Dragons Arena is online warfare game between computer-controlled dragons and hundreds of virtual knights (avatars or real-life humans). This game was initially developed as a labwork assignment in TU Delft's IN4391 Distributed Computing Systems course. The course was scheduled in Q3 of academic year 2017/18.
Dragons Arena employs Trailing State Synchronization [^1] algorithm to synchronize action messages between peer-to-peer servers.
The comprehensive design of this game is available in the design document.
[^1] Eric Cronin, Burton Filstrup, Anthony R. Kurc, and Sugih Jamin, An efficient synchronization mechanism for mirrored game architectures, NETGAMES, 2002.
We have at most 5 mirrored server components.
Various parameters can be configured in common/settings.py
All of the commands below should be run from the root directory of dragonsarena
For starting the first server:
python -m server.run_server 1
Preferably in another session, start the second server:
python -m server.run_server 2
For starting a bunch of dragon and human bots plus an additional bot with gui
Emergency stop command to stop the game (hopefully not needed), tested in Mac OS, might need some mods in other OS
Other than that, to start an observer manually we can use this command:
python -m client.Observer <idx of server_list>
python -m client.Observer 0
To start a human player manually:
python -m client.run_client <player_type> <player_id> <idx of server_list>
python -m client.run_client human id_5 1
To start a dragon player manually:
python -m client.run_client dragon