Full control system for a shipping company - Web version made with ReactJS
This project is a full control system of a fictional shipping company called FastFeet. The full system has a web version made with ReactJS, where the admin is able to take control of all processes, from listing deliveries to handle with delivery problems and change deliverymen's info. The application also has a mobile version made with React Native, where the deliveryman is able to list all his deliveries filtering by pending or delivered, register a problem during the process and also confirm the deliver by sending a picture of the recipient's signature. All this system is served by a REST API made with Node.js
The web version of the application handles with a lot of data and information. To help me persist data and authenticate the user I've used Redux and also Redux Saga for some async api calls. Intending to make the best user experience possible, I've also used awesome libraries such as React Toastify to handle with error/success messages. Here is a list of technlogies (at least what I remeber) that I used to develop the application:
- ReactJS
- Redux
- Redux Saga
- Styled Components
- React Select
- React Icons
- React Toastify
- Axios
- Unform
- date-fns
- Eslint
- Prettier
- EditorConfig
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git, NodeJS and Yarn.
You just need to run the following commands:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/riltonfranzonee/fastfeet
# Go into the repository
$ cd fastfeet
# Install dependencies
$ yarn
# Run the app
$ yarn start
Make sure you have the REST API up and running.
Email: admin@fastfeet.com
Password: 123456
Thank you for taking a look at my project! Made with โฅ