Creates an Nginx Ingress controller using Nginx on OCI, using the Nginx official Ingress, modified for OCI with one command installation:
Creating an Ingress controller on OCI is as simple as checking out this repo and running:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding default-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaajxscsvyafzdtj3zsgylm4b2rzl6nfg2fkxbvkuizadyzjo4lghla
kubectl apply -f config/
This will get you:
- The default OCI K8s admin user with cluster admin privileges
- A Service Account and Namespace for Ingress
- RBAC configuration
- A default self-signed SSL token. (Change these in _3-secret.yaml if this is to be used in Production.)
- An Nginx-based Ingress Controller
- An OCI Load Balancer automatically provisioned.
Once applied, you can find the OCI LB IP by running:
kubectl describe svc nginx-ingress --namespace nginx-ingress
You'll either see the public LB IP under "LoadBalancer Ingress", or you'll see a relevant error message from OCI in Events.
OCI LB specific configuration can be applied as annotations to the Service definition at By default the configuration will spin up a 400Mbps LB in OCI.