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Installation Instructions

Riccardo Bertoglio edited this page Nov 22, 2019 · 12 revisions

Here you will find all the passages you have to follow to have the system working on your own PC.

Operating System installation

Our system is ONLY compatible with Ubuntu 16.04. You can download it here and install it following these instructions.

ROS Kinetic installation

ROS (Robot Operating System) is an ensemble of frameworks and libraries to ease the developing of robots' software. Our system is ONLY compatible with ROS Kinetic. You can find the installation instructions here.

Note: Desktop Install version is enough for our purposes.

ROS drivers installation

Now is time to install all the ROS software to interact with the sensors, namely, the Intel Realsense cameras, the Sick LiDAR sensors, the STM IMU and the Trimble GPS. More details in the following.

Intel Realsense drivers and libraries

Here we are going to install the software to interact with RealSense cameras, namely, the D435, D435i and the T265. First you need to install the RealSense SDK library, then you will install the ROS wrapper for that library. You can find the installation instructions here. Open the realsense_viewer from the terminal to check if it is all ok.

Note: Install the optional librealsense2-dev and librealsense2-dbg packages during RealSense SDK Installation process.

Sick LMS100 LiDAR sensor driver

It's time to make the 2D LiDAR sensor working! You can download and install the ROS driver following these instructions.

Note: remember to put your LiDAR's IP address in the launch file ;)

Work in progress...