A simple Android library is made on Remoteview to show GIFs/videos/animations inside notifications.
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file
gradle maven sbt leiningen Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.rishab247:GifRemoteView:$ReleaseTag'
- Android device Must be on Android 7.1+ (API level 24).
- The project must have support for glide 4.11 to decode GIF files.
- The size of individual GIFs should not exceed 1MB otherwise it will throw an OutOfMemoryError Try to keep it under 100 KBs for better results.
Declare a ViewFlipper inside your view hierarchy to show GIFs/Videos/Animations. Make sure autoStart is set to true otherwise Gif won't play
<ViewFlipper android:id="@+id/frame_flipper" android:layout_width="80dp" android:layout_height="80dp" android:autoStart="true" />
When Animation is needed in Notification RemoteView use GifRemoteview
gifRemoteView = GifRemoteView( applicationContext.packageName, R.layout.notify_12, applicationContext, limitRemoteViewSize = true )
Call addGif() to add gifs in remote view.
gifRemoteView.addGif(R.id.frame_flipper, gifDataInBytes)
Must Call publishGifs() for Post Processing.
- GifRemoteView Constructor Gives additional argument limitRemoteViewSize which is set to true by default limiting the max size of remoteview to 2000000 bytes. Because some OEMS limit the size of the remoteview allowed in the system tray but if your device is lower than Android 13 or has OEMs that allow default remoteview size then the size of remoteview can be increased to 5000000 bytes by the limitRemoteViewSize to false.
- setMaxRemoteViewSize() function provides functionality to increase remoteview size beyond 5000000 bytes for the device below Android 12 but it takes a significant toll on performance and is not recommended.
- addGif() Gives developer control over the max size a gif can take and help in further optimization of quality.
- addGif() Gives developer control of how a Gif should be optimized using the gifOptimisationStrategy variable. There are three different types of optimization available which is applicable when a gif remoteview is consuming more memory than Allowed.
- OPTIMISE_LENGTH:- This will decrease the quality of frames to fit all the frames into remoteview.
- OPTIMISE_QUALITY:- This will decrease the number of frames to maintain the quality of all the remaining frames into remoteview.
- AUTOMATIC:- This will use a combination of OPTIMISE_LENGTH and OPTIMISE_QUALITY in different proportions to achieve the best result so this is set as default.