This app is a SNS that allows you to share past stamps within your organization.
- Java OpenJDK 11
- Spring Boot 2
- MySQL 8.0
If you want to run on Windows, you can use gradlew.bat
instead of of gradlew
$ ./gradlew bootJar
When build successful, you can find .jar file in app/build/libs
First, you need to launch mysql with docker-compose
$ docker-compose up -d
Then you can launch application.
Default port is 8080
. If you want to change port, run with -Dserver.port=XXXX
# 1. run .jar file
$ java -jar timestamp-<version>.jar #<environment>
# 2. run on dev environment
$ ./gradlew bootRun
# 1. all tests
$ ./gradlew test
# 2. only unit tests
$ ./gradlew unitTest
# 3. only integration tests
$ ./gradlew integrationTest
This project support Swagger UI.
- Run application
- Access to Swagger UI