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pySigma Microsoft 365 Defender Backend


This is the Microsoft 365 Defender backend for pySigma, previously known as the mdatp backend for sigmac. This backend allows the transformation & conversion of Sigma Rules into Microsoft Advanced Hunting Queries in Kusto Query Language (KQL). It provides the package sigma.backends.microsoft365defender with the Microsoft365DefenderBackend class. Further, it contains the microsoft_365_defender_pipeline processing pipeline for field renames and error handling. This pipeline is automatically applied to SigmaRule and SigmaCollection objects passed to the Microsoft365DefenderBackend class.

It supports the following output formats:

  • default: Query string for Advanced Hunting Queries in Kusto Query Language (KQL)

This backend is currently maintained by:


This pySigma backend can be installed from PyPI via pip, or by using pySigma's plugin functionality


pip install pysigma-backend-microsoft365defender

pySigma Plugins (requires pySigma >= 0.9.0)

from sigma.plugins import SigmaPluginDirectory  # Requires pySigma >= 0.9.0

plugins = SigmaPluginDirectory.default_plugin_directory()


  • pySigma >= v0.9.0



Use with sigma-cli per typical sigma-cli usage:

sigma convert -t microsoft365defender -f default -s ~/sigma/rules


Use the backend and pipeline in a standalone Python script. Note, the backend automatically applies the pipeline, but you can manually add it if you would like:

from sigma.rule import SigmaRule
from sigma.backends.microsoft365defender import Microsoft365DefenderBackend
from sigma.pipelines.microsoft365defender import microsoft_365_defender_pipeline

# Define an example rule as a YAML str
sigma_rule = SigmaRule.from_yaml("""
  title: Mimikatz CommandLine
  status: test
      category: process_creation
      product: windows
          CommandLine|contains: mimikatz.exe
      condition: sel
# Create backend, which automatically adds the pipeline
m365def_backend = Microsoft365DefenderBackend()

# Or apply the pipeline manually
pipeline = microsoft_365_defender_pipeline()

# Convert the rule
print(sigma_rule.title + " KQL Query: \n")


Mimikatz CommandLine KQL Query: 

| where ProcessCommandLine contains "mimikatz.exe"

Rule Support

The following category types are currently supported for only product=windows:

  • process_creation
  • image_load
  • network_connection
  • file_access, file_change, file_delete, file_event, file_rename
  • registry_add, registry_delete, registry_event, registry_set

Processing Pipeline

Along with field mappings and error handling, the microsoft_365_defender_pipeline contains the following custom ProcessingPipeline classes to help ensure correct fields and values and are automatically applied as part of the pipeline in the backend:

  • SplitDomainUserTransformation: Custom DetectionItemTransformation transformation to split a User field into separate domain and user fields, if applicable. This is to handle the case where the Sysmon User field may contain a domain AND username, and Advanced Hunting queries separate out the domain and username into separate fields. If a matching field_name_condition field uses the schema DOMAIN\USER, a new SigmaDetectionItem will be made for the Domain and put inside a SigmaDetection with the original User SigmaDetectionItem (minus the domain) for the matching SigmaDetectionItem.

    You should use this with a field_name_condition for IncludeFieldName(['field', 'names', 'for', 'username'])

  • HashesValuesTransformation: Custom DetectionItemTransformation to take a list of values in the 'Hashes' field, which are expected to be 'algo:hash_value', and create new SigmaDetectionItems for each hash type, where the values is a list of SigmaString hashes. If the hash type is not part of the value, it will be inferred based on length.

    Use with field_name_condition for Hashes field

  • RegistryActionTypeValueTransformation: Custom ValueTransformation transformation. The Microsoft DeviceRegistryEvents table expect the ActionType to be a slightly different set of values than what Sysmon specified, so this will change them to the correct value.

  • InvalidFieldTransformation: Same as DetectionItemFailureTransformation in native pySigma, but it also includes the field name in the error message that caused the error.

Limitations and Constraints

The pipeline/backend will only work for product=windows and the rule categories listed above (for now).

Fields that are not specified in each field mappings dictionary in the microsoft_365_defender_pipeline will not throw an exception, but will also not be mapped to anything. We are working on removing unsupported fields from queries and adding them as a comment in the query so the user will be aware of unsupported fields, but still be able to transform/convert rules without error.


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  • Python 100.0%