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Virtual Maze Solving Challenge


Move the mouse to the goal of the maze in the least frames. You can steer left/right, accelerate and break. If the mouse is fast, the turning radius is large so you have to break before corners. It is a about balance of speed and finding the best path. Write a program that solves the maze.

Repository Status: Sharing / Inactive

This repository hosts code that I’ve chosen to share publicly for educational, demonstration, or archival purposes. Please note the following:

  • No Active Maintenance: This project is not actively maintained or updated. It serves primarily as a snapshot of a certain stage of development for those who might find parts of the code useful or interesting. I try to accept pull- request, but do not expect anything. If interest in the project increases, I might change the repository status.
  • No Support Provided: As this is an inactive project, I’m unable to provide support, answer issues, or accommodate pull requests.
  • Use at Your Own Risk: While you’re welcome to explore, fork, or use the code in your own projects, please do so with the understanding that this repository is provided as-is, without any guarantees on its functionality or security.

Feel free to explore the code and utilize it under the terms of the license attached to this repository!


  • stick-mode working
  • stdio-mode working


  • you get the maze as json
  • input: {"steering":1,"acceleration":1}
  • output: {"x":0.5092106,"y":0.5038942,"angle":0.4,"collision":false}


  • n: north passage exists
  • o: east passage exists
  • s: south passage exists
  • w: west passage exists

coordiates of output (x, y: f32) match index of the passages (floor(x), floor(y)).


Not implemented options are removed. (--lua)

Test/train your maze-solver

Usage: matahatan simulate [OPTIONS]

  -f, --fps <FPS>              FPS of the simulation not the GUI (0 as fast as
                               possible) [default: 25]
  -x, --no-gui                 Do not run GUI (unattended training) sets FPS to 0
  -o, --stdio                  Run the simulation in stdio-mode (disables FPS)
  -s, --stick                  Run the simulation with stick (gamepad/joystick)
  -m, --maze-seed <MAZE-SEED>  Maze seed (any string) [default: ]
  -k, --maze-kind <MAZE-KIND>  Maze kind ('ellers', 'backtracking',
                               'growing_tree', 'prims') [default: backtracking]
  -h, --help                   Print help

Run from source: cargo run --release -- simulate --stdio

