A skeleton secure banking system (SBS) with limited functional, performance, and security requirements for secure banking transactions and user account management. Details about this project:
- Course: CSE 545 Software Security
- Semester: Spring 2020, MCS
- Team size: 8
- Major contributors: 4
, django
, EC2
- Install python: if you are using mac and have brew installed, run:
brew install python
- Install pip.
- You may want to set up a python virtual environment to prevent globally installed modules interacting. Python venv
- Install python modules: run
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Ensure you have mysql environment setup on your system.
- Once mysql setup is done, create a local connection with default settings for now.
- Create a schema ss_project. If you want a different name, add that name in settings.py.
- To create the tables in the database, go inside the banking_system directory (where manage.py is located). Then run
python manage.py check
. - If everything is fine, you won't see any errors. Run
python manage.py makemigrations
now. - If the above step is successful, run
python manage.py migrate
. - You should now be able to see the table inside the ss_project schema.
- Run
python manage.py runserver
- To register a new user go to: http://localhost:8000/accounts/register.
- To login go to: http://localhost:8000/accounts/login. (You might not be able to login immediately because the accounts are not active unless an admin makes them active). To make them active, follow the below steps.
- Django provides an admin panel for super users.
- To create a super user stop the server and then run:
python manage.py createsuperuser
. Enter all the details (All the fields are manadatory right now.) - Go to: http://localhost:8000/admin and login with your credentials.
- Make the account active from the admin panel.
- Restart the server:
python manage.py runserver
- You should now be able to login.
- The application now has a OTP functionality. To see the OTP sent, you can either go to the terminal where your local server is running or go to admin panel and check it in the User Login heading.