I am Riley, I work with Javascript, PHP or C++ most of the time.
๐Gelderland, The Netherlands
๐ซme@lucasammer.com or preferably riley@riley0122.dev
๐[SOON] riley0122.dev
๐ผLucasAmmer.dev & Riley0122.dev
Currently I am going deeper into how PHP works, and especially making more websites with it.
I am also currently working on a programming language called Orchid. It is meant to be really beginner friendly, yet still very powerfull.
I am familiar with PHP, JavaScript/TypeScript, C#, and C++. I also know most of the Python language, Java, and go. I am also trying to learn dart to go along with Flutter.
My favourite way of using JavaScript or Typescript is with Node.js, I have often made web apps, APIs, and Discord bots with Discord.js.
Javascript is my most used language, with C++ falling into second place.
The website I am currently writing (riley0122.dev) is being written with PHP and TypeScript together with TailwindCSS.