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QtQt CreatorLubuntuUbuntu


Qt example 3: a changing background in 2D is a Qt example that shows a changing background in 2D, like this screenshot (png).


Technical facts


Application type(s)

Operating system(s) or programming environment(s)


Project type:

C++ standard:


Libraries used:

  • Qt Qt: version 5.4.1 (32 bit)
  • STL STL: GNU ISO C++ Library, version 4.9.2






Qt project file: ./CppQtExample3/


exists(../../DesktopApplication.pri) {   include(../../DesktopApplication.pri) } !exists(../../DesktopApplication.pri) {   QT += core gui   greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets   TEMPLATE = app   CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {     message(Debug mode)   }   CONFIG(release, debug|release) {     message(Release mode)     DEFINES += NDEBUG NTRACE_BILDERBIKKEL   }   QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra   unix {     QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Werror   } } exists(../../Libraries/Boost.pri) {   include(../../Libraries/Boost.pri) } !exists(../../Libraries/Boost.pri) {   win32 {     INCLUDEPATH += \       ../../../Projects/Libraries/boost_1_55_0   } } SOURCES += main.cpp








#pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Weffc++" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-local-typedefs" #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <QApplication> #include <QDesktopWidget> #include <QGraphicsPixmapItem> #include <QGraphicsScene> #include <QGraphicsView> #include <QTimer> #pragma GCC diagnostic pop struct ChangingBackground : public QGraphicsPixmapItem {   ChangingBackground(const int width, const int height)     : z(0)   {     QPixmap m(width,height);     this->setPixmap(m);   }   void advance(int)   {     QImage i = this->pixmap().toImage();     const int width = i.width();     const int height = i.height();     for (int y=0;y!=height;++y)     {       for (int x=0;x!=width;++x)       {         i.setPixel(           QPoint(x,y), //Position           QColor( //Color             (x+z+0)%256,             (y+z+0)%256,             (x+y+z)%256)           .rgb());       }     }     this->setPixmap(this->pixmap().fromImage(i));     ++z;   }   private:   int z; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {   QApplication a(argc, argv);   //Create a scene to add the background sprite to   boost::shared_ptr<QGraphicsScene> scene(new QGraphicsScene);   //Create a background sprite to add to the scene   boost::shared_ptr<ChangingBackground> background(     new ChangingBackground(256,256));   scene->addItem(background.get());   //Create a view to display the scene   boost::shared_ptr<QGraphicsView> view(new QGraphicsView);   view->setScene(scene.get());   //Create a timer to call 'advance' on the scene and its sprite   boost::shared_ptr<QTimer> timer(new QTimer(scene.get()));   timer->connect(timer.get(), SIGNAL(timeout()), scene.get(), SLOT(advance()));   timer->start(20);   //Display the view   view->show();   //Move the view to the screen center   const QRect screen = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry();   view->move( - view->rect().center() );   return a.exec(); }