dumpcfgs is a tool to dump (extract) control flow graphs (CFGs) statically from binary programs using the DynInst (https://www.dyninst.org/dyninst) API. It supports the output of CFGs in two formats: CFGgrind (https://github.com/rimsa/CFGgrind) for an easily parseable output and DOT (https://www.graphviz.org) for a human readable output.
Download spack from github and load its environment.
$ git clone https://github.com/spack/spack.git
$ . spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh
Install dyninst with spack with intel-tbb library.
$ spack install dyninst ^intel-tbb
Load boost, intel-tbb and dyninst using spack. This step is responsible to set the correct paths to include and library files.
$ spack load boost
$ spack load intel-tbb
$ spack load dyninst
Download dumpcfgs and build with make.
$ git clone https://github.com/rimsa/dumpcfgs
$ cd dumpcfgs
$ make
By default, dumpcfgs extracts the CFGs using th CFGgrind format - thus, no extra options are required for this case.
$ ./dumpcfgs /bin/sleep > sleep.cfgs
For DOT output, use the "-p dot" option.
$ ./dumpcfgs -p dot /bin/sleep > sleep.dots
Note that this output contains all the CFGs in a single file. For a dump of a specific CFG, use its address after the program in the command line arguments:
$ ./dumpcfgs -p dot /bin/sleep 0x401540 > cfg-0x401540.dot
Afterwards, you can generate the control flow graph using the graphviz tool dot as a PNG (as exemplified below) or as a PDF (using -Tpdf instead) for improved resolution.
$ dot -Tpng -o cfg-0x401540.png cfg-0x401540.dot
If the module program is not available when loading dyninst, install environment-modules. It may require a logout and a login to a new terminal for this program to be available.
$ spack load dyninst
modules: command not found
$ sudo apt-get install environment-modules
If the program outputs a message to set variable DYNINSTAPI_RT_LIB, search for it in dyninst's spack library and update this variable accordingly.
$ ./dumpcfgs /bin/sleep
--SERIOUS-- #101: Environment variable DYNINSTAPI_RT_LIB has not been defined
$ export DYNINSTAPI_RT_LIB=$(find $(spack location -i dyninst) -name 'libdyninstAPI_RT.so')