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Supported functions

ricklamers edited this page Jul 24, 2019 · 1 revision

Grid supports some of the functions that you may find in other spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

Currently, the following functions are supported:

SUM(value, ...) - sum values

Example: SUM(A1:A10) or SUM(A1,A2)

AVERAGE(value, ...) - take the mathematical average (mean)

Example: AVERAGE(A1:A10) or AVERAGE(A1,A2)

IF(logical-value, value, value) - if logical function

Example: IF(A1 > 2, 1, 0) or IF(A1 == "random", RAND(), 1)

MATHC(string) - get a mathematical constant

Example: MATHC("pi") or MATHC("e") or MATHC("π") - currently only π and e are in MATHC

SQRT(number) - take square root of a number

Example: SQRT(A1) or SQRT(2)

CONCATENATE(string-value) or CONCAT(string-value) - concatenate string values

Example: CONCAT("Hello, ", "World!")

NUMBER(value) - converts a value to a number

Example: NUMBER("0123") = 123

LEN(value) - get the length of the string representation of a value

Example: LEN("abcd") = 4 or LEN(100) = 3

COUNT(values) - get the amount cells that contain a value

Example: COUNT(A1:A10) = 4 (if 4 cells are non-empty)

RAND() - get a random number between 0 and 1

Example: RAND() = 0.92892480103

FLOOR(number) - take the floor of a number

Example: FLOOR(1.9) = 1

CEIL(number) - take the ceil of a number

Example: CEIL(1.1) = 2

ABS(number) - take the absolute value of a number

Example: ABS(-12.1) = 12.1

VLOOKUP(value, lookup_range, column_index) - look up a value based on a key value

Example: VLOOKUP(A1, Sheet2!$A$1:$D$100, 4) - look up the value in A1 in column Sheet2!A1 and return the result in the 4th column (D).

OLS(y_range, x1_range, x2_range, ...) - Perform a linear regression with form y ~ x1 + x2 + ...

Example: OLS(A1:A10, B1:B10, C1:C10) with for example A1:A10 containing house prices, B1:B10 containing square meter count and C1:C10 counting city dummy variable

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