PDF File Fixing Tool
Script to fix PDF file that wont open on non Windows platforms. This most commonly occurs because of corrput/bad metadata or fonts. This tool uses pdfseparate and pdfunite to split and re-unit file into a PDF file that will open in viewer.
This software is licensed as CC-BA (Creative Commons By Attrbution)
- rubygems
- getopt/long
- poppler
- ghostscript
$ ./pfft.rb --help
Usage: ./pfft.rb
"--input", "-i" Input file
"--verbose", "-v" Verbose mode
"--version", "-V" Print version
"--help", "-h" Print usage
"--changelog", "-c" Output file
"--output", "-o" Output file
Fix input.pdf
$ ./pfft.rb --input=input.pdf --output=output.pdf
Fix input.pdf
$ ./pfft.rb --input=input.pdf