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Connect to Raspberry Pi 3 using SSH on a Mac or Linux

This is a guide that will show you how to connect to a Raspberry Pi 3, Headless [Using SSH].

What you'll need

  • Raspberry Pi 3
  • Ethernet Cable [For sometime]
  • A laptop / desktop with Linux or Mac operating system, Which is also connected to the network.
  • A SD card with an OS installed in it
  • Micro USB cable


  • Plugin your SD card to your Raspberry Pi 3
  • Connect the Ethernet cable to your Raspberry Pi 3
  • Connect the Micro USB cable to the Raspberry Pi 3
  • There will be a #f03c15 RED LIGHT which indicates the Raspberry Pi 3 is powered up.
  • The #c5f015 GREEN LIGHT indicates that the OS is booting up


The following steps should be continued on your laptop / desktop which is connected to the same network as your Raspberry Pi 3.

  • To find the IP ADDRESS of your Raspberry Pi 3
ping raspberrypi.local
  • The keyword: raspberrypi.local depends on each operating system, Since I am using Rasbian OS, it is raspberrypi.local.
  • This will return some IP ADDRESSES
PING raspberrypi.local (192.168.xx.xx): 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 192.168.xx.xx: icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=89.882 ms
64 bytes from 192.168.xx.xx: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=6.234 ms
64 bytes from 192.168.xx.xx: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=5.680 ms
64 bytes from 192.168.xx.xx: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=7.551 ms
  • In place of xx.xx you will have some number, Which will look something like, That is the IP ADDRESS of your Raspberry Pi 3.
  • You have to connect to that IP ADDRESS using ssh
ssh pi@192.168.xx.xx
  • Here the pi from pi@192.168.xx.xx can differ according to the OS, Since the default username of Rasbian OS is pi, I am using pi here, If you are using any other operating system, Please do check what the default username is. It will look something like ssh <username>@IP-ADDRESS-OF-YOUR-PI
  • They might ask you a yes-or-no question, Answer yes by typing it on your keyboard
  • That will be followed by a propmpt to enter the password, The default password of Rasbian OS is raspberry, Please do check what the default password of your OS is and enter it over there.
  • It will look something like.
pi@'s password: ▓
  • Enter the password there
  • You will be logged into the Raspberry Pi


Connect your Raspberry Pi 3 using ssh






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