo modprobe 88XXau
To activate it in monitoring mode run:
sudo ip link set wlan0 down
sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor
sudo ip link set wlan0 up
More information can be found in this blog about How to get your new 5 GHz wireless penetration gear up and working.
How Count the number of people around you by monitoring Wi-Fi signals with the help of howmanypeoplearearound.
cd ~/kali-tools/bin
cd ~/src/howmanypeoplearearound && . venv/bin/activate && howmanypeoplearearound -a wlan0
To create a graph of run the following command in one window:
cd ~/src/howmanypeoplearearound && . venv/bin/activate && howmanypeoplearearound -o test.json -a wlan0 --loop
After a couple of points been created run this command in another window:
cd ~/src/howmanypeoplearearound && . venv/bin/activate && howmanypeoplearearound --analyze test.json
For more information see the GitHub repository.
cd ~/kali-tools/bin
Then start websocat.