Module for showing name days.
Navigate into MagicMirror's Module folder using termial:
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
Clone this repository using following command:
git clone
Add the following text to MagicMirror/config/config.js
to activate the module.
module: "MMM-NameDay",
position: "top_left", // You can change this to your desired position.
config: {
//Here you can insert options listed below.
Option | Description |
mode |
Filter available modes. Type: string Default: today Possible values: Get a name day for today today , nameday for tomorrow tomorrow , nameday for yesterday yesterday . Search nameday by name getdate . Get a nameday for a specific day namedays .This option is REQUIRED |
country |
Show name day for a specific country. All countries are shown if no country is selected. Array of countries can be inserted to show name days for selected countries. This option can be used with all modes. Type: string or array of strings Default: "" Possible values: Empty string "" ,Set country according to the language specified in main config file "default" ,String with country code, such as: "us" ,"cz" ,"sk" ,"pl" ,"fr" ,"hu" ,"hr" ,"se" ,"at" ,"it" ,"de" ,"es" ,"lv" ,"ru" ,"lt" ,"gr" ,"fi" ,"ee" ,"dk" ,"bg" ,Array of above listed strings, for example: ["us","pl","cz"] etc. This option is NOT REQUIRED |
day |
Day in a month. Type: integer Default: "" Possible values: 1 -31 .This option is REQUIRED only when namedays mode is selected. |
month |
Month in a year. Type: integer Default: "" Possible values: 1 -12 .This option is REQUIRED only when namedays mode is selected. |
name |
Search for a name. Type: string Default: "" This option is REQUIRED only when getdate mode is selected. |
wrapperSize |
Set a specific font-size for text that is rendered when country option is not "" .Type: string Default: "0.75em" Possible values: Any font-size value. This option is NOT REQUIRED |
textCellSize |
Set a specific font-size for the title of a rendered table when country option is "" .Type: string Default: "1.1em" Possible values: Any font-size value. This option is NOT REQUIRED |
updateInterval |
Interval after which new content is fetched. This value is in milliseconds. Type: integer Default: 5*60*1000 (5 minutes)Possible values: 1000 -86400000 .This option is NOT REQUIRED |
initialLoadDelay |
Delay before loading the module. The value is in milliseconds. Type: integer Default: 3000 (3 seconds)Possible values: 1000 -5000 .This option is NOT REQUIRED. |
retryDelay |
The delay before retrying after failed request. Type: integer Default: 5000 (5 seconds)Possible values: 1000 -60000 .This option is NOT REQUIRED. |
lang |
This option lets you set a specific language to be used in this module. Type: string Default: config.language (default language set in config.js)This option is NOT REQUIRED. |
tableClass |
Set the size of tables rendered on screen. Type: string Default: small Possible values: xsmall ,small ,medium ,large ,xlarge .This option is NOT REQUIRED. |
You can find API used in this module here.
If you find any issues with this module, feel free to open a GitHub issue in this repository.