Aiven is a next-generation managed cloud services platform. Its focus is in ease of adoption, high fault resilience, customer's peace of mind and advanced features at competetive price points. See for more information about the backend service.
aiven-client (avn) is the official command-line client for Aiven.
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Aiven Client has been tested and developed on Linux and Mac OS X systems. It is a Python program that works with Python 2.7 or 3.4 or newer versions. The only external dependency is Requests (and certifi on Windows/OSX).
From PyPI (Linux/OSX):
$ python -m pip install aiven-client
From PyPI (Windows):
c:\> python -m pip install aiven-client
Build an RPM package (Linux):
$ make rpm
- NOTE: On Windows you may need to use
python -m aiven.client
instead ofavn
. - All commands will output the raw REST API JSON response with
$ avn user login <your@email>
Expire all authentication tokens for your user, logs out all web console sessions, etc. You will need to login again after this.:
$ avn user tokens-expire
List available cloud regions:
$ avn cloud list
List projects you are a member of:
$ avn project list
Project commands operate on the currently active project or the project specified with the --project NAME switch. The active project cab be changed with the switch command:
$ avn project switch <projectname>
Show active project's details:
$ avn project details
Create a project and set the default cloud region for it:
$ avn project create myproject --cloud aws-us-east-1
Delete an empty project:
$ avn project delete myproject
List authorized users in a project:
$ avn project user-list
Invite an existing Aiven user to a project:
$ avn project user-invite
Remove a user from the project:
$ avn project user-remove
View project management event log:
$ avn events
View project service log entries:
$ avn logs -n 100
List services (of the active project):
$ avn service list
List services in a specific project:
$ avn service list --project proj2
List only a specific service:
$ avn service list db1
Verbose list (includes connection information, etc.):
$ avn service list db1 -v
Full service information in json, as it is returned by the Aiven REST API:
$ avn service list db1 --json
Only a specific field in the output, custom formatting:
$ avn service list db1 --format "The service is at {service_uri}"
View available service plans:
$ avn service plans
Launch a PostgreSQL service:
$ avn service create mydb -t pg --plan hobbyist
View service type specific options, including examples on how to set them:
$ avn service types -v
Launch a PostgreSQL service of a specific version (see above command):
$ avn service create mydb96 -t pg --plan hobbyist -c pg_version=9.6
Update a service's list of allowed client IP addresses. Note that a list of multiple values is provided as a comma separated list:
$ avn service update mydb96 -c ip_filter=,,
Update a service to a different plan AND move it to another cloud region:
$ avn service update mydb --plan startup-4 --cloud aws-us-east-1
Power off a service:
$ avn service update mydb --power-off
Power on a service:
$ avn service update mydb --power-on
Terminate a service (all data will be gone!):
$ avn service terminate mydb
$ avn -h $ avn user -h $ avn service -h $ avn service create -h $ avn project -h
Aiven Client is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
For the exact license terms, see LICENSE and .
Bug reports and patches are very welcome, please post them as GitHub issues and pull requests at