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Anglebrackets Review

Desk at Anglebrackets

"The Open Source Conference"

MGM Grand

Zen of Architecture, Juval Lowy

  • One day workshop all about "The Method" - IDesign's Method of architecting software
  • Juval Lowy, "Software Legend", one of the authors of Programming WCF
  • "For the beginning architect there are many options, for the Master architect there are few"
  • Functional decomposition is bad, avoid "flow chart" design
  • A -> B -> C
    • Very hard to separate
    • A usually has to know about B which knows about C
    • Hard to do error handling, rollback scenarios
  • Example of building a house: Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom
    • Building architect wouldn't do one and then go back and add others
  • "Most architects are quacks" "Inmates are running the asylum"
    • First Law of Thermodynamics: Can't add value without sweating
    • 2% problem / Dunning-Kruger effect
    • Just because something doesn't work doesn't mean people will stop doing it ➡️ alchemy
  • The Method: decompose based on volatility
  • Do not code to requirements, don't blame the customer for changing requirements
    • Your fault for creating a design that can't adapt
    • Do not code to requirements, find the core
  • What are the most volatile areas?
    • Resources can be volatile (database, file system)
    • Third-party notifications can be volatile
    • Varies by over time with one customer and between different customers
  • Rarely map areas of volatility to services
  • Disagrees with how most places implement Agile
    • Sprint should be highly focused, piecing together building blocks to meet core requirements


Anthony vander Hoorn -, working at Microsoft

  • .NET is getting a lot more modular, as is ASP.NET
  • Startup is the new Global.asax
  • Platform independent, modularity
  • Middleware - replacing handlers + modules
  • Microsoft.AspNet.Diagnostics package
  • project.json is the new web.config
  • Improved YSOD
  • Showing source code and highlighting the line that threw exception
  • RuntimeInfoPage /runtimeinfo
  • Easy console tracing
  • Semantic logging

Angular2 in 60ish minutes / ES6 today

Dan Wahlin



  • Use the features of the future, today! ➡️ Transpiling

  • Traceur from Google, TypeScript from Microsoft, Babel from Some Guy

  • Angular2 uses TS, but you don't have to use it

  • Transpiling lets you use the latest and greatest but still support older browsers

  • ES6 features are a lot of C#-ish features

  • Arrow syntax for anonymous methods

    • Captures "this" reference
  • Classes (constructors, properties, inheritance)

  • Modules - SystemJS can load ES6, Babel, Traceur

  • Maps (dictionaries) and sets (faster than arrays for testing membership)

  • Template strings: multiline, embed variables and expressions, use `

  • Default parameter values, destructuring, "rest" parameters

  • Full-time documentation team for the first time:

    • Still in progress
  • No more factory vs. provider vs. service

    • It's a component (reusable object)
  • Angular has big changes but necessary

    • Different syntax
    • One way binding
    • ng-for instead of ng-repeat
    • Pipes instead of filters
    • Routing by annotation
    • No more ng-show/hide ➡️ [hidden] = "method"
![Slide -- What's in a Component Class?]( from

How to go on the cyber-offence

Troy Hunt

What does an open source Microsoft Web Platform look like?

Keynote by Scott Hanselman

  • Microsoft has a very mixed/confusing record on open source
  • Shared source
  • Reference source
  • Github Microsoft repositories: 20% non-Microsoft contributors
    • Everything still goes through Microsoft QA process, they stand behind it
  • Regular .NET framework and .NET core
    • Only things that make sense in .NET core
  • ASP.NET 5 is unified reboot, runs on .NET 4.6
  • Dot Net Execution (DNX) builds against both environments
    • Warns if feature / library won't work in both
    • Can do ifdef if you want
  • Past focus has been on dev productivity, making a run at top 10
  • Omnisharp, intellisense everywhere
  • Windows selling Office, Windows, Azure
  • Reality is a hybrid of devices, OSes
  • Different ways of consuming framework
  • Well done: wait till VS, get at
  • Medium well: CTPs, Betas
  • Medium: CI drops, feed on
  • Medium-rare: build from source, grabbing from dev branches
  • Rare: Build from source on feature branches
  • Blue: build from source from third party forks
  • Help out with documentation:
  • Become a social developer:
  • Microsoft learning from good stuff and bad stuff in open source projects


Javier Lozano -

  • Out of band releases now embraced, not just VS releases
  • Opting in for features, don't have to shut features off
  • Dependency injection outside of the box
  • POCO controller, follow conventions
  • TagHelpers

Improving the quality of existing code

Steve Smith -

  • Software rots ➡️ technical debt
    • Low quality code and shortcuts cost you in the long run
    • If you do nothing, it gets worse, and replacing it entirely has enormous risk and cost
    • Refactor as you go
  • Preventive maintenance
  • Don't have seperate refactor tasks, make things a little better
  • Follow Boy Scouts mantra of leaving things in better condition than when you got there
  • "You don't need permission to practice basic hygiene when you write software"
  • Characterization test
  • What does the code do now?
  • Unit test if possible to confirm existing behavior is preserved
  • Duplication in logic calls for abstraction
  • Duplication in process calls for automation
  • Favor privileges over role checks
  • Visual Studio Code Clones -
  • Look at cyclomatic complexity
    • Try to keep under 10, not always a problem
  • Regions are a code smell - so complex you have to hide parts of it
  • Instead of null, have static intance of "not found" object
  • Structure solution so dependencies flow towards core (onion architecture)
  • Develop skills and tools to write good code more quickly
    • Muscle memory for code smells
    • New is glue

Node.js and Angular.js Security

Sam Artioli -

  • Always sanitize data
  • Authorize API
  • eval() is evil
  • requireSafe, nsp, and retire in workflow
  • 'use strict'
  • Use CSPs
  • Never run as root - use docker
  • CHrome blocks XSS in URL, but Firefox doesn't
  • DOS attacks - watch out for regexes that will kill server
  • Preventing CSRF
    • CSURF
    • Don't use eval(), especially on user-generated data
  • Node Security Project -
  • Shrinkwrap locks down dependencies, pjup asks you about each ugprade
  • lusca, helmet
  • Removed X-Powered-By

Productivity improvements in VS2015

Robert Green - Tech Evangelist, Microsoft

  • Sign in to VS account to persist settings across computers
  • Better touch support, pinch to zoom
  • Save window layouts, switch using hotkeys, saves to profile
  • Lightbulbs, ctrl-. to do refactors
  • Warnings with variable names conflicting
  • TODO in JS, Intellisense for JS methods
  • Code Analyzers made possible by Roslyn, Microsoft and third parties, write yuor own
  • Debug ➡️ Show diagnostics tools
  • Pin variables, filter using LINQ in Immediate or Watch windows
  • Create Unit Tests
    • Supports different frameworks
    • Intellitest
  • Codecracker analyzer



Review of Anglebrackets sessions






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