WAFEx Model Creator is an extension for Burp Proxy that allows for the simple extraction of a formal model in ASLan++ starting from a recorded HTTP sequence. WAFEx Model Creator can also be used to generate and edit the skeleton of an ASLan++ model and the concretization file.
- Java 1.7 or above
- Burp Suite (Community or Pro edition)
- Jython 2.7.0
- http-parser
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/rhaidiz/wafex-model-creator
- Install
(make sure you install it for Python2.7):
pip install http-parser
- Burp Suite -> Extender -> Options
- Python Environment -> Location of Jython standalone JAR file: load jython standalone.
- Python Environment -> Folder for loading mofules (optional): select the path of the Python libraries.
- Java Environment -> Folder for loading library JAr files (optional): load richtextfx-fat-0.7-M5.java.
- Burp Suite -> Extender -> Add
- In Extension type select Python and load "wafex-model-creator.py"
The security analyst interacts with the web application and records a sequence of HTTP requests\responses. He then selects the requests he wants to use for creating a model in ASLAn++ and, with left click, sends them to the WAFEx Model Creator plugin.
The user interface of WAFEx Model Creator provides: a table collecting the requests to translate (1), a panel showing details of a selected request (2), a file selector for specifying the database file (3), two tabs for ASLan++ and the concretization editors (4), and the actual editor that also provides syntax highlight (5).