├── cmd/ # CLI commands
│ ├── greeter/ # The Application's entrypoint. This contains the main.go file.
│ ├── root/ # root command (the top level command)
│ ├── greet/ # greet command
│ └── helpers.go # Helper functions for the CLI commands
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
└── internal/
├── config/ # The app configuration
└── logic/ # The logic of various commands.
# Keeping them in a separate package makes it easier to call one command's logic from another
# and vice-versa.
$ go run cmd/greeter/main.go greet Foo Bar
Hello Foo Bar!
$ DEBUG=true go run cmd/greeter/main.go greet Foo Bar
DEBUG[2023-01-13T18:13:48+01:00] greet.go:12 reward-greeter/internal/logic.(*Client).RunCmdGreet() Creating a greeting...
Hello Foo Bar!
DEBUG[2023-01-13T18:13:48+01:00] greet.go:25 reward-greeter/internal/logic.(*Client).RunCmdGreet() ...greeting created.
$ go run cmd/greeter/main.go greet Foo Bar --add-cakes
Hello Foo Bar, here are some cakes 🎂!
$ go build -o reward-greeter cmd/greeter/main.go
$ mkdir -p ~/.reward/plugins.d
$ mv reward-greeter ~/.reward/plugins.d/
$ reward greeter greet Foo Bar --add-cakes
Hello Foo Bar, here are some cakes 🎂!