React Transform of the render method for log output
First, install the Babel plugin:
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-react-transform
Then, install the transform:
npm install --save-dev react-transform-log-render
Now edit your .babelrc to include extra.babel-plugin-react-transform
{ "stage": 0, "env": { "development": { "plugins": ["react-transform"], "extra": { "react-transform": { "transforms": [{ "transform": "react-transform-log-render", }, …] } } } } }
Add path to config module
{ "stage": 0, "env": { "development": { "plugins": ["react-transform"], "extra": { "react-transform": { "transforms": [{ "transform": "react-transform-log-render", "imports": ["./src/react-transform-log-render-options"] }, …] } } } } }
Config example
export default { exclude: ['Root', 'App'], include: ['TaskItem', 'Header', 'TaskCreate'], };
You can be used the option include or exclude separately
in brackets the number of updates
- ESLint — .eslintrc